Friday, May 29, 2015

A Warning about the newest Birth Control Pill

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal found that women who are taking the newest progesterone formulation birth control pill are at double the risk of developing potentially fatal blood clots than those who are taking the older formula pills.

The new formula contains:  desogestrel, gestodene, drospirenone and cyproterone.  The older birth control pills contain:  norgestimate, or levonorgestrel and norethisterone.   Remember, taking any birth control pills longer than 5 years without a break will increase a woman's risk for blood clots.  Also, just becoming pregnant increases the chances of venous thromboembolism (VTE) by a factor of 10.

Also noted in the study (from the University of Nottingham) was the fact that women who take birth control pills are at a three-fold risk of VTE over those women who have never taken birth control pills.

If you are on birth control please don't smoke as that increases your chance of VTE considerably.  If you are over 35 and are on the newer formulation pill, perhaps it may be a good idea to discuss changing the formula back to the older one.

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New Study About Soy's Benefits

I have read an article describing the findings of two studies out of the University of Illinois.  You who are regular readers know my opinion of's better fed to cows than ingested by humans.  That opinion stands.  I'm letting you know about these studies and their preliminary results just in case the general media pick up the story and tout this as the latest way to prevent cancer and other inflammatory diseases.

There are so many different categories of cancer-preventing foods that cause no unintended consequences that I wanted to get ahead of this latest idea that can cause so many consequences...especially for men.

Here's the thrust of the article:

"Two new University of Illinois studies report that lunasin, a soy peptide often discarded in the waste streams of soy-processing plants, may have important health benefits that include fighting leukemia and blocking the inflammation that accompanies such chronic health conditions as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke."

As a result of these studies, the researchers are pushing the processing of lunasin-containing soy foods.

My suggestion:  keep eating organic colorful vegetables and fruits, high quality proteins, nuts, seeds, medium chain triglycerides and  PG-1 and PG-3 omega oils and your body will be able to block inflammation, decrease the possibility of mutating cells, regulate insulin and sugar levels and mitigate the possibility of developing cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Can Using the Right Supplement Company Really Make a Difference?

First, I suppose it would be a good idea for me to define what my opinion is concerning the "right" supplement company.  For the past 27 plus years I have used many different supplement suppliers in my practice...Innate, Progressive Labs, Douglas Labs, Metagenics, Shoko, Green's Nutritionals, Sun Chlorella, to name the ones I remember.  But, I have never really been happy with the results that I have gotten from any of these companies when it comes to correcting significant health problems...these companies are all fairly good for everyday general supplementation.

Last summer, a young woman came into my office with some very significant symptoms.  She has given me permission to discuss her case.  She told me that she had been to a number of medical and alternative care doctors, including Yale medical doctors, all to no avail.  She had no energy, would have bouts of fatigue so significant that she was literally stopped in her tracts and her blood work showed ferritin levels (amount of available iron in the blood) so low that I was amazed that she was even able to function.  For whatever reason, no one was able to get these levels up to normal.

I had her start on individualized formulations that specifically targeted not only raising her ferritin levels, but also those that would allow the body to utilize those formulations. They were all from Standard Process.  She was (and still is) one of the most compliant and cooperative patients I have ever treated...she took everything and did everything I suggested.  Raising ferritin levels in the cells is much more difficult than raising hemoglobin or iron levels in the blood. It took three months until she was able to see consistent results from the program. 

Then, in the late Fall, she came into the office and told me she was pregnant.  Wow.  That really forced us to step up our game as the amount of available iron to a developing fetus is foundationally vital to its development.  She didn't have health insurance and couldn't afford to get blood work done, so we were flying blind for a while.  To add to the whole picture, this patient is also a vegetarian, so getting her ferritin levels to normal was even more of a challenge.

Last week this patient wrote to me and told me that her blood work showed completely normal ferritin levels.  She has been feeling wonderful all through her pregnancy, didn't have a day of morning sickness or any illnesses and, now, her critically low ferritin levels are normal.  I am ecstatic, as is she.

I can honestly say that no other company offers the incredible variety and quality of formulations that Standard Process and MediHerb offers.  I couldn't have helped this patient without them...that is the simple truth.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

MCT's Have Been Proven to Help You Lose Belly Fat!

A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition has shown that with just 5 grams a day of coconut oil or palm oil, after 4 weeks, people lost almost two pounds of body fat, 1.5 pounds of weightand 0.7 inches off their waist...without changing any other part of their diet.

MCT's are medium chain triglycerides.  Most of us have heard of triglycerides, but don't know that there are many different types...the long chain triglycerides, found in animal fats, are the "bad guys" that have been reported about.  However, saturated fats are highly diverse, and there are thirty different types that are sub-categorized by the length of the carbon chains in their chemical structure.  Those categories are short-chain, medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids.

There are as many different types of diets and approaches to dieting as there are stars in the sky (well, maybe not that many...but a lot).  To date, I haven't heard of a particular method of eating that specifically targets belly fat, so this is quite a finding.

Medium chain fats (capric, caprylic and lauric acids) are considered to be thermogenic or fat burning, are metabolized as quickly as glucose and promote the creation of ketones.  Ketones are the only other source of energy besides sugar that the brain and central nervous system can use for food (energy). MCT metabolism is similar to that of complex carbohydrates-- supplying energy over a long period of time rather than the quick burst of energy (and then a depression of the blood glucose levels) that we get from simple carbohydrates.

So, if you're interested in burning off some of that belly fat, coconut and palm oils are the ones for you.

Dr. Esther

Monday, May 18, 2015

Moving Locations

For those who haven't heard from me in a couple of weeks and thought I might have dropped off the Earth, I'm fine.  My husband and I made the decision to move from RI back to PA.  As all of us know, moving a household is very stressful; add to that having to go through re-licensing and moving an office, and it adds up to a very difficult time.

I will continue writing my blog, answering questions, and, now, being available to any of you in the Montgomery County/Bucks County areas who might want to visit.   

I have a new contact number:  480-390-7698.  I look forward to hearing from you in PA!

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Why is There Virtually no Incidence of Autism in Amish Children?

I was just reading a very interesting editorial about the science behind the absence of autism in the Amish community.  The author calls it, "Energetic Immunity.

It is predicted by an MIT researcher, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, that if current trends continue, by 2025, 1 in 2 children will develop autism!!  This is a devastating possibility.

The Amish have always followed a very simple lifestyle, including shunning modern medicine and modern farming methods.  This means that not only do they not take nearly the amount of pharmaceuticals that the average person does (if any, at all), but that they do not allow their children to be vaccinated.
The possibility of a connection between modern vaccines and autism has not been shown, to date.  However, there is a connection between the introduction of a foreign live attenuated virus and increased stress of the immature immune system. 

Perhaps, more important to the overall health (or detriment to it) is what we and our families have introduced into the body over the years.  The ingestion of only wholesome, organic food for generations may strengthen our DNA and the genetic strength of the immune system over those generations.  That is what the author refers to as, "energetic immunity."  For anyone wishing to read the entire article, you may access it here: