Wednesday, July 31, 2013

An Easy Summer Salad,

Many of you know that I'm in the midst of compiling recipes that offer non-gluten alternatives to our everyday meals and desserts that we all enjoy.  I've decided to send this one out for you to try as my husband said, "Include this one in your recipe book," after trying it, last night.  This can serve 6-8, easily.

Pasta Salad

1, 8 oz. box of quinoa elbow pasta, cooked for 8 minutes in salted water and drained
2 cups of frozen or fresh baby peas
3 medium stalks of celery, finely chopped
3 medium carrots, finely chopped
1-2 small cucumbers, seeded and finely chopped
1/4 cup red onion or shallots, finely chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 tsp. chipotle pepper, optional
4 Tbsp. fresh herbs: cillantro, chives Or tarragon, fennel tops Or sage, oregano or any combination you like
1/3- 1/2 cup mayonnaise*
1/4- 1/3 cup avocado oil, grape seed oil or sunflower oil
organic lettuce and tomatoes, served on the side

I make my own because mayonnaise without soy is just about impossible to find and I like how mine tastes, anyway.  I use a food processor and make a cup of it at a time, using various fresh herbs to taste.  The proportion is: one egg yolk, 1 tsp. dried mustard, 1 Tbsp. vinegar or lemon juice, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1 Tbsp. fresh herbs (optional) and 1 cup of oil--I use grape seed or rice bran or a combination.  Place all ingredients into the food processor except for the oil.  With the processor running, pour a thin stream of oil into the container, very slowly.  It should look fairly thick when all is incorporated.  Place the unused amount in an air tight container and store in the refrigerator.  I think you'll like the taste as you can make many different kinds of mayonnaise this way.

After the pasta and peas are cooked,  you'll want to cool these.  Add the remaining ingredients in a large bowl, mix in the mayonnaise and oil, according to how moist you like the mixture and add the pasta and peas, taste to make sure you have enough salt and pepper, chill for 3-4 hours and enjoy.

Since it's summer, if you have other garden vegetables in abundance, please experiment with whatever veggies you have on hand.  I don't normally put tomatoes directly into the salad as they can cause it to get mushy.  Let me know how your family likes this.  Since we are only 2 people, I halved this recipe as day old quinoa pasta noodles become chewy and that affects the salad.  My husband had 3 servings of this, so we didn't run into that problem!


Monday, July 29, 2013

What is the Purpose of ChemTrails?

I have been reading articles about the existence of Chemtrails for a few years, now.  When someone who works at our local health food store first told me about these, I have to admit both ignorance and surprise.  What in the world would the purpose be to further purposely pollute our skies, seas and earth with toxic chemicals?  Wouldn't the people doing this be injured, too?  I'm not one who believes in conspiracy theories, but this is just too bizarre for words, if true.

After reading about these, I began looking in the sky every time I saw a jet trail, just to see if there were any differences among them.  Interestingly enough, I began to see a pattern.  A jet trail that we recognize from our childhood, quickly dissipates behind the plane, as it is primarily the result of the cold atmosphere combining with the heat of the engines that produce condensation.  Other jet trails that I've observed don't dissipate, for a significant amount of time, and they appear as a thin single or double line behind the plane.

Honestly, I don't know what to think, but I do know that these chemtrails have been reported to contain heavy metals and mold and other noxious agents and chemicals.  I can say that I have seen that the amount of mold in homes in the North East has increased to nearly epidemic proportions....I had never heard of this as a child and had never heard anyone speaking about this problem until the past couple of decades.  I cannot say if these things are related, but I do find it a curious coincidence.  As such, I am including some of the information from a report for your consideration.  I think this possibility does necessitate a conversation, at the very least.

