Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What Your Face Wrinkles say about Osteoporosis

I was just reading the findings of an initial study from the Yale School of Medicine which found a direct correlation between the depth of the wrinkles on the faces of women and their measured bone density. 

According to the preliminary study, if you're a woman in her 40's or early 50's and your last period was at least 3 years ago, and if you have noticeable facial lines and forehead lines, you may be at risk for low bone density and should either have it tested or you should be taking a whole food mineral supplement.
Of course, you all know that it's my opinion that all of us, women, men and children, should be on a whole food, organic calcium/magnesium/potassium supplement. If you aren't, why not?
Also, we should be getting at least 400 IU's of Vitamin D3 a day, according to the latest guidelines. I believe that we need more than that, but that amount is sufficient for children and those without osteoporosis or osteopenia who are exposed to 20 minutes of sunshine a day.
If your lab D3 levels are below 55-60, according to Dr. Andrew Weil, you need a "real" D supplement.  By that I mean not one created in the lab.
Dr. Esther

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

One Woman's Goof is Another's "Creative" Recipe

I had the bright idea to make Salmon cakes (you know, crab cakes without the crab) today and it turned into something else.  Here's what I did and what I created out of the mistake.

In my Food Processor, I put a couple of tablespoons of cilantro and the same amount of red onion and processed this for about 30 seconds, scraping down the bowl, a couple of times.  Then, I added 2 cans of sockeye Salmon (wild caught, only) and about 1/3 of a cup of my homemade mayonnaise (recipe in an earlier blog).  I believe that is where I went wrong...too much mayonnaise for Salmon cakes, but the perfect amount for my new recipe.

Along with: 1/3 tsp. pink salt
                    1/4-1/2 tsp. garlic powder
                    1/2-1 tsp. onion powder
                    1/2 tsp. paprika
                    1/4 tsp. chipolte powder
                    juice of 1 lime

I processed all of this for about 2 minutes, stopping a couple of times to scrape the bowl.  Once I looked at the mixture, it resembled a mousse or dip!  No amount of bread crumbs would turn this into Salmon cakes!

So, there you have it.  Add some bloomed gelatin, put the mixture into a greased mold, chill for 4-6 hours and voile! mousse.  I don't have any molds, so I'm going to serve this (minus the gelatin) as a dip with lots of seasonal fresh vegies and my GF parmigana biscuits....recipe on my website: www.fixdhealthcare.com.

Dr. Esther

Monday, June 27, 2016

Look Out! Aspartame is Coming Back

The problems with artificial sweeteners have been well documented...whether it be splenda, xylitol, aspartame or others.  The neurological damage that can be caused by the breakdown of aspartame into methenol (wood alcohol) have been reported as one cause of "Desert Storm" Syndrome reported by countless military members who fought in that war.

In light of that, Pepsi has decided to bring back the use of this artificial sweetener because many had complained that they didn't like the taste of the  sweetener substitute chosen to replace aspartame.

"The sweetener had been linked to cancer in lab mice and industry executives blamed the decline in sales on concerns people have about aspartame. The removal of the sweetener tested the theory that it was to blame for fleeing customers. But, the move seems to have been a misstep, with consumers dissatisfied over the change in flavor without the sweetener.

The company will start selling the new Diet Pepsi Classic Sweetener Blend this fall, which will contain aspartame in its formula. Meanwhile, Pepsi MAX will be re-introduced to U.S. consumers as Pepsi Zero Sugar and will still contain aspartame."

If you are looking for a healthy alternative to sugar in your drinks, please go to my April 11, 2013 blog that thoroughly explains the dangers of artificial sweeteners and the benefits of using natural sweeteners.

Dr. Esther

Friday, June 24, 2016

Recovering From Joint Surgery

Surgery, of any kind, is very hard on the body. Minor surgery with a local anesthetic is the easiest for the body to recovery from, biochemically.  General anesthesia can cause side effects for up to a year, including problems with cognition, muscle strength, the GI system and the immune system, not to mention problems associated with the surgery, itself, especially if it involves the musculoskeletal system.

Joint surgery is especially hard on the body.  Joint injury always involves other areas of the body.  For example, torn ACLs.  All the supporting tissue surrounding the involved knee (or any other injured joint) as well as the low back and opposite knee are all involved.  Repairing the ACL is only the first step.  I'm sure many of you know someone who has had knee surgery...it's usually a long road back to full recovery, if that even happens.

Age really doesn't matter more than the speed with which someone recovers from surgery.  The person still will have problems with leg and low back pain if those areas aren't balanced.  Whether it be young athletes or middle-aged women and men (insurance usually won't pay for older adults with this problem), we have seen orthopedic massage therapy help speed people into recovery very quickly in comparison to those I know personally who have not had such therapy.  The difference is quite remarkable. And, those who have taken the proper formulations along with the therapy have been quite amazed at their speed and quality of recovery.

Dr. Thomas

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Are You Dehydrated or, What color is your Pee?

This summer is starting out exceptionally hot, especially in the Southwest. However, dehydration can creep up on you, quickly anywhere you live.  It's important to understand that it can even kill you.  Young children and the elderly are particularly susceptible. Extreme heat kills more people than hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and lightening combined each year.

The rule of thumb is to drink at least two liters a day to stay hydrated. Do NOT wait until you feel thirsty. And avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks because they cause you to lose more body fluid.

Here are the subtle signs that you are dehydrated:

 Color of Urine: When your hydration status is good, your urine will be clear to light yellow. The darker the urine, the more dehydrated you are. Drink up when your pee is darker than usual.

The "pinch" test: When your body's cells become depleted of water, the skin loses tension. Test the elasticity of your skin by pinching the back of your hand and hold it for a few seconds. Let go and if the little "tent" stays pinched and takes more than 5 seconds to go back to normal, it's usually a sign of moderate dehydration.

Bad breath: Bad breath should make you think about dehydration during a heat wave. If you don't drink enough water, and you're losing water through sweating, your body can't make enough saliva, meaning your mouth is dry and bacteria grow easily.

Sitting in front of a fan: New evidence has shown that when temperatures rise above 95 F, an electric fan might actually make you even hotter, by blowing hot air on you, making you unable to sweat.
And not being able to sweat puts you at greater risk of dehydration and even heat exhaustion.

To stay adequately hydrated, the rule is that you need to always drink one-half of your body weight in ounces of water.

Dr. Esther

Monday, June 20, 2016

Do You Need a "Kick Start" aka, Are You Taking OTCs, Regularly?

Many people who feel tired all the time might be surprised to learn that this and other symptoms are caused by their body's unhealthy inflammatory response.

Inflammation is a healthy response when the body sends signals to address challenges.  However, inflammation can become the enemy if it's causing the body to overreact to stressors and creating a continuous feed-back loop, i.e. excessive inflammatory response.

In trying to alleviate the symptoms of systemic inflammation, people frequently end up taking over the counter NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, alleve, tylenol, etc.) on a fairly regular basis.  Anyone taking these products over a period of time may set their body up to develop ulcers, liver problems, rebound inflammation and even cardiovascular problems.  Self-diagnosing and self-prescribing might be a relatively quick and easy way to manage one's symptoms, but frequently people are missing the underlying real cause of their problems.

To that end, Standard Process has developed a 10-Day Healthy Inflammation Response Program for people who are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

Aches and joint stiffness after exercise
Swelling after exercise
Dry skin
Bags under the eyes
Bloating or puffiness
Water retention
Generalized muscle and/or joint pain*

If any of the above symptoms pertain to you, we can help.

Dr. Esther & Dr. Thomas
fixdhealthcare.com, corehealing360.com

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

AMA Votes to Lobby Congress to Allow Independent Gun Research

No matter where one stands on the "right to bear arms," (and that's a misrepresentation of the actual wording of the Second Amendment), I doubt many of us approve of innocent children and adults being gunned down by what I call, "weapons of mass destruction."

So far, the NRA has not allowed any studies by the CDC as to the toll that gun violence is taking on this country. I find that outrageous in light of the following statistic:

"With approximately 30,000 men, women and children dying each year at the barrel of a gun in elementary schools, movie theaters, workplaces, houses of worship and on live television, the United States faces a public health crisis of gun violence," AMA President Dr. Steven Stack said in a statement.

We are rapidly approaching an equivalent number of people killed each year by gun violence as by car accidents.  Does anyone else find that repulsive/disgusting/unacceptable?  The government recalls massive amounts of GM vehicles because a handful of people have died from faulty ignitions, but it's okay with our representatives (and, for that matter, us) that tens of thousands die that needn't because we appear to love weapons more than lives.

"Even as America faces a crisis unrivaled in any other developed country, the Congress prohibits the CDC from conducting the very research that would help us understand the problems associated with gun violence and determine how to reduce the high rate of firearm-related deaths and injuries," Stack said.
"An epidemiological analysis of gun violence is vital so physicians and other health providers, law enforcement and society at large may be able to prevent injury, death and other harms to society resulting from firearms," he added.

I read an article today in which the family of the man who invented the AR-15 that the NRA calls, "America's gun,"  states  that Eugene Stoner didn't even own the gun, himself, and intended its use for the military, only. "The ex-Marine and "avid sportsman, hunter and skeet shooter" never used his invention for sport. He also never kept it around the house for personal defense."

We are in a public health crisis, the likes of which that no other Western country
experiences.  Can we at least agree that none of us wishes to be put in a position of imminent death from another person who just wants to kill somebody?  It's time to call out the NRA and all the politicians too intimidated by their "buying power" to stand up for us to allow this research to proceed.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation on Children

This is a third blog in my series about the importance of sleep and the possible terrible ramifications of too little sleep.  Even though this doesn't appear to be a particularly popular subject (very few people have been interested in this, so far), I think that the proper amount and quality of sleep lies at the foundation of the health of this nation.

At least 25 percent of 12-year-olds get less than the recommended nine hours of sleep per night and there is increasing evidence that this impacts learning and memory," said Dr. Stuart F. Chan of Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, who helped write the new American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) guidelines.

The new recommendations, online now on the AASM website and scheduled for publication in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, "use a more rigorous evaluation of the scientific literature than was used previously," Chan told Reuters Health by email. "The range of recommended hours of sleep for each age grouping is wider than before," but the guideline still stresses that children and teenagers "need substantial amounts of sleep."
For optimal health, children and teens should get the following hours of sleep (per 24 hours) on a regular basis:
  • Infants four months to one year of age: 12-16 hours, including naps;
  • Children one to two years old: 11-14 hours, including naps;
  • Children three to five years old: 10-13 hours, including naps;
  • Children six to 12 years old: 9-12 hours;
  • Teenagers 13-18 years old: 8-10 hours.
The following statement concerns me the most:

"Insomnia, which affects up to one in four adolescents and one in three preschoolers, is associated with "poor school performance, increased mood and health problems and risk of self-harm and suicidal ideation," said Chan. It's also associated with increased risk of developing a new medical problem and starting the use of a new psychiatric medication."

Perhaps now, we might have one answer to the question as to why so many of our children have hyperactive syndrome, have cognitive deficits and have been put on so many behavior-modifying and psychotrophic drugs!

Please, pass this information along to anyone you know who is parenting children.  Also, know that there is help for children (and adults) with sleep deprivation problems...Dr. Thomas and I have helped many with sleep issues.

Dr. Esther & Dr. Thomas
fixdhealthcare.com, corehealing360.com

Monday, June 13, 2016

Are You Still Tired After a Full Night's Sleep?

Study after study have shown that we are a sleep-deprived nation.  Very few of us get 7-9 hours of sleep a night.  Even fewer of us awaken refreshed and ready to face whatever the day holds in store for us.  We literally spend billions of dollars a year as a nation on both OTC and prescription sleep aids--and, still we are exhausted.  Why?

There are different types of sleep interruption:  the inability to fall asleep, the inability to stay asleep, the inability to get back to sleep after awakening during the night and awakening from a full night's sleep, tired or exhausted.

The causes for sleep interruption are varied and many:  stress at home and at work, emotional stress from family responsibilities, poor diet, poor bedtime environment (TV and electronic devices in the bedroom), poor time management (getting to bed too late or at different times) and the like.  However, I have found that those who awaken unrefreshed and tired do so for none of the above-mentioned reasons.

The "restless" sleep that causes morning exhaustion, in my experience with patients suffering with this, is as a result of physiological imbalances and not a cause in and of itself.  While there are formulations that help with every type of sleep problem, these are not very effective in alleviating the poor quality of sleep sufferer.

I'm working with a middle-aged woman right now who used to suffer from sleep exhaustion for years.  After identifying the physiological sources of the imbalances, I can happily say that she reports having "excellent" sleep every night and that she awakens "refreshed" every morning.  Did her work/home stress levels decrease?  Did her extended family responsibilities change?  Did she  change her bedtime environment or schedule?  The answer to all the above is, "No." 

Anyone suffering from lack of energy or exhaustion in the morning? Would you like to feel "normal" and energetic, again?   I'm here to help.

Dr. Esther

Friday, June 10, 2016

So, You Think You Don't Need Much Sleep....

Many have told me that they simply don't need very many hours of sleep a night and downplay the studies that contradict that belief.  Now, a small study published in the journal, Hypertension, and conducted at the University of Chicago sleep lab, indicates serious problems for shift workers and those who get no more than 5 hours of sleep a night.

Twenty-six healthy young adults (definitely not representative of the majority of this country) were assigned one week of shortened sleep.  Half slept during normal nighttime hours and half slept during the day, representing shift workers routine. The following were measured: blood pressure, norepinephrine levels (stress hormone), heart rate during the day and heart rate variability (the variability of beat-to-beat intervals which is an indicator for cardiovascular disease).

The result?  Everyone showed an increased heart rate during the day, increased amounts of norepinephrine and less heart rate variability at night.  The most significant concern was changes seen in slow-wave sleep, normally the most restorative phase of sleep...both groups heart rate and blood pressure didn't decrease.  And, this was after only one week!

Think about both teenagers and young adults who typically get very little sleep.  These types of physiological changes can very well lead to depression, anxiety, obesity, heart disease and cognitive problems. 

There are many things that can be done to improve sleep:
changing of the sleep environment, better time management, an understanding of the consequences of sleep deprivation and very safe and effective sleep formulations.

I can help with whole food, organic sleep formulations...they really do work!

Dr. Esther

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Dieting vs. Healthy Lifestyle

I have written on this topic before, referencing the best book (imo) on this subject: Health at Every Size by Jane Bacon, Ph.D.  However, now "traditional" medical research has finally caught up with the truth that there is no evidence that weight loss alone improves health!

The medical profession's (and the pharmaceutical industry's) unrelenting drum beating about losing weight takes zero consideration of the type, quality and source of food that the dieter is consuming.  We've all been barraged by numerous weight loss fad diets, pills and food delivery systems, daily.  We've been told that if you have diabetes, weight loss is central to avoiding heart disease.  Well, it appears that both studies by AHEAD ( Action for Health in Diabetes) and the results of a 19-year study in Denmark have come to the same conclusion:  Weight loss had no effect on deaths among diabetic patients. 

Dieting is about the only recommendation by doctors for diabetics (not to mention the questionable medications for Type 2 diabetes when healthy lifestyle usually reverses the diabetes) because they are short-term successful even though long-term weak and frequently damaging (due to the affects of yo-yo dieting).  People frequently become healthier, in the beginning, when dieting, usually because they improve their lifestyle (exercising, eating more nutrient-dense foods and cutting out the junk foods), but the focus of the doctors and patients is on dieting and not lifestyle. 

Research has shown time and time again that our lifestyle habits are much more important than weight loss.  Unfortunately, because the focus is weight loss instead of life-changing habits, people tire of "willpower-centered" deprivation eating, regain most of the weight (if not more) and go back to their old eating and lifestyle habits. Thus the "I've-tried-every-diet-and-they-don't-work-for-me," merry-go-round continues.

What truly matters is a combination of daily exercise (walking is terrific), drinking lots of water (no sugary or sugar-substitute drinks), cutting out smoking, getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night and eating fresh, in-season vegetables and fruits, good fats (coconut, avocado, sunflower, olive oils) and high-quality proteins (no fast foods).

Did you know that deaths from obesity account for 2-3% of deaths in the U.S. but low fitness is estimated to be responsible for 16-17% of deaths?  Smoking, high blood pressure, low income and loneliness are better predictors of early death than obesity, when considered individually.

Get up, get out and start moving;  stop eating the "great American diet" and you'll live a stronger and healthier life.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Another "Study" about the Dangers of Cell Phones

Another study just published by the government shows a possible association between cell phone usage and cancer.  It's a weak study and completely misses the point.

The real science that is being ignored is not whether cell phone usage causes cancer, but how it affects human cells. I have written about the problems of "sympathetic lock" that cell phone radiation causes.  That is the true danger, not whether or not we can give a bunch of rats cancer.  Because this concept is so important for us to understand, I am re-posting a blog I wrote about this subject from last year.  It's a bit technical, but vital to our understanding as to how emfr's (electromagnetic field radiation) affect us on a daily basis.

" Basically, emfr is a low frequency magnetic radiation that is generated, constantly and continuously, by microwave and cellular technology. In nature, there are many electromagnetic fields that have no adverse affects on our bodies. That is because natural fields are either temporally constant (same frequency) or spatially constant (same shape), but never both.

 Man-made signals, by necessity for communication, are both temporally and spatially constant. These constant signals, with prolonged exposure, can cause the protein vibratory receptors located on our cell membranes to resonate (vibrate). 

All cells vibrate. The colors we see are the result of vibration just as all sounds are the result of vibrations. When any force interrupts, damages or changes these physical vibrations, our body considers itself to be under attack.

We have mechanisms that can address an attack that the body recognizes, but no mechanisms to address foreign attacks. Therein lies the problem at the core level of our cells: they do not recognize the man-made emfr signals and are unable to develop any protection for this. As is the case with all man-made signals, our cells react by going into what is called, “sympathetic lock,” in order to try to protect the cell from this perceived invasion. Sympathetic lock prevents the cell from taking in nutrition and releasing toxins. Cells will die if this sympathetic lock is not reversed.

