Monday, June 27, 2016

Look Out! Aspartame is Coming Back

The problems with artificial sweeteners have been well documented...whether it be splenda, xylitol, aspartame or others.  The neurological damage that can be caused by the breakdown of aspartame into methenol (wood alcohol) have been reported as one cause of "Desert Storm" Syndrome reported by countless military members who fought in that war.

In light of that, Pepsi has decided to bring back the use of this artificial sweetener because many had complained that they didn't like the taste of the  sweetener substitute chosen to replace aspartame.

"The sweetener had been linked to cancer in lab mice and industry executives blamed the decline in sales on concerns people have about aspartame. The removal of the sweetener tested the theory that it was to blame for fleeing customers. But, the move seems to have been a misstep, with consumers dissatisfied over the change in flavor without the sweetener.

The company will start selling the new Diet Pepsi Classic Sweetener Blend this fall, which will contain aspartame in its formula. Meanwhile, Pepsi MAX will be re-introduced to U.S. consumers as Pepsi Zero Sugar and will still contain aspartame."

If you are looking for a healthy alternative to sugar in your drinks, please go to my April 11, 2013 blog that thoroughly explains the dangers of artificial sweeteners and the benefits of using natural sweeteners.

Dr. Esther

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