For more than a decade, first the United States and then Canada's citizens have been subjected to a 24/7/365 day aerosol assault over our heads made of a toxic brew of poisonous heavy metals, chemicals, and other dangerous ingredients. None of this was reported by any mainstream media. The US Department of Defense [DOD] and military have been systematically blanketing all our skies with Chemtrails (also known as Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering).(2) These differ vastly from the usual plane contrails that evaporate rather quickly in the sky. Chemtrails do not dissipate. Rather, planes (fitted with special nozzles) release aerosols "lines" in the sky that do not evaporate. Multiple planes are deployed, flying parallel (or often "checkerboard" patterns) overhead; and soon the sky is blanketed with many grayish-white lines [miles and miles long, although this is changing]. At first, these lines are thin; but soon they expand and, in a short time, merge together. Our once-blue sky has vanished and has been replaced by a grayish-white toxic haze that blots out and greatly diminishes our usual sunshine.
Military and commercial planes are involved in more than 60 secret operations. Last year, when I flew across the country, I saw a United Airlines jet (flying below us at about 37,000 feet) spraying a black aerosol that went for miles and miles across the sky. This clandestine program now includes aerosol-spraying planes in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand [all NATO countries]. Over the years, hundreds (if not thousands) of people have called and written their public officials to get answers...none appear to be forthcoming.


Friday, July 26, 2013

EMFR Part 2 Or Why We Need to be Concerned

In 2007, the Bioinitiative Working Group released a 650-page report citing more than 2,000 studies detailing the toxic effects of emf's from all sources. Chronic exposure to low-level radiation (like cell phones, wi-fi, blue tooth, I-Pods, computers, etc.) can cause a variety of cancers, impair immunity and contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia, heart disease and other ailments.

Additionally, every single study of brain tumors that looks at 10 or more years of use shows an increased risk of brain cancer. Australia reports an increase in pediatric brain cancers of 21% (children's brains are many times more susceptible to the damages of emfr than adults) in just ONE decade. Studies across Europe and the UK show an increase in brain cancers of 40% in the last twenty years.

Brain cancer has now surpassed leukemia as the number one cancer killer of children. The BioInitiative Report also includes studies showing evidence for exposure to emfr brain tumors, acoustic neuromas (tumors on the auditory nerve which damages hearing) and childhood cancers like leukemia.

A review of 11 long-term epidemiological studies published in the Journal of Surgical Neurology two years ago revealed that using a cell phone for 10 or more years approximately doubles the risk of being diagnosed with a brain tumor on the same side of the head where the cell phone is typically held.

Now, what if you don't use a cell phone; is there still a risk of interrupting the normal functioning of your immune system? The answer is, “Yes!” Over the past decade, we have seen a proliferation of cell phone towers (now, 3G isn't enough, we need 4, 5 and 6G strength signals which are so much more powerful) all over the US. My brother, who visited China, tells me that there is no place in China in which you cannot get a cell phone signal. Wow. Can you imagine the emfr which is bombarding every Chinese person? Additionally, look how many of us use hand-held devices and wi-fi connections for our computers. Look how many of us use computers or i-Phones. And, those thinking that a computer shield is helpful will be disappointed to know that shields do nothing to protect us from emfr emission.

A very simple way to decrease our exposure to emfr is simply to turn off any mobile device and definitely not to sleep in a room containing a computer/router/modem that is on.  Also very helpful is to not go to sleep with the television on or a clock radio near your head or on a nearby nightstand.  I suggest that when considering moving to a new home, one not move within at least a half mile of a transmission tower or substation. When driving, is your connection to a blue tooth or other devices always on?  Again, my suggestion is to turn those off, especially if your children are in the car.  Are the children always playing with their i-Pad or other mobile devices?  That puts them at considerable risk.  I know these devices have made all our lives simpler, at least that's what we think. Perhaps, we need to rethink "convenience" and the price we appear to be paying for it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Can Just Being Around Technology Be Harmful?

We have all come to accept the dangers posed to non-smokers by second-hand smoke.  Years ago, not only was this concept ridiculed by tobacco companies, but by "science" and even some in the medical profession.  My parents told me of a time when doctors even "prescribed" smoking to their patients who exhibited signs of anxiety to calm their nerves.  Wow.  I wonder how many in the health care profession, today, would even acknowledge that that occurred.  I doubt many as all of us, including allopaths, enjoy a bout of amnesia when it serves a purpose.

I'd like us to keep these thoughts in mind during our discussions as to the possible dangers that electromagnetic field radiation pose for all of us, whether or not we actually use the devices that emit this type of radiation.  About a year and a half ago I wrote a series of articles concerning this issue in my short-lived newsletter.  I think the time may now be upon us to discuss this topic, again.  According to the interest that is generated, I'll decide how many articles to include.