This cell membrane reaction triggers a cascade of events that can then manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms and diseases, starting with compromising the immune system. If the exposure is prolonged, the stress-response system (our adrenals) becomes exhausted and the competency of the immune system declines to below normal. As a result, animals and humans are more susceptible to cancer and infectious diseases and conditions related to immune system compromise."
Dr. Esther

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Misdiagnosed 80% of the Time!

What condition could possibly be misdiagnosed 80% of the time??  Celiac Disease.  That's correct: the vast majority of doctors don't even think to test for the presence of this debilitating condition.

One possible reason for this is that Celiac presents with so many different symptoms--from gas, bloating and belly pain to generalized significant joint pain, rashes, headaches, insomnia and depression.

I've written extensively about how important healthy microbiota are to the health of the immune system.  Celiac disease involves the destruction of these bacteria that can then lead to other auto-immune diseases.

One sure-fire way to see how your body reacts to gluten in wheat, rye and barley is to cut out all foods containing these grains for at least 10 days. Keep a journal to see how many of your symptoms have abated.  You may be surprised at the results.

Many in the various media, perhaps parroting the medical profession, refer to the gluten-free diet as a "fad."  I don't know what purpose that has served except to discourage people from cutting these grains from their diet to see if that's effective in alleviating their symptoms.

Gluten, in my opinion, is not our friend; it usually causes inflammation of the gut and that's never a good thing.  We have so many wonderful GF products at our disposal, today.  And, that's always a good thing.

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Recipe of the Month

This recipe comes to you courtesy of Standard Process.  It's high in antioxidants, nutrient-dense greens and anti-inflammatories as well as being very tasty.  The extra instructions come courtesy of me.

Spring Greens with Raspberries Salad


4 cups mixed greens (preferably organic)
1 cup raspberries
1/4 cup red onion or shallots, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped cucumber, chopped
1-2 Tbsp. raw pumpkin or sunflower seeds


4 Tbsp. lime juice
4 Tbsp. avocado, sunflower, coconut or olive oil
2 tsp. jalapeno pepper, finely chopped with seeds removed (keep seeds if you like it hot)
1/4 tsp. cumin


In a medium bowl, toss together greens, raspberries, onion, cucumber and seeds.  Use a blender or food processor to blend all ingredients, thoroughly.

Top the greens mixture with the dressing and carefully drizzle the dressing around the outside of the mixture.  That way, you don't get too much dressing in the greens.  Add more dressing to your individual portion, if desired.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What One Question do Medical Doctors Not ask Their Patients?

Normally, when one goes to the medical doctor it's for a specific problem (or maybe even a yearly physical).  The nurse will take your vitals, ask you what the problem is and take a small history.  By the time you actually see the doctor (or more probably, the PA) he/she may ask you a couple of follow-up questions, write you a prescription and, then, off you go.

If you have a doctor whom you have known a long time, you may be asked about your family or job or other such personal questions, but, I'm willing to bet you that you were never asked the following question:  "What are your health goals?"

Let's let that percolate a moment.  Truly, if you think about it, isn't that question foundational to your quality and quantity of life? Yet, as far as my experience is concerned, the only group of health care professionals that ask that question is the alternative/wholistic group.

When I see a patient/client, that is the very first question that I ask.  I may say, "How can I help you?" or, "What are five things that most concern you about your health?" but we always end up talking about personal health goals.  I spend about one and one-half to two hours with each new patient.  Perhaps, I'm a little slow, or perhaps, it's because by the time people get to me they feel marginalized by the care they have gotten from the medical profession, but I cannot do a complete history/exam/work-up/analysis/health plan in less than that.  My goal is to help re-balance the body, not to focus on any one specific diagnosis, and that takes time.

Setting goals is the first thing a financial manager will have you consider, but not your medical doctor. Think about it: we set goals for our education, our career, characteristics we want in a spouse/significant other, our wedding and so on, but not our health.  Does that make sense?

My suggestion?  Get with a health care provider that you can partner with who will help direct you toward those goals that will result in a longer, drug-free, healthier life.

Dr. Esther

Friday, May 13, 2016

Tinted Car Windows Offer Little Protection Against Skin Cancer

Car windows don't protect against harmful sun exposure, so it might be a good idea to wear sunglasses and sun block even while driving, a new study suggests.

While windshields blocked the vast majority of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, car door windows offered varying levels of protection from the rays that are tied to cataracts and skin aging.

"Some cars were as low as 50 percent blockage," said researcher Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler of the Boxer Wachler Vision Institute in Beverly Hill, California.
"Even cars that came with factory tint, there was no guarantee that would protect against UV rays," he told Reuters Health.

While windshields offer 95-98% UV protection, side windows do not. Because drivers in the U.S. have their left side exposed to sunlight, UV rays have been blamed for the increased number of cataracts and skin cancers that occur on the left side, Boxer Wachler writes in JAMA Ophthalmology.  And, there appears to be no correlation between the cost of the car and its UV-A protection for side windows.

Wearing UV-A and UV-B protective sunglasses as well as sunblock is recommended for anyone traveling in their car for extended periods of time, as well as for anyone predisposed to skin cancer or eye problems.  Also, adding clear UV filters to the side windows is another recommendation.

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

How to Improve Your Quality of Sleep

According to the CDC, one-third of Americans do not get even 7 hours of sleep a night, let alone the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep.  And, even if you are able to sleep through the night, which most adults do, the foods we eat, the bedroom environment and our general lifestyle habits prevent us from getting  high quality sleep.

These are the four recommendations from sleep researchers at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine:

"1.  Turn down the thermostat
Sixty-five degrees is the optimal temperature for sleeping, according to the National Sleep Foundation. That’s because, throughout the day, your circadian clock alters your body temperature right along with your energy levels. And when your clock says it’s time for bed, you experience a rapid decrease in your core body temperature, says Zee. In fact, from the beginning to middle of the night, your temperature drops about 3 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing you to enter the deepest stages of sleep. Keeping your room cool (you don’t necessarily have to go as low as 65 if it feels too cold for comfort) facilitates this process, while temperatures higher than the low- to mid-70s are known to impede the brain’s ability to switch to sleep mode.

2. Exercise as early in the day as you can
Research suggests that regular exercise improves sleep quality and duration. And while the effects are generally seen sooner in people with sub-clinical sleep problems, after four months of regular exercise, a gym membership can prove as (or even more) beneficial than most sleep medications even for those with serious cases of insomnia.

3. Skip the nightcap
By acting on your brain’s GABA receptors, that glass of wine may help you fall asleep. But, unlike sleep meds, which also work on GABA, alcohol targets sub-receptors that are more related to sedation than actually sleepiness, Zee says. So even though alcohol may help you fall asleep, it won’t help you stay asleep. In a 2015 study, researchers from the University of Melbourne found that alcohol increases the sleeping brain’s alpha wave patterns—which typically only occur when people are awake—to seriously disrupt sleep. In fact, they said the sleep disruptions are similar to those experienced when receiving small electric shocks throughout the night.

4. Nix even the occasional cigarette
While we hope you know smoking isn’t a healthy activity, most women would be surprised to hear that it affects your sleep patterns—and for the worse. While nicotine in itself is a stimulant, potentially triggering insomnia and mid-slumber awakenings, people who currently smoke are also 2.5 times more likely to suffer from sleep apnea."

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

MD's Still Overprescribing Antibiotics despite Warnings by CDC

Have you gone to the MD for any of the following problems and been given antibiotics?

    " acute respiratory conditions, such as sinus infections, middle ear infections, sore throats, colds, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, asthma, allergies, influenza, and viral pneumonia."

If so, you have been given among the estimated 47 million completely unnecessary and potentially damaging antibiotic prescriptions  for viral infections.  And, unfortunately, the age group that gets the majority of these is 2 years and under....leading to the demise of the native intestinal flora.  (See my 5/2 blog about the importance of those microbiota).

For the past several years, the CDC and other health officials have been actively warning medical doctors to stop prescribing antibiotics for problems caused by viruses or fungi.  It appears, the MD's have chosen not to listen.

Every time someone uses an antibiotic,  bacteria in their body begins to evolve a resistance to it. It's impossible to wipe out every single bacterium in the body, so those that survive are stronger, and can not only re-infect the patient, but can be passed to others.  Which, of course, means that the antibiotic won't be as effective the next time or the next.

This is a direct quote from the CDC:   'And people wipe out "good" germs in their digestive tracts and on their bodies every time they use antibiotics. It's the loss of these beneficial bacteria that helps Clostridium difficile thrive. C. diff infects 450,000 Americans a year and killed 29,000 in 2011.'

There are a number of highly effective methods to combat viral infections.

Dr. Esther

Friday, April 29, 2016

Microbiota Rule our Bodies, Whether we Like it or Not

Did you know that our gastrointestinal tract contains over 40,000 different species of microbes and the large intestine, alone contains some 10,000,000,000,000 bacteria?  That's about 4-5 pounds worth of microbes!

