Friday, July 31, 2015

Trouble Losing Weight? Calories In vs. Calories Out Isn't the Whole Story Part 1

I'm going to present a three part blog about the subject of weight regulation and weight loss/gain.  There has been a plethora of research dedicated to this subject with little, until now, new information available to us.  Part one will involve a bit of physiological explanation of the subject; part two will center on the neurological rationale for this information; and, part three will highlight the different tools we have to use to address weight loss and health.

Imagine being excited to step on the scale...maybe for the first time in your life, especially since you've tried sooo many different weight loss approaches and have had sooo many failures.  You look and feel younger than you have for years.  You are able to get back into doing activities that you thought you'd never have the energy to do, again.

This scenario isn't a fairy tale, but one that is happening for people whose doctors are addressing the way food is digested and assimilated by modifying the everyday stress response.  The link between daily stress and digestive health has been overlooked for decades.  However, without this understanding, because of the affects of our modern lifestyle, we will miss out on being able to correct, strengthen and repair an "out of sync" digestive system.

The culprit is stress:  the stress we know in the 21st century has thrown a monkey wrench into the body's balancing mechanism.  The system-wide damaging effects of mental/emotional stress are not alleviated by exercise, as are the neurological/physiological effects of physical stress by strenuous activity.  Today's stress rarely requires a physical response and surrounds us from the time we awaken until the time we retire.  This puts into play a mechanism of emotionally-related hormone releases to the detriment of our entire endocrine system....especially the digestive system. 

I'll talk about the neurology of the autonomic nervous system and how it relates to our metabolic/digestion regulation in my next blog.

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Recipe to Help Keep Your Intestines Happy and a Smile on Your Face

One of the primary problems facing us today is digestive disorders: gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and indigestion.  A major factor for these problems is inflammation in the intestines.  For those who wish to keep their intestines clean and well balanced, I give you this recipe for Okra Stew:

1 1/4 pounds fresh okra, washed (cut into 2 inch pieces)
1 tsp. ground pepper
1 tsp. dried thyme
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. sea salt (I like the pink Himalayan salt)
1 Tbsp. olive, grape seed or coconut oil
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1/2 red, orange or yellow pepper, chopped with seeds removed
1 large onion, chopped
1 1/2 pounds of fresh tomatoes
1 cup organic vegetable or chicken stock
1- 2 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped (optional)  or 2-3 cups mushrooms, chopped (your favorite type of mushroom is fine, I recommend portobello)


Trim okra stems and cut crosswise into halves.
In small bowl, combine all condiments and mix well.

Over medium heat,  saute garlic, pepper and onions in oil until softened, about 5-7 minutes.  Suggestion: add minced garlic after the onions and peppers are almost done...this decreases the possibility of burning the garlic.

Add the okra, tomatoes, broth, spices and chicken or mushrooms.  Keep on medium heat for 20-25 minutes or until okra is tender.  Serve immediately.*

*I like to saute the mushrooms with the onions, peppers and garlic before adding them to the stew.

This recipe is among many that are part of the Standard Process 21-Day purification program cookbook, designed for use during purification and afterward as part of a healthier way of's over 150 pages of meal ideas!  This program, with the cookbook, can be ordered directly from me.

Dr. Esther

Monday, July 27, 2015

The 'Fountain of Youth' for the Brain Is.....

Three separate studies: the Wake Forest School of Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and the University of British Columbia, Canada...all have concluded that regular aerobic exercise reduces both the risk and progression of Alzheimer's and other types of dementia.  One researcher, Laura Baker, MD, went so far as to say that exercise could be a fountain of youth for the brain.

All the researchers agree that none of the present-day medications available to treat dementia offer any significant help.

"Exercise or regular physical activity might play a role in both protecting your brain from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, and also living better with the disease if you have it," added Maria Carrillo, chief science officer for the Alzheimer's Association.

"It's the first time that we can see that exercise can actually enable one to live better with this disease."

"Levels of tau, a protein associated with Alzheimer's, fell in those who exercised vigorously, Baker told the conference. Exercisers had better blood flow in the memory and processing centers of their brains and had measurable improvement in attention, planning, and organizing abilities referred to as executive function."

This is truly very important information for us all.  I encourage you to share this with others; our aging population needs to know.