I am going to be doing a series on this topic, as I believe it is of vital importance that all of us are correctly informed about why this type of radiation is so potentially dangerous to us all, no matter where we live or what we do for a living.

Electromagnetic field radiation is indicated as “emfr” in the literature. It's also easier to write in the abbreviated form. Basically, emfr is a low frequency magnetic radiation that is generated, constantly and continuously, by microwave and cellular technology. In nature, there are many electromagnetic fields that have no adverse affects on our bodies. That is because natural fields are either temporally constant (same frequency) or spatially constant (same shape), but never both. Man-made signals, by necessity for communication, are both temporally and spatially constant. These constant signals, with prolonged exposure, can cause the protein vibratory receptors located on our cell membranes to resonate (vibrate).

This may seem a bit complex, but it is truly important that we understand that all communication, whether auditory or biochemical/physiological is done by vibration. All cells vibrate. The colors we see are the result of vibration just as all sounds are the result of vibrations. When any force interrupts, damages or changes these physical vibrations, our body considers itself to be under attack. We have mechanisms that can address an attack that the body recognizes, but no mechanisms to address foreign attacks. Therein lies the problem at the core level of our cells: they do not recognize the emfr and are unable to develop any protection for this. As is the case with all man-made signals, our cells react by going into what is called, “sympathetic lock,” in order to try to protect the cell from this perceived invasion. Sympathetic lock prevents the cell from taking in nutrition and releasing toxins. Cells will die if this sympathetic lock is not reversed.

This cell membrane reaction triggers a cascade of events that can then manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms and diseases, starting with compromising the immune system. If the exposure is prolonged, the stress-response system (our adrenals) becomes exhausted and the competency of the immune system declines to below normal. As a result, animals and humans are more susceptible to cancer and infectious diseases and conditions related to immune system compromise.

With the development of a nation-wide electrical grid over a century ago, which now envelops virtually every part of Earth, has come many diseases that can impair or kill us. During the past 100 years, we have methodically filled in the electromagnetic spectrum far beyond what occurs in nature.

The next article will deal with scientific studies and what they have found about emfr and what effects it may cause.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Vaccine, Autism and Jenny McCarthy

It appears as though many vaccine "activists" are very upset that Jenny M. has been set to replace another host on, "The View."  I don't get much of a chance to watch that particular show, so I have no opinion about that particular choice by either ABC or Barbara Walters.  I do know something about Jenny and her views as to a possible connection between vaccinations and autism.

Since "science" insists on irrefutable evidence to confirm or deny any particular links associated with autism, I truly doubt that a link between vaccine and autism will ever be accepted.  I know that Jenny's son was diagnosed with autism soon after the MMR vaccine was given to him, but I don't believe that necessarily shows definitive connection between the two.  Mercury used to be used as a preservative in all vaccines and that has now changed.  Perhaps, in part, because of the light that Jenny and others shined into a dark corner.  How the medical profession could ever have thought that adding a heavy metal to a vaccine was a good and safe idea, I will never know.

I don't believe that there is only one reason for this horrendous upsurge in autistic diagnoses over the past two decades.  Adding heavy metals to a vaccine is never a good idea and may certainly have been a contributing factor, but if that were the only factor, we should be seeing a decline in autism and we are not.  Could the live attenuated viruses that are being given in the exact same dosages to 6 week old babies as for 4 and 5 year old children be a contributing factor?  Could this massive influx of virus be too much for a baby's immune system?  I think it reasonable to at least consider those as viable possibilities.  I know that there are some veterinarians that believe vaccinations of animals can be too much for their immune systems and don't agree with the necessity for the administration of vaccines that are widely done each day.  Aren't our children as important to us as our pets?  One would think more, but I don't want to get into that discussion.  I also believe that the widespread existence of electromagentic radiation can be a cause for autism and other significant neurological deficits.  Please refer back to my blog called, "And the children shall lead us," if you need to refresh your memory about those effects.  I have also written a series concerning the problems caused by exposure to emfr's and will publish some of that, again, in the future.