Our bodies contain more bacteria than human cells. So, I think that the function of  microbes would be something that we should all understand.  We have both native and acquired bacteria.  The acquired come from fruits, vegetables, water and probiotics and are transient.  They contribute little to our immune system.

Our native flora, the foundation of our immune systems, are passed from mother to child, unless that child is born via C-Section.  Then, the child's gut contains mostly bacteria found on the skin, not in the bowel, and the problems begin.

Without the proper amount and quality of microbiota: 
1.  our immune systems will be compromised
2.  our bodies cannot exist in homeostasis
3.  we cannot properly utilize minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron
4.  we are prone to blood sugar imbalances
5.  we cannot produce sufficient bile (why our gall bladders go bad, sometimes) 6.  the pH of the colon is imbalanced
7.  we cannot resist the invasion of pathogens (sickness-causing microbes)
8.  we cannot produce neurotransmitters (chemicals that keep our bodies functioning properly)
9.  we become susceptible to cardiovascular and brain dysfunction
10. our small intestines become overgrown with "bad" bacteria...causing bloating, gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain and constipation and...
11. we may end up with IBS, auto-immune disease, erosive esophagitis, depression and so very much more.

What is the single most significant cause of the destruction of our native flora?  If you don't know, I'll be happy to tell you.

Dr. Esther

Monday, April 25, 2016

Art can Open the World to Autistic People

I have been reading about how expression through various art media can be extremely helpful to those with various types of autism.  Often, those with autism cannot communicate either through speech or writing.  Research is now being conducted about effective alternative forms of communication, specifically through drawing or painting.

Even children who show no particular interest in art, once introduced to painting, are able to show how they feel about themselves, those around them and the outside world. Emotions are often difficult for the autistic to express.

The use of art to help people with autism express themselves has gained momentum in recent years, and produced some notable success stories.  One such story revolves around a young man named Jeremy, who is unable to verbally communicate.  He was introduced to painting, and now, has an art exhibition which opened this month in San Diego.

Jeremy uses colors to express how he feels and sees a person.  Each color represents an emotion that he attributes to the person with whom he interacts.  According to him, the outside world, once closed,  has now opened.

Temple Grandin, a professor at Colorado State University who is autistic, says that art has helped lead her to, "a very interesting career."  She encourages parents to introduce autistic children to art and other non-verbal forms of expression.    She states:  "I encourage all parents to take the skills a child is good at and develop them. Kids with autism have uneven skills. They are good at one subject and bad at another. Areas of skill are often art, math or music."

Dr. Esther

Friday, April 22, 2016

Allergies to Red Meat are on the Rise

Over the past five years, I've noticed an increase in the number of patients whom I have found to be highly sensitive to beef.  When I first started practice, I never saw this.  Now, there appears to be a reason for this increase, at least among the population in the southeastern and middle Atlantic states...ticks.  Specifically, the "Lone Star Tick."  It makes sense as this pest, once confined to the southwest, is now spreading out its territory.

Some people have become so sensitized as to simply touching red meat (including lamb, pork and venison) becomes life-threatening.  A carbohydrate found in red meat known as alpha-gal, is seen as a foreign invader to those who are sensitive and the body responds with an antigen-antibody reaction...full-blown allergic symptoms.

However, many don't respond so violently, but show such symptoms as:  hives; swollen lips, eyes, tongue and throat; respiratory issues; vomiting; diarrhea; increased heart rate and low blood pressure.  And, to complicate things further, symptoms typically don't appear until hours after eating red meat, unlike other anaphylatic reactions which are virtually immediate.

My suggestion is if you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms hours or even a day after eating red meat, you cut out eating it for one week.  Then, try red meat, again.  If you develop symptoms, the meat is the culprit.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Women are at Risk in the E.R.

Whether the health profession wants to admit it or not, diagnosis and even care are frequently ruled by bias...against women.  This bias appears to be ingrained in medical care and, for the most part, probably unintentional.

Most E.R. standards are tailored to men.  For decades, women were excluded from research studies partly because scientists didn't want to endanger either a pregnancy or the reproductive ability of women during testing for new drugs.  Or, so says Marianne Legato, MD, director of the Foundation for Gender Specific Medicine in NYC.  It wasn't until the establishment of The NIH's Office of Women's Health that scientists began to include women in their studies in 1990.  I wonder if that's because the 'don't-want-to-expose-women-to-drugs' excuse was just that, an excuse.

Here's what women need to protect themselves against and advocate for:

1.  Not being taken seriously for heart attack symptoms that differ from men's (women usually complain of nausea, back pain and "not feeling right")
2.  The, "It's only stress," off-handed remarks by doctors when women are showing signs of stroke (women waited some 15% longer for brain scans than men even when showing the same signs)
3.  Being taken seriously when complaining of pain (The, "Oh, it's not that bad," reaction of doctors because we women are "emotional") Research shows women get less pain medication than men.

Women need to be their own advocates.  Bring another person along to doctor's visits, if necessary.  Ask if this particular treatment works well for women.  Trust yourself and your own instincts, especially if you think you are being ignored.  Insist on another opinion...the more arrogant the attitude of the doctor, the more you need a second opinion.

Dr. Esther

Friday, April 15, 2016

Mars Food's Latest "Plan" for Your "Health"

Mars Food plans to label some of its Dolmio pasta sauces, macaroni cheese and other products as fit for consumption only once a week due to high levels of salt, sugar or fat.

The scheme is part of a larger initiative by the privately held U.S. food company to encourage healthier eating at a time when large food multinationals, or Big Food, are coming under increasing pressure from public health advocates and regulators struggling to fight a growing obesity epidemic.

The plan, however, does not extend to Mars' chocolate or sweets businesses, whose brands include M&M's, Snickers and Starburst.

Products that are particularly high in salt, sugar or fat, including Dolmio lasagna meal kits and lasagna sauces, will come with a label advising "occasional" consumption, meaning once a week. However, the company said most of its products in the UK would still be for consumption every day. It did not give details for other countries but plans to introduce the labeling in all markets where those products are sold.

Wow.  This company is bordering on the philanthropic, isn't it?  Hardly. This is simply the latest way that a company producing empty-calorie packaged "food"  is attempting to stem the tide of government regulation.  Seriously, whom do they think they're kidding?

The Mars Food products contribute to the most significant epidemic of our time: obesity in the very young.  The CDC now estimates obesity-related conditions are responsible for a full 20% of deaths in this country. BMI levels are soaring in the southern states...the average mortality age in West Virginia is 65.

For the first time in history, the primary cause of death isn't starvation, it's an overabundance of zero-quality food!

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Do You Really Need that Aspirin You're Taking?

There are no hard and fast figures as to how many people are taking an aspirin a day that their doctor prescribed as a method to prevent heart attacks.  According to recent research, at least 10% of people taking this drug don't need it. 

Even the FDA has stated:  "All that aspirin does if your heart attack risk is really low is cause you harm," said Dr. Steven Nissen, who served on an FDA advisory panel that recommended against widespread use of aspirin for primary prevention and chairs the department of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

Interesting, isn't it? In fact, the research shows that aspirin is helpful for those with pre-disposing factors for heart attack and stroke ONLY in the 50's age group.

"People in their 50s with risk factors for cardiovascular disease - including high blood pressure, high cholesterol or a history of smoking - may benefit from starting a daily aspirin for at least a decade, according to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), a government-backed panel of independent physicians." 

However, this advice doesn't apply to people in their 60's, according to the Task Force study, because of the increased bleeding risk associated with increased age.  Also, this advice has not been studied for those under 50 years of age and over 70.

I find the following statement the most troubling:

"Patients can buy aspirin without a prescription, and doctors are also free to put people on medicines for purposes that aren't approved by the FDA."

And they call those who are interested in helping people prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes, "quacks." 

Dr. Esther

Monday, April 11, 2016

What Your Face is Saying About You

Let's face it, women spend billions of dollars every year on cosmetics and other products to look their best.  What many of us don't realize is that our face reveals much about how our body is actually functioning, no matter how much make-up or skin care product we use.  Let's look at some of the ore important indicators.

The face warns of upcoming issues, sometimes years in advance of their arrival.  This is a good thing if one knows what these indicators mean.

Coloring of the face is a very important harbinger of things to come.  Most people know about yellow skin and its connection to jaundice.  However, excessive sweets and sugar can also cause orange or yellow skin.  Pale or white, transparent cheeks show a weakness in the endocrine system, stomach, lungs, inactive liver or anemia. Red blotches or blood vessels showing through at the temples or cheeks may indicate weakness in the cardiovascular system.

Deep facial lines are indicators of various organ dysfunction, according to their location. Any of you watching "Blue Bloods," can see this example in the face of one of the actors.  And, no, those lines aren't there just because of age.

Acne is often thought to be a normal part of adolescence.  While it's typical, it's definitely not normal.  Acne is merely a symptom of toxicity in the bowel, causing excessive impurities in the blood as well as a particular vitamin deficiency  that is accentuated by the rapid growth and hormonal changes due to adolescence.

