Tuesday, July 29, 2014

If You're Tired After a Night's Sleep, it Might not be Your Bed

I've noticed a new trend in the past few years...many patients are telling me that they never feel completely rested in the mornings.  Many of us live very full lives in which it may seem difficult to find the time just to catch our breath.  However,  after addressing the problems of stress, poor food habits and even a new mattress, may still report feeling tired most of the time.

What I have found, through my experience with the results of the foundational nutritional health analyses is that the tiredness is directly associated with how the body handles sugar.  I'm talking about added dietary sugar, from any source...including white foods, excess fruit or fast foods.  Over the years, we lose muscle mass, experience high levels of stress, tend to eat, "whatever is available," (which is usually simple carbohydrate-containing items) and no longer exercise as we once did.  All of this contributes to our body's inability to break down and assimilate sugars.

There are nine points that I check to see how the body handles sugar...it's called a Foundational Sugar Handling Analysis.  Most of us might associate the pancreas with sugar as it is responsible for the production of insulin, a hormone that aids the body in sugar assimilation.  In reality, there are five additional organs/glands that are involved with sugar handling.  After analyzing all six, I can accurately assess how the body handles sugar assimilation and provide the care/formulations necessary to re-balance and heal the body. 

I have seen a tremendous improvement in quality of sleep and energy levels in those patients who have gone through our nutritional sugar handling program.  The next time you wake up unrefreshed in the morning, it may be the sugar overload in some of your organs that is the problem.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

To Drink or not To Drink Red Wine...that is the question.

The May 12, 2014 issue of JAMA has just published results of a case history/clinical  study (one of the least "scientific" methods of study) in which over 700 old men and women from the Chianti region of France (I'm guessing they drink loads of red wine) were followed for 9 years.  Their levels of urine were tested as well as markers for inflammation, heart disease and cancer, assessed.

By the end of the 9 years, 268 of the participants, died. (Remember, this was not a randomized, double-blind study, so the conclusions are biased and probably not particularly accurate).  No association of the supposed protective properties of red wine were found.  The resveritrol was deemed, "unimportant,"  (my word) in its anti-inflammatory properties.

I'm going to continue to suggest one eat more dark fruits and berries that contain resveritrol than to try to get this from drinking alcohol.  I think the benefits of eating fruit that contains hundreds to thousands of phytonutrients is obvious in comparison to drinking red wine with its scores of additives that need not be included on any of the labels...unintended consequences may abound as a result.

By all means, if you enjoy red wine, have a glass (4 ounces) a day.  But, I'd caution everyone who believes that red wine offers significant anti-inflammatory protection to re-consider and eat dark berries, instead.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Most Important Element in Your Diet Is....


I  know that so many of you live with husbands/partners/significant others who steadfastly refuse to drink sufficient water everyday.  The excuses are many and varied, but the bottom line is...we need to drink 1/2 our weight in ounces of water, daily.  Just as important is that we don't drink a lot of water at one time.  Too much water in a short period of time can cause electrolyte imbalances....potassium being the most easily washed away.  Eight ounces of water every half hour is optimal.

When any of those you love ask you why it's so important for them to "bother" drinking...here's a cautionary tale for you to tell:

There is a person whom I have been trying to convince to drink more water for years.  This individual typically only drank with meals (I've written about the problems associated with doing that) and only 6-8 ounces at a time.  Now, at an advanced age, even though this person is physically active, the body is showing signs of too little water over a period of time...  increased hydrostatic pressure in the kidneys leading to imbalances in the cardiovascular system. (This has been medically verified)  The reason for this, actually, has to do with acupuncture meridians. 

Meridian energy is divided into four categories: earth, wind, fire and water.  These four elements mitigate the balances in all of our meridians.  In this case, the imbalance is caused in the water-mitigated meridians...the kidney and bladder as well as the fire-mitigated meridian...the heart (triple warmer) because water controls fire.  So, now we need to re-balance this person's entire meridian energy system.

We need water in our daily lives,  no matter what someone's opinion may be to the contrary.  How easy is it to simply drink water and how devastating the consequences may be when we don't?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

High Insulin Levels & Breast Cancer

Insulin is the hormone that is responsible for maintaining normal blood sugar (glucose) levels in the body.  All food that we eat is broken down into energy by our cells and insulin is the transport system.  When the body is flooded with more sugar than it can process, insulin resistance results.  The interesting thing is that most people connect candy, sugary foods/drinks and other sweets with sugar, but don't understand that all refined foods, all white foods  and all grains (not pseudo-grains) are processed as sugar and cause the release of insulin from the pancreas...again, resulting in insulin resistance.

Excess carbohydrates that are not needed for energy are stored as fat.  Increased body fat increases estrogen levels and increased estrogen levels lead to estrogen dominance (as does excessive cortisol production via progesterone imbalance), which we already know leads to increased risks for breast cancer.

I'm sure some of you have heard that eating cruciferous vegetables helps to protect us from breast cancer.  While that's true, we know that one would have to eat between 3 and 5 pounds of them, everyday, in order to ingest enough of the phyto-chemicals in these vegetables to offer that level of protection.   

Cutting down on the simple carbohydrates, of all varieties, along with eating a diet high in complex carbohydrates (low-carbohydrate containing vegetables) will offer us the best possible dietary protection against insulin resistance and all the problems associated with this...cancer, diabetes, heart problems, nerve problems...and so on. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

An Important Video to Watch About Food

Over the past months, I have written about the myths that many in the medical profession are still clinging to....fat in the diet makes you fat, eat lots of grains and cereals, eat according to the old food pyramid and so on.  I highly recommend those of you (or friends and family) who still are eating a low-fat diet, grains and cereals, carbs for breakfast and won't eat eggs because of the cholesterol, to please view the following video.

My thanks to B.K. who sent me this link.  It's good timing because I had intended to write about insulin resistance, today.  I'll save that for later in the week.