No matter which side of the argument about vaccinations and their possible causal relationship to autism and other neurological imbalances one is on, I just cannot understand why there isn't a calm, mature dialogue going on in the scientific world about this topic.  This subject appears to engender a good deal of anger, fear and resentment among those conducting the discussions.  Look at the reaction of the "pro-vaccination," representatives about Jenny McCarthy. Frequently, money is at the root of heated disagreements and posturing and I have to wonder if this isn't the case, here. 

I do believe that certain vaccinations have helped save the lives of countless children and adults, over the years.  That doesn't mean that we cannot listen to each other, both scientists and laymen.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Nifty App to ID GMO-friendly Companies

Recently, a patient showed me an application that she had downloaded onto her hand-held mobile device. With this app, she is able to identify the companies who offer natural and organic brands that paid to defeat Proposition 37, the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative.

This is how it works: After downloading the application, “buycott,” one can go to the grocery store and point your device at the bar code of any product. Immediately, you'll be shown if the company gave monies to defeat Prop 37 and how much. Our patient told us that she was astounded at what she learned. Many of the “organic” companies were the largest contributors to the proposition's defeat and a number of the “regular” companies that she thought would have contributed, did not. “Hood,” was one example of a company that surprised her when she learned that it didn't participate in the defeat of Prop 37.

The developers of this application have made it simple for most to easily identify and, hopefully, hold accountable those participating companies that sell organic products and use our money to pay for their blocking our right to know what other GMO-containing products they sell.

Our hats off to the developer of “buycott,”and to our patient, G.W., for telling us about it. We so appreciate being kept current about the latest trends as we aren't particularly technologically savvy.

Monday, July 15, 2013

For Women who take Statins

Here's some information that might be of interest to women who are taking statin drugs for cholesterol regulation.  I include the specifics concerning the study for those who would like to read more on the topic:

A new study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention indicates that women who are long-term users of statin drugs have between 83-143% increased risk of breast cancer. 

Jean A McDougall, Kathleen E Malone, Janet R Daling, Kara L Cushing-Haugen, Peggy L Porter, Christopher I Li. Long-term statin use and risk of ductal and lobular breast cancer among women 55-74 years of age. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 Jul 5. Epub 2013 Jul 5.

I am not a fan of statins as a preventative for possible cardiovascular disease.  Regular cardiovascular exercise coupled with a diet oriented towards decreasing inflammation in the vasculature and the gut are much more likely to be of greater benefit, in the long run, than medications. 


Some Ideas About Milk

I read this article the other day.  For an allopathic view, it has some merit.  Most of you know that we recommend no one either needs or should drink cow's milk.  Conventional cow's milk contains rBGH, a genetically modified growth hormone that affects human glands and is associated by some researchers with breast and prostate cancer:  Your Life in Your Hands, Jane Plant, PhD.

Another serious consequence of cow's milk is its role in causing allergies.  Without going into too great of detail, the proteins in cow's milk are very large, much larger than the proteins in mother's milk or goat's milk.  These proteins are seen as foreign invaders by our body and cause significant problems in our small intestines.  This causes nutrients to no longer be absorbed by the intestinal villi in the area they were intended to be absorbed and nutrients then can become irritants.  The body reacts by initiating an antigen-antibody response and we become sensitized and even allergic to normal nutrients.  Just fyi--there is much more calcium/magnesium/Vit.D in dark green leafy vegetables than you'll ever get from milk.

So, for those who like to drink cow's milk, here is some interesting information from the medical profession:

 "Celebrities are constantly asking if you’ve got any, because, as the long-running ad campaign says, it does a body good. But a Harvard pediatrician is arguing that the current U.S. recommendation of three servings of dairy a day isn’t necessarily one-size-fits-all. For some, it may be a significant source of additional sugar and calories. 

 “This recommendation to drink three cups a day of milk – it’s perhaps the most prevailing advice given to the American public about diet in the last half century,” says David Ludwig, who wrote the editorial published online today in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. Ludwig is the director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital. “As a result, Americans are consuming billions of gallons of milk a year, presumably under the assumption that their bones would crumble without them.”

Drinking reduced fat milk in particular is recommended as a way Americans can meet dairy intake guidelines and also avoid saturated fat, which is linked to weight gain and heart disease. But when the fat is reduced in milk or yogurt products, it's often replaced with sweeteners, which makes it taste better, but also adds sugar and calories.