Black moles between the nose and lips are markers for high levels of acid and toxins in the body.  If those moles become darker, this indicates a possible risk for a specific serious disease.

These are only some of the things we can tell about a person through visual inspection.  The chin, ears, eyes  and lips all can tell stories of their own.

Dr. Esther

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Medical Profession Finally Catches up to the Real "Skinny" on Low Fat Recommendations

For years you’ve been told to go for skim over full-fat dairy. Even the latest dietary guidelines for Americans urge people to avoid the full fat, and following this lead, school lunch programs provide only low-fat milk and no whole milk at all, even though they do allow chocolate skim milk with its added sugars. But large population studies that look at possible links between full-fat dairy consumption, weight and disease risk are starting to call that advice into question. And some research suggests people who consume full-fat dairy weigh less and are less likely to develop diabetes, too.

MORE: Why Full-Fat Dairy May Be Healthier Than Low-Fat
In a new study published in the journal Circulation, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and his colleagues analyzed the blood of 3,333 adults enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study of Health Professionals Follow-up Study taken over about 15 years. They found that people who had higher levels of three different byproducts of full-fat dairy had, on average, a 46% lower risk of getting diabetes during the study period than those with lower levels. “I think these findings together with those from other studies do call for a change in the policy of recommending only low-fat dairy products,” says Mozaffarian. “There is no prospective human evidence that people who eat low-fat dairy do better than people who eat whole-fat dairy.”

Interesting, isn't it?  My advice to patients for the past 28 years has been and continues to be to eat healthy fats, especially with vegetables...the body cannot fully assimilate vegetable nutrients without fat.  Fat in dairy (if you are going to eat dairy) is essential for the body to utilize calcium...so much for drinking skim milk (my father used to call that, "Grade D Whitewash." We also know that eating medium chain triglycerides (Coconut fat) is thermogenic and helps reduce fat in the body.  It's about time that the medical profession finally catches up!

Dr. Esther

What the Tongue "Tells" About You

The most important and richest source of visual diagnostic information is the tongue.  Entire books have been written about it.

The surface of the tongue is divided into areas that correspond to the organs.  Changes to a specific area indicates the presence of diabetes.  Heart, lungs, stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, urinary bladder and large intestine health can all be evaluated from changes to the corresponding areas.

The colors of the tongue body and coating also contribute to the clinical picture.  Excessive redness, paleness, purple and blue-tinged colorations are all significant indicators to their corresponding organs.

Other indicators such as consistency and shape, puffiness, teeth marks along the edges, coating colors and abnormal movements of the tongue all give the informed clinician volumes of information about the health of the body.

One interesting thing to look for in people is the licking of the lips.  Notice that many times when someone has engaged in strenuous exercise, they repeatedly run their tongue over their lips.  What does that mean?  They are dehydrated.

What's so important about reading the tongue is that the changes can be taking place before the onset of actual dysfunction, allowing for a correction and return of balance to the body.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Chronic Pain and Depression

I don't know if any of you have noticed what seems to be an explosion of anti-depression medication media ads relentlessly blasting at us.  I always mute television advertisements, but notice the up tick, nevertheless.

In many cases, depression is an effect, rather than a cause.  The effect is often the result of chronic back pain or other types of chronic pain.   Depression is a serious condition, and nothing to be ashamed of. It has been reported that as many as 50% of people with chronic pain are depressed. So, if you are depressed, you are far from being alone.

The signs and symptoms of depression can manifest themselves differently in each person, but tiredness, sleep disruption, changes in eating habits, listlessness, and feelings of hopelessness are all quite common. Notably, depression can then contribute back directly to chronic back and neck pain, as ongoing aches and pains are a very common symptom of depression. So, we see this can be a vicious circle and one that medications often cannot break.

In fact, we appear to have a serious problem with pain medication addiction in this country.  So serious, in fact, that the White House has hosted a symposium on this topic, recently.

There are alternatives to addictive pain medications for chronic pain.  Dr. Kollars has helped many patients to avoid the horror of pain medication addiction through his specialized and highly effective harmonic resonance therapy that targets the causes of chronic pain.

Dr. Esther

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Feds Finally put Limits on Arsenic in Baby Food

My first thought was, "Why in the world did this take so many years?" and my second thought was, "Isn't that wonderful...we've finally decided to agree as to how much poison-by-arsenic in baby food is acceptable."  Based upon what information have we concluded there to be a "safe" amount of poison in baby food?

For decades, Consumer's Union has been pushing the FDA to officially limit the arsenic levels in rice cereal as that appears to be the food of choice of many mothers of infants for their first "real" food.  I'm guessing that pediatricians all push rice cereal, so, without bothering to do any research, mothers simply do what they are told.   

What's an acceptable amount of poison for our precious babies?  100 parts per billion.  How did they arrive at that amount?  Great question, to which I have found no answer. 
     "The proposed limit is a prudent and achievable step to reduce exposure to arsenic among infants." said Susan Mayne, Ph.D., director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

I also particularly like this quote from the FDA:
    " In 2016, FDA completed an analysis of evidence linking relatively high levels of inorganic arsenic during pregnancy with adverse pregnancy outcomes."

Adverse pregnancy outcomes?  Political speak for, "Arsenic can destroy your baby's health and cognition."

We could do away with all the poisonous heavy metals: arsenic, selenium, lead, mercury, etc. if we truly wanted to....it's just that we really don't want to because it would cost a whole load of money.  What's the alternative?  Honestly, no matter what one decides to do...breast feed, avoid rice cereal, make one's own baby food... were never going to fully escape exposing our children or ourselves to all chemical poisons. 

The only thing we can do is to limit the exposure by the choices we make:  purifying our drinking water, eating only organically grown foods, using only non-toxic cleaners and laundry soaps, personal products and cosmetics, using in-home air filtration and hoping for the best.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Unconventional Diagnosis Techniques

In addition to the various conventional methods of diagnosing a patient's problems, we choose to incorporate the underutilized and highly accurate approach to diagnosis:  letting the body tell us what's wrong.

I've often told patients that the body is very chatty; one only needs to know how to listen in order to pick up the hidden signals of dysfunction.  Here are a few of the ways that the body tells us its problems:

1.  Nails  (finger and toe)

Most people are familiar with mineral deficiencies that are connected with brittle nails.  My guess is that there is less understanding about nail appearance. Spoon-shape, horizontal or vertical ridges, white spots or bands on nails or nail beds,  yellow or darkened nail beds or soft, easily peeling or tearing nails and opaque white lines all are indicators of different endocrine or organ dysfunctions.

Another even less well known indicator of meridian imbalances is the development of a hang nail or breakage of one or more specific nails as a constant occurrence. That is not just a mineral deficiency; it points directly to the early indication of a specific organ weakness that, if left unchecked, will eventually lead to more dire problems.

2.  Skin

As our largest organ, the skin shows what's going on, revealing our body's deepest, darkest secrets.  Dry, scaly and/or itchy areas indicate either one or more hormone imbalances or lack of certain fatty acids in the diet.  Moles or small red "freckles" on the face usually correspond to meridian organ deficiencies.  Vertical lines on the upper and lower lips each correspond to an area of intestinal imbalance.  Discoloration of the face indicates energy imbalances.  Frequently, as we age, we develop tiny red raised or flat discolorations all over our body.  These don't just "pop up" because we age.  They usually develop along specific meridians, again, indicating energy imbalances that need to be addressed or there will be problems, later on.

3.  Tongue

The tongue is an excellent indicator of impending dysfunction. Vertical or horizontal lines, discolorations, geographic tongue and deep crevasses all are very useful diagnostic indicators. 

I have had occasion to see most of the above-mentioned indicators in patients over the years.  I can say that, once correctly addressed, the nails will heal, the skin will change (even including the disappearance of spots/moles/freckles) and the tongue will revert back to looking healthy, again.  The body not only is chatty, but it really, really wants to live in balance within all of its systems.  It just needs a little help.

Dr. Esther

Monday, March 28, 2016

Lifestyle Choices Can Seriously Affect Your Health

Part of my assessment of new patients includes a toxicity screen to enable both of us to see how the body is reacting to internal and external toxins.  Many people do not realize how their choices directly impact their health and how simple changes can reverse even the most significant and chronic of symptoms. Once we identify the offending products/chemical exposure, we are able to restore wellness to the patient.  Let's take a look at what small changes may result in large rewards.

1.  Cleaning products

Take a look at the label of the products you use on a daily basis.  Frequently, the chemicals used are either petroleum based or highly toxic when used over a long period of time.  America's Test Kitchen tested many of the popular, conventional cleaning products and found the best one is, "The Method."  It's a completely natural, non-toxic, all-purpose cleaner that is both cost-effective and a germicide.  You can make your own cleansers, but as that can get a bit messy and time-consuming, I'm not including that method.  Remember, anything that you get on your skin is absorbed and circulates in the blood...affecting the entire body.  As much as possible, switch your cleaning products to the natural, organic brands.