Dr. Esther

Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Avoid Excessive Bathroom Visits & Bad News for Purchasing Health Insurance

I was reading an article which discussed ideas as to how to avoid making so many trips to the bathroom...mostly at night.  Many of their suggestions made sense:
don't smoke           don't drink 2 hours before bedtime          
decrease coffee consumption        perform Kegel exercises    
practice waiting until the first urge to urinate passes

However, one suggestion is of questionable value, in my opinion.  The author suggests that you drink 8 ounces of water all at once, instead of drinking smaller quantities throughout the day. 

If one drinks many ounces at one time, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is significantly diluted.  Not a great idea for those trying to avoid heartburn or attempting to digest protein after drinking.  Drinking large quantities can also affect the electrolyte balance, especially in those who are dealing with electrolyte problems.... those taking anti-edema meds are particularly susceptible.

The authors state that sipping throughout the day encourages one to urinate very frequently and drinking 8 ounces at once won't.  Interesting.  We encourage people to hydrate ( 4 ounces per half hour) throughout the day, especially in hot conditions.  Drinking large quantities of water at a time while one is sweating won't allow the body to hydrate itself continuously and that could be problematic.

The next bit of news is particularly bad for those hoping for more choices in their health care coverage.  Anthem has just bought Cigna and a few weeks ago also bought Humana.  So, now we have three huge health care conglomerates instead of five.  Can anyone say, "monopoly"?  Wow.

The only suggestion I have is for you, the consumer, to use your voice with your health care source and let your desires for alternative care be known. 

I'm going to give you a little insider tip about health care coverage.  Many people believe that if you have chiropractic care coverage that you are covered when you utilize this option.  Theoretically, you are.  In reality, Cigna and Humana (now Anthem) and United Health Care have so many limitations in place that it simply isn't worth the necessary volume of paperwork that is required to accept that health care coverage.  Limitations include number of visits for any one diagnosis, number of visits in a calendar year, clinical submissions for care that are frequently denied, fee limitations that make it more expensive to submit paperwork than the amount that is reimbursed and outright denial of any service by some faceless registered nurse employed by the insurance company.  Real health care doesn't exist for the insurance companies; in reality, they only pay for sickness care.

All the insurance companies limit what chiropractic services they'll pay for, usually only a simple adjustment--no physiotherapy, no neuromuscluar therapy, no soft tissue work, no myofascial therapy and zero for nutritional counseling or supplements. If any of those are important to you, you'll have to fight for them.  I wish you luck in trying.

Dr. Esther

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Best Insurance Money Can Buy

I've previously written about the necessity of having adequate medical coverage on your car insurance.  Some states (RI, for one) do not require medical benefits, necessitating litigation in order to recover the costs of medical treatment after an accident.

Since we have moved from RI into PA, we've had to change our car insurance.  Among our choices were medical coverage income loss benefits, funeral expense benefits and accidental death benefits.  The difference between the minimum coverage for all of these and the maximum was....a whopping $13.00 a Year!

If you choose the minimum medical payments benefits of $5K per accident, basically, you'll be paying for a ride to the hospital via ambulance, a few X-Rays (usually of no benefit) and the ER expenses.  You'll have virtually zero benefits left for medical or chiropractic (my recommendation, of course) therapy.  Our car insurance carrier offers $100K medical coverage per accident...imagine the  care...real could get for that amount.  We also decided to max out our income loss benefit and accidental death benefits...all for a total premium of $69.00 a year.

The majority of health care that people under 60-65 years old need is as the result of an accident and most of those are car accidents.  In my opinion, I'd rather have an insurance policy that would cover medical care for most accidents rather than be forced to litigate that coverage.  Truly, I encourage everyone to check into their car insurance premiums for these benefits.  You might just find them the best bang-for-the-buck insurance coverage you can possibly buy.

If anyone is interested in which car insurance company we have, send me an e-mail.

Dr. Esther

Monday, July 13, 2015

New FDA Warning: Taking Pain Killers can Kill YOU!

Many of you may have heard about the new warning from the FDA that there is a proven association between NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and the increased incidence of heart attacks.

This class of drugs is every anti-inflammatory except aspirin.  This is a very significant finding and one, I may say, that I have been warning patients about for a couple of decades.  No one likes to be in pain and it's a perfectly normal response to want to get rid of it as soon as possible.  The problem is that pain is our body's way of telling us something is WRONG.

Masking pain over the long run is the worst thing a person can do...for two major reasons.  One reason is that a significant problem is being ignored and that can only lead to further and more significant damage or tissue breakdown and the second reason is that the medications that are being used long-term not only do cause heart damage but more subtle damage that isn't always directly traceable to the use of the NSAIDs.

Some people are allergic to aspirin, but those that are not can fairly safely take enteric coated (stomach-protective) aspirin (check with your medical doctor about this) for the occasional minor ache or pain.  But, if you find yourself taking pain killers on a fairly regular basis, you truly need to have this looked into.  If the pain is musculoskeletal in origin, please, I encourage you to go to a specialist in that field...a chiropractor.  And, also understand that since pain is the very last sensation that the body exhibits (the body's primary job is to keep going, so it effectively masks pain), it'll also take time, patience and the willingness to comply with your chiropractor's recommended course of treatment to rectify the cause of the pain.

Dr. Hersh

Friday, July 10, 2015

Americans Are Still not Eating Enough Vegetables

With the amount of deaths and morbidity from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia and autoimmune disease (to name the significant few), I find it a bit amazing that the author of yet another study about the American diet is astonished by the finding that we eat so horribly.

The authors from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute did an observational study, surveying data that allowed them to calculate just how much fruit and vegetables Americans consume on a daily basis.  This was their conclusion:

"... fewer than 18 percent of adults in each state con­sumed the recommended amount of fruit and fewer than 14 percent consumed the recommended amount of vegetables," they write in the CDC's weekly report on disease and death.

They continued: 
People who eat just five servings of fruits and vegetables a day lower their risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other conditions.
One study found that people who ate seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables were 42 percent less likely to die from any cause over the next eight years compared to those who ate less than one serving a day.

On average, Americans eat only one serving of fruit a day — equivalent to a small glass of orange juice or an apple — Moore and Thompson found. Consumption ranges from just under one serving a day on average in Arkansas to 1.3 servings in California.

My recommendations continue to be:  5-7 servings of vegetables (organic) a day and 2 servings of fruit (organic).

 People in this country appear to be stubbornly sticking to their bad food habits, perhaps hoping they won't get a disease or illness or figuring the medications their doctors prescribe will keep them healthy.  I wish them the best of luck; they'll need it.

Dr. Esther

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Don't Wash Your Plastic Containers in the Dishwasher!

Researchers conducted an observational study to see what, if any, connection could be found between endocrine-interfering phthalates (aka PBA) in plastics and the worrisome increase in the incidence of juvenile hypertension.  The urine of these children was tested and a direct correlation between the amount of phthalates in their bodies and elevated blood pressure was observed.

I have discussed the use of plastic containers in past blogs,suggesting that they not be used in the microwave or have acidic-containing foods stored in them.  We also need to be cautious as to how the containers are cleaned.  Washing them in the dishwasher, over a period of time, can cause small scratches, breeching the integrity of the containers' protective coating.  This could allow for a more significant leeching of phthalates into any stored or microwaved foods.

The plastics industry steadfastly maintains that plastic containers are safe for storage and heating in microwaves.  Also, this study is the least scientific of all the different types of studies.  However, in my opinion, any observable connection between high levels of a chemical and an associated potential health risk should be carefully considered.

When it comes down to it, if you're going to use a microwave to heat foods, why not simply heat them in a glass container?  The same thing goes for storing foods... why not also store acidic foods in an inert container?  I suggest that one wash plastics by hand, being careful to use only non-abrasive cleaning methods.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Caution: Your Doctor May be More Sick Than You

A new study just published in the JAMA Pediatrics publication indicates that over 80% of doctors admit to working while they were sick....and even contagious!

Most viruses are incredibly easy to transmit via air or hand contact.  There was a recent instance in which an older man contracted measles simply by walking by a baby with the virus.  Think about how easily a physician or other health care provider could transmit microbes simply by walking into the room or shaking hands.

These health care workers admit to knowing that they are working sick and could easily transmit their illness, but still work, anyway.  Why?  The lead study researcher says:

"There is something called cognitive dissonance, when you know something but act contrary to it," said Starke. "The problem is, we have competing interests. People in medicine have such dedication, devotion to their patients and their colleagues."

The advice is to not take your children or yourselves to the doctor for minor symptoms and if you do see someone with the signs and symptoms of a contagious disease, ask them to leave the room.