“The worst possible situation is reduced-fat chocolate milk: you take out the fat, it’s less tasty," Ludwig says. "So to get kids to drink 3 cups a day, you get this sugar-sweetened beverage.”

One cup of low-fat chocolate milk is 158 calories, with 68 calories coming from solid fats and added sugars, according to the USDA . By comparison, one cup of unflavored, reduced-fat milk (2%) is 122 calories, with 37 calories from solid fats and added sugars.

People with a high-quality diet -- those who get adequate protein, vitamin D and calcium from things like leafy greens, legumes, nuts and seeds -- may get little or no added nutritional benefit from consuming three servings of dairy a day, Ludwig argues.

“The point is, we can get plenty of calcium from a whole range of foods,” says Ludwig, who's also a professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and a professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. “On a gram for gram basis, cooked kale has more calcium than milk. Sardines, nuts seeds beans, green leafy vegetables are all sources of calcium.”

That’s certainly true for the kale-consuming diet perfectionists among us -- but for many Americans, cow’s milk is an inexpensive, easily accessible source of important nutrients. That’s why Ludwig cautions that for people who are eating a lower-quality diet – especially children – milk is still important.

“For a child or an adult – but especially a child - eating a poor quality diet, three cups a day of milk may be the most helpful thing,” Ludwig says.

Trouble is, we are not great at judging our own quality of diet, says Greg Miller, executive vice president for the National Dairy Council. To skip milk -- but continue to get the recommended levels of nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and protein -- would require a big change in diet for many Americans, he says. The current recommended intake of calcium for adults, for example, is 1,000 milligrams per day for people ages 19 to 50; for those older than 50, it's 1,200 milligrams a day. A cup of cooked kale has about 100 milligrams of calcium; a cup of two percent milk, on the other hand, has about 300 milligrams of calcium.

And kids especially, “aren’t all of a sudden going to start eating bok choy, kale and spinach," Miller says.

Research has linked soda, fruit juice, sports drinks and energy drinks to weight gain, diabetes and heart disease, prompting groups like the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the American Academy of Pediatrics to recommend limiting calorie-containing beverages. However, milk -- even sugary chocolate milk -- is typically left out of the conversation, Ludwig says.

“It’s about the whole big push of, what lengths are we taking to modify plain old milk to get people to drink more?” says Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D., certified nutrition specialist and NBC News diet and health editor.

Many nutritionists encourage the three servings of dairy a day recommendation "at any cost," Fernstrom says -- even if that means adding extra sweeteners like chocolate or strawberry flavoring to milk or yogurt to make it tasty enough for kids and adults to actually want to eat or drink it.

“So this newer idea of having low-fat, sweetened milk, like low-fat chocolate milk -- these cancel each other out. You’re cutting out the fat, but you’re replacing it with extra sugar,” Fernstrom says. It's the same with yogurt, too; the added sugar from the vanilla or strawberry-banana sweetener, in many cases, outweighs the nutritional good of the dairy.

“No matter what dairy product you’re choosing, stick with low-fat, but also no sugar,” Fernstrom says. “Cutting down the fat in yogurt and milk but adding extra sugar – that’s a wash.”

Miller believes getting kids to stop drinking sugar-sweetened beverages like soda is a bigger battle than flavored milk.

In his editorial, Ludwig recommends broadening the current recommendation from “three” to “zero to three,” something that Fernstrom says makes sense for some people. (Of course, switching to non-dairy milks like soy or almond is also an option.)

“This will depend upon the quality of your overall diet,” Fernstrom says. “But even in the best of circumstances, dairy products are part of a balanced diet.” She calls dairy a “triple-duty food,” in that it provides protein, calcium and vitamin D. “These are three big nutrients that many Americans don’t get enough of elsewhere.”


Friday, July 12, 2013

New Study Shows Benefits of Natural Thyroid vs. Synthetic

Our office sees quite a few patients whose medical doctors have either put them on synthroid or who have recommended this medication to them.  We see many savvy women who have done their research and have decided to see if there are any natural nutritional formulas that would offer support for their thyroid as opposed to taking the traditional allopathic approach.  Once a patient has been taking a synthetic thyroid for more than 9-12 months, it is impossible to stop taking that medication.