2.  Laundry Soap and Fabric Softener

This is another group of products that causes a lot of chemical toxicity.  Borax (a brand that has been around forever) along with a natural soap (Costco has some excellent brands for a very reasonable cost) cleanses effectively and safely.  Fabric softeners, including those used in the dryer are full of chemicals that are stored in our fat and accumulate over time.

A fantastic way to soften clothes is to use pure lamb's wool.  HSN offers lamb's wool balls that you simply put into the dryer with the wet clothes.  We have some pure lamb's wool that had been made into small blankets that we cut up and use in the dryer. It works beautifully and lasts for years.  Your clothes won't have any smell to them, but will be very soft.  Remember, clean shouldn't smell!

3.  Personal care products and cosmetics

This is the category that contains the greatest exposure to harmful chemicals because women use make-up, hair conditioner/shampoo/coloring/sprays and gels on a daily basis.  Remember, all these chemicals are circulating in your bloodstream as you read this, if you aren't using organic products.  My favorite companies are "100 percent pure" "Just Natural" and "Naturtint."  Aveda carries many wonderful hair colors that are around 96% harmful chemical-free, if you don't want to color your own hair.  Change just one product at a time, if you can't change every personal product at once. 

4.  Water purifiers

Since we need to drink half of our body weight in ounces of water, daily, we really need a high quality water purifier on our cold water faucet at the kitchen sink, at the very least.  There are many very good ones out there.  Do a little research to get the one that best fits your needs and budget.  Please, don't just buy bottled water in plastic...plastics contain estrogen-mimicking chemicals that have been wrecking havoc on our reproductive hormones for a couple of generations.

5.  Food

I know many believe that buying organic foods is just too expensive.  Changing from a conventional to an organic diet all at once can be very hard on the budget.  So, my suggestion is to start with the most important part of our diet, first...vegetables and fruit.  Buying organic produce saves us from ingesting more harmful chemicals than I could list.  Washing fruit and vegetables is of no real help in ridding them of these chemicals, especially when it comes to those with seeds.  The food is sprayed at the seed stage and the produce develops with the poison in it. " One small change at a time"....say it with me.

In my next blog, I'm going to tell you about unconventional markers that the body develops that indicate possible imbalances and/or toxicity before any symptoms appear.  The body always signals us when there is a developing imbalance; the problem is that most doctors/practitioners are not trained how to identify these indicators.

Dr. Esther

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Exercise May Keep Your Brain Young

A study out of the University of Miami, connected with the larger Northern Manhattan study, shows that moderate to heavy exercise can delay the cognitive aging of the brain, including delaying the onset of Alzheimer's.

People who participated in speed walking, running, raquetball, aerobics and similar high-intensity exercise were shown to have higher baseline scores and slower cognitive decline in comparison to those who were less active.

Unfortunately, strolling, golf, bowling and yoga showed no cognitive benefits for the older members of the population.  Our daughter would heartily agree with the idea that golf is of no physical benefit.  She maintains that it's an activity, not a sport.  However, the way my husband used to play...speed golf, where he ran between every shot.... that type of golf might be reconsidered as "significant exercise," by some.

This study, in my opinion, helps illustrate the idea that lifestyle choices can truly add up when it comes to the condition of your health.  I'll elaborate more on that in my next blog.

Dr. Esther

Monday, March 7, 2016

Feed Peanuts to Your Baby to Help Avoid Future Nut Allergies

The following is an excerpt from the latest study about nut allergies in children.

"A bold and controversial experiment that showed feeding peanuts to babies and young children could protect them from developing allergies later has shown long-term effects, doctors reported Friday. The children were largely protected a year after stopping peanuts.

After avoiding peanuts for a year, just 5 percent of the children who were given peanuts as babies developed a peanut allergy, the researchers report in the New England Journal of Medicine. That compares to nearly 19 percent of children who didn't get peanuts as infants.

The findings reinforce guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics and other groups, which recommend giving children small amounts of peanuts to help avert allergies. For children at high risk because of a family history of allergies, or because they have eczema or other allergies, this should only be done under a doctor's supervision.

'This study offers reassurance that eating peanut-containing foods as part of a normal diet--with occasional periods of time without peanut--will be a safe practice for most children following successful tolerance therapy,'  said Dr. Gerald Nepom of the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason in Seattle.
'The immune system appears to remember and sustain its tolerant state, even without continuous regular exposure to peanuts,'  added Nepom, who also heads the Immune Tolerance Network, a research group sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Esther

Monday, February 29, 2016

A couple of Suggestions About the Cookie Mix

I've been playing around with the Pamela's chocolate chip cookie mix.  It's very good, but I always like to see if I can improve on any prepared mixes.

The directions say to add one large egg and, if need be, add 1-2 tablespoons of water if the mixture is too dry.  I have found it to be too dry, so this time I added 2 medium sized eggs and didn't need the extra water.  Now, what that does is to yield a softer cookie on the inside while allowing the crispy outside to remain.  For me, that's the perfect chocolate chip cookie.

The next time, I'm going to try adding peanut butter instead of the one stick of butter that the recipe calls for.  The addition of the macadamia nuts makes for a really tasty cookie.  One thing; my husband likes the nuts put on the top of the cookies so that they get a little roasted while baking.  Yum.  You could also try doing the same with walnuts or pecans, if your preference is for those nuts.

Dr. Esther

Friday, February 26, 2016

How Effective is this year's Flu Vaccine?

According to the CDC, this year's flu vaccine is the most effective in years...almost 59%.  Wow, has something changed to offer these results?  Not really.  The reason the vaccine is "so effective" (but, ineffective for over 40% of those vaccinated) is that the formula is very close to this year's virus strain.  In years past, that wasn't the case.

Here's what the statistics bear out.  If you decide to get the vaccination, you'll have a 60/40 chance of not getting the flu...or, a 40/60 chance of getting it.  If you keep your immune system strong and healthy, what do you suppose the odds would be of not getting the flu? 

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

So, You Think Drinking Diet Soda will Help You Lose Weight?

The beverage industry has been inundating us for years with the idea that drinking diet soda will help us to lose weight because it doesn't contain sugar. Smart consumers know that all chemical sugar substitutes...aspartame, sucralose, xylitol.... may cause many unintended health consequences.  Now, we have some interesting research that is giving the soda industry some much needed heartburn.

Susie Swithers, a behavioral scientist at Purdue University, has published a study in, "Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism," that indicates that people who drink diet sodas are more likely to overeat, gain weight and show more health problems than those who drink regular soda.  They are also twice as likely to develop metabolic syndrome, a precursor to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It appears that the sugar substitutes are counterproductive to both the weight loss and "better" health results claimed by the beverage industry.

Interestingly enough, for those who just have to have their soda fix, Coke has begun production on a stevia-sweetened version.  How interesting that they are trying to offer a "healthier" version of their diet soda.  Now, that's an oxymoron if I've ever heard of one!  There just is no good reason to drink soda. And, now, we have additional proof that diet soda will not help people to lose weight.

Dr. Esther

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Most Important Item in Your Medicine Cabinet

What would that item be?  Silver water colloidal silver.  Why?  Because colloidal silver is the strongest, safest broad-spectrum germ killer known to man. It's non-toxic, non-addictive and offers no side effects.  The body builds no tolerance for colloidal silver and it's virtually impossible to overdose on it.  The single most important factor is the purity of the silver.  It absolutely must be 100% pure silver, or it will have impurities that can, indeed, cause problems.

It works by basic chemistry.  Silver is a positive ion and, as such, it attracts the negatively charged particles found within all viruses, fungi, bacteria and free radicals.  Once bound by the silver, these pathogens are suffocated because their oxygen metabolism enzymes are disabled.  The silver particles then release the offending entities and they are cleared from the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems.

We have used colloidal silver both internally and externally.  It is a fantastic mouthwash because it actually does kill oral bacteria, viruses and fungi without causing susceptibility to mouth and tongue cancer (see May 20, 2013 blog).  It can be used on burns, rashes, acne, cuts and even warts. For topical use, soak a clean cotton ball and apply it to the affected area for 10 minutes...you'll be amazed at the results.  Colloidal silver is very effective for Sitz baths, too.

Be especially careful as to the source of the colloidal silver.  If any of you are interested, you can contact me for recommendations.

Dr. Esther

Friday, February 19, 2016

A Really Good Cookie Mix

As most of you know, I normally bake from scratch.  I do use Pamela's Baking Mix as a gluten free flour base for my cakes, brownies and cookies, but that's normally as far as it goes.  However, I decided to take a leap and try a chocolate chip cookie baking mix the other day.

I have to confess that I'm somewhat of a chocolate chip cookie snob.  I'm very particular about them as they are my all-time favorite cookie.  They need to be a bit crispy (not hard) on the outside, a bit soft on the inside and full of chocolate chips and chocolate flavor, preferably dark chocolate.  That's a rather tall order and since I must admit failure on my own as well as an extreme dislike for any of the purchased varieties, it was with little expectation that I tried the mix.