Better advice might be to keep your immune system healthy and strong with the correct supplementation and diet and you won't have to worry about getting sicker as a result of a doctor's office visit!

Dr. Esther

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Average American Diet May Kill Prostate Cancer Survivors

A very interesting study published in the journal  Cancer Prevention Research, finds that men who eat a diet high in red meat, saturated fats, cheese, simple carbohydrates and white bread are far more likely to see their cancer return and kill them, and they are more likely to die sooner of any disease than any patients who eat a healthier diet. 

This study is yet another one confirming the negative effects of the typical American diet, especially for those who have pre-existing diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's.

Dr. Jorge Chavarro of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the lead researcher, says:

"Our results suggest that the same dietary recommendations that are made to the general population primarily for the prevention of cardiovascular disease may also decrease the risk of dying from prostate cancer among men initially diagnosed with nonmetastatic disease (cancer that has not spread),"

"We found that men diagnosed with nonmetastatic prostate cancer whose diet was more 'Westernized,' i.e., contained processed meats, refined grains, potatoes, and high-fat dairy, were more likely to die of prostate cancer," Chavarro said. 

"They were more than 2.5 times as likely to die of their prostate cancer than patients eating the healthiest diet and they were more than one and a half times as likely to have died of anything over the 10 years..."

What the article doesn't address is if there is a possible relationship between the typical American diet and the development of prostate cancer.  What's your opinion?

Dr. Esther

Thursday, July 2, 2015

What We Know About Autoimmune Disease Pathology

It seems as though the number of people afflicted with autoimmune disease has been increasing over the years.  An autoimmune reaction causes our system to attack itself, causing a systemic antigen/antibody response.

We know what it is; we simply don't completely understand why it occurs.  Many are familiar with such autoimmune diseases as Sjogren's ( Venus Williams is someone famous dealing with this), rheumatoid arthritis, Grave's and SLE, but I'm guessing that many aren't aware of such conditions as Hashimoto's Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes and Chronic Active Hepatitis are also among the many conditions that have been identified as autoimmune diseases.

In order for autoimmunity to occur, the body must be exposed to some toxic "initial trigger" causing a state of heightened immune alterness that is directed to the areas where tissue damage is occurring.  The result is a loss of the normal relationship with the body's own microbiome (unique genetic material), causing an antigenic protein production.

Foreign microbes that overgrow and destroy our healthy gut bacteria contain gene sequences in common with many of our own gene sequences. This is called, "molecular mimicry."  The microbes produce proteins that antigenically resemble the host (human) proteins.  Human protein cells and microbes can have structural similarities.  Under the right conditions, a cross-reactive immune response against the body may result.  When foreign microbe overgrowth occurs simultaneously with significant and/or prolonged exposure to "danger,"  the result is that our system attacks to rid itself of the foreign intruder.  Unfortunately, an antigen/antibody response targets our own body.  The danger/alarm signals are known as "alarmins."  Alarmins can be caused by trauma, infection, toxicity, ischemia and excessive, prolonged emotional/ mental stress (causing the "fright/flight" adrenal response).

Something as seemingly simple as a chronic UTI can cause an overgrowth of a bacterium called Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase.  Under certain conditions, this bacterium's genetic material can mimic (and genetically replace) a very important gut bacterium that may lead to an autoimmune disease process.  The chance of this happening in a test tube is about 1 in 20 million.  Studies have shown that the chance of molecular mimicry causing an autoimmune dysfunction in a person is only around 1 in 200!

The single most important thing we can do to keep our gut in balance is to give our body the food that it needs to keep our native flora healthy.  Remember, probiotics from supplements and foods only affect our acquired flora...not the bacteria in our large intestine that mitigate 70% of the immune system...those we were given by our mothers and can only be replenished by very specific nutrients.

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Health warning to Women about a Commonly Used Product

This warning concerns any talc-containing body product.  Talcum powder is found in most baby powders, shaving powders and many other personal care powders.  The problem develops over the prolonged use of talc, especially by women who use this externally in the groin area.  

I was listening to an OBGYN speaking about a possible correlation between cervical, uterine and even ovarian cancer and talc-containing product usage.  At present, there are no studies showing any direct link between the two, but there have been significant increases in these types of cancers in women who have used talc on a regular basis.

With so many things we are exposed to in our everyday lives that we can do little about, doesn't it make sense to minimize our exposure to those things over which we  do have control?

Dr. Esther