I came across this article written by a medical doctor that I thought would interest many of you.  He is not your traditional allopath and I find that when I reference studies written by medical doctors, our more skeptical patients are sometimes more inclined to accept the idea that there are many different ways to approach healing and wellness.  We have worked with a number of patients whose medical doctors were open and supportive of allowing us to use homeopathic remedies for women who were interested.  In each case, their thyroids had returned to normal without the use of medications.

Here is the doctor's website:


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Thought as an Addiction

When many of us think of addiction, we envision those who are addicted to alcohol, illicit drugs, pain killers, smoking and food. There is one addiction, however, that affects all of us and can potentially be as damaging as any “traditional” addiction. It is the addiction of thought.

With the invention of technology that allows us to map the brain, neuro-scientists have been able to identify how patterns of neurons are laid down in the brain. There is an understanding that as we mature and make choices and decisions, pathways (not unlike highways) of information are created. That way, whenever we perform repetitive functions, we don't have to “think” about how to do them. We now know that this same pathway creation that is associated with mechanical and logical functions also occurs within the emotional realm. When we react to an emotional stimulus, pathways of thought connected to that stimulus are created. Thus, when any new situation occurs, that information is directed to an existing neural pathway unless we intentionally create a new pathway or new way of thinking about that new situation. Perhaps an equally descriptive term might be, “unintentional thinking.”

Have you ever had thoughts that begin with: “Why does this always/never happen....?” or, “That person/situation/circumstance/political party/religious group/child/husband etc. will never change...” or, “I'll never get better...”? This is addictive thinking.

Addictive thinking allows us to categorize anything or any situation that we encounter and gives us the confidence that we are right or correct in what we think. Generalization allows us to not think or, perhaps, allows us to assume without thinking or reasoning.

We encountered a situation just the other day with a patient that illustrative of this type of thought process. Some weeks ago, an older patient came to our office with ever-increasing pain symptoms that the allopathic doctors were unsuccessful in helping. In five visits, the pain levels decreased from 10 (worst pain) to 2 (very mild). The patient then went on vacation. Later, we called to see how this person was doing and were told that the pain levels had increased from a 1-2 to a 4-5. Coincidentally, the individual was watching a Dr. Oz show in which a chiropractor who uses cold laser technology for pain relief was demonstrating how effective this instrument is. As we always use cold laser for pain at our office, one might think that this person would have liked to continue this therapy, as it had proved highly effective. Instead, we were told, “Oh, that (cold laser) can't help me, no one can help me.” Now, logic would say that of course the individual was helped and significantly so, but, as this patient is convinced that the pain is something that has to be accepted and as the brain has laid down those neural pathways, the thinking slipped easily back into the old familiar negative thought patterns. Until such time as this person decides to break the addictive thinking, no amount of pain relief will be consciously registered and life will continue as before.

This is not an isolated or unique situation. We encounter this fairly regularly. There is no amount of reasoning that will change a person's belief if that person is trapped by his/her addictive thinking. If we find it easier to set our brains on, “auto pilot,” we will not be able to allow new thoughts or neural pathways that carry those thoughts to be created. We can step back, any time we choose, and question our reasoning or the validity of what or how we have been taught since childhood. If we are particularly adventurous, we can even question what we believe as adults. Questioning why we believe what we do is always a good way to determine our methods of reasoning. It can shake us out of our complacency and intractable thought patterns; it may even allow us to eschew long-held physical and emotional dogma and open us to new and exciting possibilities.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Paging, Dr. Google or Please be Kind to Us, Your Doctors

A few weeks ago, I was listening to a Harvard educated medical doctor talk about her actor-sister who the whole family refers to as, “Dr. Google.” The doctor recounted an amusing anecdote in which her sister, after calling and asking for medical help, proceeded to google the answer and then tell the medical doctor how she was wrong because her answer didn't agree with the information found on the internet. The sister was even given a gift of scrubs with the title, “Dr. Google,” inscribed on them, one Christmas.