I am announcing that I have found the perfect mix: Pamela's Chocolate Chip Cookie mix.   Who knew?  I only added a bit of cinnamon and unsalted macadamia nuts to the mixture and, whodathunkit, but victory!  My husband ate 4 of them, he liked them so much.  So, for those of you looking for a GF chocolate chip cookie that is very, very tasty...this one's it.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sad Results for theTraditionalTreatment of Auto-Immune Dysfunction

I was surprised to hear about the death of Glenn Fry, leader of the musical group The Eagles, at almost 68.  I know that seems old to those of you around 40 and younger, but it truly is young.  Look at Betty White...going strong at 94 and Cloris Leachman is close behind at 90!  What killed him...cancer, heart attack, drug overdose?  No.

Glenn died from pneumonia. What's even worse is that the pneumonia was the direct result of side effects to the pulmonary system caused by Humira.  This is not something I'm making up; it was the stated official cause of death (including the direct connection to the medication).  Glenn had RA or rheumatoid arthritis, one of the many, many autoimmune dysfunctions plaguing us in ever-increasing numbers.  Look up the possible side effects of long-term Humira usage or that of other autoimmune drugs...death is one of them.

It makes me so very, very sad to see how popular this drug is and how devastating it's side effects can be.  What other choice did he and millions of people have other than drugs for autoimmune dysfunction? Instead of taking the, "let's-destroy-that-pesky-immune-system-with-drugs" approach, I recommend the, "let's nutritionally support and balance the immune system" approach. This doesn't connect any claims of "curing, treating or diagnosing" to the dysfunction, but rather to complexly balance the body, nutritionally.

It's always a good choice to try the non-lethal approach, first, don't you think?

Dr. Esther


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Good News concerning Dementia

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine performed at Boston College of Medicine shows some interesting results concerning dementia.  Both vascular dementia and Alzheimer's dementia were studied.

As far back as 1948, researchers began following some 5,000 people who had signed up for the Framingham Heart Study, specifically targeting memory and dementia.  Additionally, many children of the original research participants were added in 1971 and their memory was tested beginning in 1975.

They found that on average, the incidence of dementia has been decreasing about 20% per decade and the incidence of vascular dementia has been decreasing about 29% per decade.  These numbers did not hold true for Alzheimer's. The researchers also looked at the numbers in terms of ethnicity.  In general, the incidence of vascular dementia is highest in African-Americans (27 cases per 1,000) and lowest in Asian Americans (15 cases per 1,000).  The incidence among Whites is 19 per 1,000.  African-Americans have a 65% higher incidence of vascular dementia than Asian Americans.

Detailed parameters of everyday life were followed and recorded over the years.  The results showed that education levels (above high school), diet, exercise, social interaction and smoking all are contributing factors.  Not only that, but it appears that ceasing smoking, adding high quality fruits and vegetables to the diet, exercising regularly and challenging the brain by continuously learning new things can lead to a reversal or even avoidance of vascular dementia. Again, these lifestyle changes don't appear to significantly affect either the onset or progression of Alzheimer's.

It appears that very simple changes can yield some spectacular results! 

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bipolar Disorder Affects More than Once Thought

The other day, I was listening to a psychologist connected with Johns Hopkins University speaking about studies concerning bipolar disorder.  She, along with other scientists, including neurologists, has been studying the long-term brain effects of multiple episodes of this disorder.

Since the technological development of detailed brain scans, most changes in brain function can now be mapped non-invasively and with great accuracy. The findings concerning bipolar disorder are immediately crucial:  With each episode, the brain, when subjected to both the manic and depressive cycles, is irreversibly affected.  This is a relatively new discovery, at least for me. We can see that someone suffering from this disorder needs immediate and consistent therapy to avoid repetitive cycles and further deterioration of the brain. Pharmacological, psychological and nutritional intervention should all be considered.

Some of our most creative people, from Poe to Tennessee Williams, Van Gogh and Cole Porter and artists, writers and musicians in between have all been thought to have struggled with the disorder.  Probably as a result of that, it has been thought that when a creative person controlled the disorder, his or her creativity diminished.  On the contrary, present-day studies show that once the disorder is properly treated, it allows the creative portion of the brain to function in a more productive, thoughtful and considered way.

Dr. Esther

Saturday, February 6, 2016

CDC Issues New Guidelines Concerning Zika Virus

For the first time, a person from the U.S. who traveled to Venezuela has infected his sexual partner with the Zika virus.  It isn't known how long the virus can live in sperm, so the CDC is studying that, right now.

The guidelines state that anyone who is pregnant and having sexual contact with a person who has traveled to areas known to be associated with this virus should have that partner use a condom.

Specifically, the following is the alert just released by the CDC:

"Men with a pregnant sex partner who reside in or have traveled to an area of active Zika virus transmission and their pregnant sex partners should consistently and correctly use condoms during sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) or abstain from sexual activity for the duration of the pregnancy," the CDC said in its latest advisory on Zika.
"Our priority here is to prevent a pregnant woman from becoming infected with Zika," CDC chief Dr. Tom Frieden told reporters.
"The bottom line for most people in the U.S. is that pregnant women should postpone travel to Zika-affected areas. Our new guidance is that pregnant women should use condoms during sex or abstain if their partner has traveled to an area where Zika has been spreading."

Zika has recently been identified in saliva, too.  This doesn't necessarily mean that it can be transmitted via kissing or sneezing (or other methods), but salivary transmission is presently being studied by the CDC.

Dr. Esther

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Incredible Brownie Recipe made Even Better

I have changed one ingredient in the recipe below, that I published in  December.  Since we love the taste of chocolate and peanut butter together, I thought, "Why not put some in the batter?" So, for those of you who like that idea, decrease the amount of butter to one-half a stick and add 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup of peanut butter.  We like the chunky, but it'll work just as well with the smooth.  The result is the brownie is a bit "shorter" but that makes it even better, for us.  Enjoy!

If you use a good non-stick pan, you need do nothing in the way of preparing it.  If you use a regular 8 x 8 baking pan, then, grease and flour the pan, then cut two strips of parchment paper wide and long enough to stick up the sides by about 3 inches, placing the paper at 90 degree angles to one another and grease the parchment paper, again.

Set the oven temperature to 325 F.


6 ounces of dark chocolate (minimum, 70%)  I use Divine or Chirardelli, 72%
1 stick of butter
1 tsp. ground coffee
3 eggs, room temperature and lightly beaten
1 tsp. real vanilla extract
3/4 cup of GF flour (I like Pamela's)
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/4 cup of coconut palm sugar (this makes for low glycemic index brownies)
3/4 cup of chopped walnuts


Melt the chocolate, butter and coffee in a medium-sized bowl. Set aside to cool a bit, and then whisk the eggs, vanilla and sugar into the mixture.

In a small bowl, mix together the flour, salt and cocoa powder. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet, then add in the nuts.  Pour the mixture into either a 10 inch non-stick pan or 8 x 8 prepared baking pan.

Place on the middle rack of the oven and bake for 30 minutes.  Do not over bake this recipe.  It's meant to be moist when you remove it from the oven as the eggs will keep cooking for a bit.  Cool completely before removing from the pan.

Two things to remember:  the quality and taste of the brownies depends upon the quality of the ingredients, especially the chocolate, and these taste so much better when they are cooled.  If someone just can't wait to try them, they will crumble if eaten warm.  The recipe is easy and simple; the taste is complex and incredible!  Happy Holidays.

Dr. Esther

Monday, February 1, 2016

Thermography: Is this Test a Good Alternative to Mammograms?

Over the weekend, the topic of using thermography testing as a viable and reliable alternative to breast cancer screening via mammograms was raised.  Here is my response: "No, not yet."

If you research the topic of thermography breast cancer screening, you'll see lots and lots of claims about the safety of thermography and the dangers of mammography.  As one who prefers to rely on facts and good scientific research, I can tell you that any research that the "thermography people" claim as proof of their position is shaky to nonexistent.  My father used to like to tell me that in life, you'll find that, "Figures don't lie, but liars figure."  I'm sorry to say, that this is the case when it comes to thermography.  Let's do a little fact finding.

1.  Thermography proponents say that it is approved by the FDA for use in breast cancer screening.  That is partially true.  It is FDA approved in conjunction with mammograms, only.

2.  Thermographic studies result in many false positives and is highly non-specific.  The reason for this is that temperature changes follow blood flow and angiogenesis (development of blood vessels). There are many conditions that can result in increased blood flow to the breasts, including hormonal changes, pregnancy, fibroids, fatty tumors and the like.

3.  There have been no long term randomized clinical trials as to the efficacy of thermography.  This is really important as it will show whether or not thermography could become a viable alternative to mammograms.  We simply do not know that right now and a woman's life is nothing to trifle with.

4.  The only situation that I could think of that might warrant a women getting a thermography screening as her only choice would be for those under the age of 45.  Recently, the age guidelines were changed for recommendations for a woman's first mammogram.  That also means that insurance wouldn't pay for the test for the younger woman unless she tested positive for the breast cancer gene or she had a family history of the disease.  Then, if the thermography was positive, she could go to her doctor with the results and hopefully get her insurance to pay for further testing.

Please, don't be swayed by marketing and hype.  Thermography should never be used as the only method for breast cancer screening unless and until it has been conclusively shown to be as accurate as present day methods.

Dr. Esther

Should We be Concerned About Zika Virus?

I originally wasn't going to write a blog on this topic.  However, after listening to the hyperbole of horror stories covered by the television news medium, I couldn't remain on the sidelines.

Zika and dengue are strains of the same virus.  This is important to note because dengue has been around for decades and no large outbreaks of this virus have ever been recorded in this country.  The two strains of virus are transmitted by the same vector....the pesky mosquito. This pest is found in very warm climates...South America, Central America and the Caribbean....not in the U.S.

Here are the facts:
1.  Science does not know if the Zika virus causes birth defects; it has identified an association.  That means that there is research going on to determine if there is an actual cause and effect between the Zika virus-carrying mosquito and birth defects.

2.  Pregnant women should not travel to those areas of the world know to be associated with this virus-carrying mosquito.  That's just common sense.

3.  There is no significant danger to the general population concerning this virus.  An estimated 80% of those infected didn't even know they had been exposed.  Those who are immuno-compromised always need to be vigilant.

4.  It is highly improbable (although possible) that there will be significant outbreaks of the Zika virus in this country.  Localized pockets of some infections are possible...mostly in the Gulf Coast states.

5.  In order for this virus to become of any concern, someone would need to be bitten by a Zika mosquito, return to the U.S., be bitten by a local mosquito, which would then carry the virus, bite another person and transmit the virus to that other person and so on.

6. There is no need for anyone to panic about this virus, especially in the northern states.  For pregnant women traveling to those above-mentioned countries, keeping your immune system healthy is the best deterrent to succumbing to this or any virus because, as of now, there is no Zika virus vaccine.

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Do You Know Anyone who has Lyme Disease?

According to those who specialize in identifying and treating Lyme's disease and all its components, this is one of the most under-reported conditions to the CDC that there is....estimates run from 5-10 times the amount of people suffering from this condition are not accurately diagnosed.  And those who are diagnosed are offered only antibiotics as the accepted treatment.

Many who have been treated with a course, or multiple courses, of antibiotics will attest to the fact that they are still suffering from such symptoms as systemic muscular pain, exhaustion, joint pain, anxiety/depression, digestive disorders and many other symptoms that can be related to other conditions but are, in fact, directly traceable to that original tick bite (s).  Part of the problem with correctly identifying the cause of such symptoms is the number of false negative lab results when testing for Lyme's.

I have been very fortunate in being able to help people who have been suffering from the results of having been bitten by Deer ticks, causing chronic Lyme Syndrome.  One patient had been suffering for over twenty years with chronic joint pain, sleep deprivation, lethargy and cognition (memory) problems. She no longer has any of these symptoms, after going through her personalized Lyme protocol.  Others who have come to me presenting with Lyme Syndrome symptoms have had similar results.

I have found that no matter how long someone has been dealing with this condition, when given the correct formulations and patient compliance, the body can and does heal....very good news, indeed.

Dr. Esther

Monday, January 25, 2016

Cranberry Supplements and UTI's

In a recent study, researchers conducted a clinical trial to evaluate the affects of cranberry capsule supplementation on UTI risk in residents of long-term care facilities. Nine-hundred and twenty-eight long-term care facility residents with an average age of 84 years-old were included. The participants were randomly assigned to receive a cranberry or placebo capsule twice daily for 12 months. The incidence of UTI, defined either clinically or strictly, was used as the main outcome measure.

Of the study participants, 412 of the residents were at low risk for UTI, while 516 were at high risk. The researchers found that the high risk participants receiving cranberry supplements had a significantly lower risk of developing a clinically defined UTI than those receiving placebo. The incidence of clinically defined UTI was 26% lower for high risk participants taking cranberry when compared to placebo. These effects were lacking when applying the strict UTI definition, and for those at low risk of UTI.

It would be a very good idea for more studies to be done across the age spectrum.  No matter what the age of the patient, all of the women who have had UTI symptoms have benefited from drinking plain cranberry juice, although one needs to be careful to use a straw because of the possibility of causing acid erosion of the enamel on the teeth.

For those who fight frequent UTIs, this is an indication of an acid/base imbalance in the blood, resulting in an imbalance in the urological system.  This is a more serious problem that should be addressed, etiologically, not simply symptomatically.

Caljouw MAA, Van den Hout WB, Putter H, et al. Effectiveness of Cranberry Capsules to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections in Vulnerable Older Persons: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial in Long-Term Care Facilities. J Am Geriatr Soc 62:103-110, 2014.

Dr. Esther

Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Recipe for Savory Biscuits

The one thing that people tell me they miss on a GF diet is bread.  Pamela's makes a very good bread/dinner roll mix, but our favorite is biscuits.  I have developed a number of both sweet and savory recipes, but this one is worth the little extra time and ingredients.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F.


2 cups Pamela's baking mix
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. chipotle powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. pink salt
3 Tablespoons fresh herbs: parsley, cilantro (our favorite), tarragon or other herbs, chopped fine
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
6 Tbsp. cold butter
1/3-1/2 cups of cold coconut milk


Mix the first seven ingredients together in a large bowl.  Cut in, with pastry cutter or two knives, the cold butter until the consistency of coarse sand.  Stir in the cheese and then add the cold milk until the mixture just sticks together...neither too wet nor too dry.

I like to drop the mix onto parchment paper that is placed onto a large cookie sheet.  This mix makes 5 large or 7 small biscuits.  Your choice of size.  Bake for 18 minutes, exactly, for the larger biscuits, 16 minutes for the smaller sized ones.  Let cool for a few minutes on a cooling rack.  They are delightful warm, but not hot.

These biscuits retain their optimum taste for only a day, so enjoy with family or friends.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Thinning Hair/Going Bald: 30 Million Women's Problem

I was surprised to read that above statistic, at first.  Then, I thought about it and it does make sense when you understand the reason behind the number...an aging female population facing an aging endocrine system.

The endocrine system regulates all our hormones....pancreas, thyroid, adrenals and so on.  The most frequent cause of thinning hair in women is an imbalance in their thyroid hormones, despite what the laboratory tests might say and even despite the age of the woman.

Not long ago, a 40+ year old female came to me with the problem of losing hands full of hair every time she washed it.  She had gone to the endocrinologist with no success.  After all, her lab tests for T3, T4 uptake and TSH were all "within normal limits." (Those of you who are regular readers know my opinion about "normal" readings of laboratory panels).  After a nutritional workup, among the problems we found was an imbalance in her thyroid.  Once that was resolved, her hair stopped falling out within ONE hair washing and has looked lovely, ever since.

There are other reasons for thinning hair, but, as the above example illustrates, not all laboratory work can target the answer.  The body, however, knows exactly the reason for its imbalances; one only needs someone who knows how to listen to help.

Dr. Esther

Thursday, January 14, 2016

If you have IBD, You are at risk for....

....melanoma.   A study published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology has concluded that there is a direct correlation between those with IBD who are treated with thiopurines and the risk of contracting melanoma.

The analysis included 12 studies, of over 172,000 people conducted from 1940 to 2009.  A 37% increase in the risk of melanoma in those with IBD was noted.  That's a very significant number!  One has to wonder whether the medication used to "treat" this condition was a major culprit or if it is truly the inflammatory mechanism that affects the body's immune system via the gut....or both.

The prescription names of this group of drugs that inhibit the body's immune system are:  Imuran, Purinethol and Lanvis.  These drugs are used to treat IBD, IBS, Crohn's and other inflammatory conditions in the gut.

Those who are taking these medications need to be made aware of the very real possibility of contracting cancer.  There are significant and effective nutritional alternatives that can help support the body in healing the GI tract that do not put a person at risk for life-threatening consequences:

Re-establishing native intestinal microbiota through Dysbiosis Protocol
Food-based 21-Day Purification Protocol
Individualized Formulations for healing and re-balancing the Gut
Dietary modification diet

Dr. Esther

Monday, January 11, 2016

CBD & Cannabinoids, Another Way of Looking at Chronic Symptom Relief, Part 3

Pain relief is just one of the many benefits that we've discussed about CBD.  We are looking into selling these products, ourselves, because of the data that supports the role that cannabis/cannabinoids play in so many chronic problems but also because of trying to mitigate some of the costs for those in need.

These products come in various media...suspended in hemp oil (a less expensive alternative) and in the much more potent variety that contains up to 1200 mg. of CBD and its accompanying 100+ phyto-compounds per dose.  CBD is now legal in all 50 states and is soon slated to be designated as a dietary supplement. These supplements will contain zero THC.  In speaking with the distributing company, the reps tell me that we doctors will be able to distribute the high-potency CBD within the next few months.

I've been taking the 1 ml. dose CBD for the past few days.  Surprisingly, I've noticed a decrease in my knee pain, already.  I have many, many formulations at my fingertips, and I have to say that, so far, I'm very, very impressed with these products.

For those taking opioids and other addictive medications for pain, may I suggest a conversation with your medical doctor about non-addictive CBD formulations as a possible alternative?  Worth a try, isn't it?

Dr. Esther