While both the audience and the medical doctor laughed about this, as is true with any joke or funny story, there was a lot of truth to this, as we frequently find. Things have certainly changed since we began practicing 25+ years ago. On the whole, patients used to be willing to talk about their problems and allow us the time needed to accurately diagnose their problem. Now, we find that many people use the internet as their source of expertise, assuming that all there is to diagnosis is to simply plug in a set of symptoms and, voila, they know what you need to do to help.  Additionally, if we don't agree or give them what they want, we are the ones in error or don't know what we're talking about.

Until listening to what the medical doctor had to say about her sister's penchant for self-diagnosis, I had thought that this behavior was, perhaps, focused on us, as chiropractors, and localized to this area of the country.  However, after reading an article written by a medical doctor entitled, "Please be Kind to Us, Your Doctors,"  I realized that this Dr. Google phenomenon was part of a larger picture.  In both instances, similar sentiments to mine were being expressed.  While I think that the internet offers reliable generalized information, I would not recommend its use for specific problems, let alone assuming an accurate level of diagnosis and therapy.

Most symptoms are caused by multiple systems imbalances and examining the whole person, and not just the area of complaint, is necessary to offer an accurate assessment and diagnosis. How can some unknown person, inputting information, know anything about an individual's unique needs? Could there possibly be any misinformation on the internet? Is it possible that the lay person could be misinterpreting their symptoms or omitting vital information that they don't even know is important to their diagnosis and treatment options.

I believe that people should gather whatever information they want or need and then listen to what their doctor has to say, without prejudice or preconceived notions. We are all fallible human beings who deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. This is something that both doctors and patients sometimes forget. Perhaps, it is something that all of us, from time to time, forget.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Brain Function, Aluminum & Chemtrails....a bizarre connection

"Even with the increases in preventable illnesses, the issue that has not been linked or addressed ­with what Clifford Carnicom rightly calls "aerosol crimes"­ is the deterioration of cognitive function. Our immune system is already under siege daily; and this has resulted in millions (possibly billions) of people with not just one illness, but often multiple ones. The skin, the largest organ in our body, is a permeable membrane. This means that invisible toxins in our air, including Chemtrails and other highly dangerous chemicals, go right into our skin. Poisoned rainwater (or snow touching our skin) does the same thing. When the air we breathe is filled with a dangerous assortment of toxins, with each breath we take, these poisons assault our entire immune system. These poisons also affect our brain and, thus, our cognitive function.
Aluminum is another major component in these aerosols. Although it is our planet's most abundant metal, our body has no biological need for it. Pesticide Action Network North America [PANNA] lists it as "toxic to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity."  Yet, aluminum is commonly used [this is a very short list] in vaccines, deodorants and anti-perspirants, over-the-counter medications, soft drink and beer cans [aluminum leeches from the cans], baking powder, cake mixes, processed cheeses, and other food products and additives.
Over years, aluminum accumulates in the brain, tissues, and to a lesser amount the bones. It causes brain degeneration, dysfunction, and damage ­due to the blockage and reduced blood flow and oxygen of brain arteries. The brain shrinks, as brain cells die. This causes dementia. Symptoms include: emotional outbursts, paranoia, forgetfulness and memory loss, speech incoherence, irritability, diminished alertness, changes in personality, and poor/bad judgment. All these are on the rise, as more than 4-million Americans are afflicted. Brain deterioration and dementia take decades to cause serious and visible harm. Eventually, however, dementia is fatal. "Alzheimer's" is now being used incorrectly as a catch-all term for all kinds of dementia. Just a few days ago, the front page of the New York Times had a headline: "More with Dementia Wander from Home."  People afflicted with, what the Times terms "Alzheimer's" were interviewed. One person mentioned he "has a diagnosis of Alzheimer's." This is patently wrong. Alzheimer's dementia can only be accurately diagnosed after death when a post-mortem can be done. However, heavy metals poisoning can be diagnosed through lab testing; but this is rarely done for basic check-ups.
What is not addressed in this increase in dementia is the more than 10 years of breathing Chemtrails with nano aluminum-coated fiberglass. Billions of tons have been sprayed on us.
With all these sources of aluminum added to the air we breathe with each breath, the cumulative toxicity is very high. Even in daily events, it is obvious ­to anyone who is paying attention­ that many people are behaving oddly. While it may be considered "anecdotal" reporting, there are millions of people whose behavior is strange. There have been numerous times in just the past year when I have asked someone a question and received an answer that is totally unrelated. There have been more and more uncontrolled outbursts in public areas: someone "snaps" for no apparent reason. Violence levels are up in our society; and we already have epidemic proportions of it. Look at all the shootings on school campuses. There are more unexplained auto accidents that never should have happened. In just one day a few weeks ago, I witnessed three traffic accidents that need not have happened. The news is full of these stories.
Add to this already highly toxic body burden is the US military's use of aluminum in its aerosols. It is used because of its electrical conductivity, durability, and light weight. The US Air Force reported in 1997 that it released "2 million, 6-7 ounce bundles of CHAFF." These are laid by military aircraft form 15-50 miles in length.(14) Other unanswered questions: Why are they using this toxin? Why is the USAF not releasing up-to-date figures?
A 2002 report notes that: "over the last 25 years, the US Navy [has released from planes] several hundred thousand pounds of aluminized chaff during flight operations over a training area on the Chesapeake Bay."  If the Navy used hundreds of thousands of pounds in just this small area of the US, what could be extrapolated for the release of possibly billions of tons of nano aluminum by all the military divisions throughout the US and Canada more recently than 2002? CHAFF is also being stored that has lead in it. Has that been released, without our knowledge, and added to these aerosols? What enormous, yet invisible, harm has that created for all of us?
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported last year that "exposure to aerial emissions of nano composite materials resulted in cholinesterase inhibition."  The human body has three kinds of cholinesterase: for the brain, for plasma (manufactured by the liver), and red blood cells. Some pesticides and nerve gases inhibit cholinesterase. VX nerve gas, an organophosphate, has been burned and released into the air by the Army at Umatilla, Oregon, for the past five years. This deadly toxin is in the air all over the Pacific Northwestand there was very little public discussion. The chronic inhibition of this enzyme (that normally circulates in red blood cells), and caused by the spraying of these Chemtrails aerosols [for weather modification, is also used for mosquito and other insect eradication]. This causes chronic poisoning. This exposure causes severe neurological disorders, including paralysis in humans.
In a ground-breaking 2003 online essay, Dr. Kaye Kilburn, asks: "Why is Chemical Brain Injury Ignored?"  His article lists 13 concealed factors that affect our willingness to believe that dangerous chemicals do affect the brain. They include: 1. "It's all in your head" [meaning real symptoms are ignored by allopathic medicine].
2. Resistance to vulnerability [individuals, and society collectively, cannot believe the brain is at risk].
3. The acceptance of mind-altering prescription drugs [such as Paxil] that can and do affect the brain [millions are on anti-depressants ­what long-term damage does that also do to cognitive thinking?].
4. Chemical brain injury is considered not to be "an imminent threat."
5. Competition from other serious threats [causing indifference or denial];
6. Delay in acknowledging health risks.
7. Economic interests [delaying tactics by big corporations are well known ­delay continues profits and ignores taking responsibility. We are all expendable for corporate profits].
8. The field of neurology has been slow to consider causes [how many independent researchers are left who do not have any ties to the pharmaceutical/chemical companies?].
In all these valuable reasons for not addressing this human crisis, the one that Dr. Kilburn has not addressed directly is the chronic assault of breathing/absorbing these now billions of tons of hazardous aerosolized Chemtrails and heavy metals over more than a decade without our informed consent. When one does not look for or address primary causes, then other issues can be blamed. This, on top of a government's silence or refusal to respond and the corporate media's complicity, make for an extremely dangerous combination that puts us all at grave and daily risk. As brain function is diminished, and other things are blamed for it, any population is easier "to control."
Dr. Kiburn's research clearly shows that chemicals do affect and seriously harm the brain [and, thereby, cognitive function]. Chemicals ­especially a daily onslaught of toxic chemicals over many years­ can damage our ability to think clearly. Even if we find this hard to believe, the evidence is there. Dr. Kilburn has expanded this essay into the first book to research this: "Chemical Brain Injury" (published in 1998). Dr. Kilburn notes:
The brain's preservation represents the only possibility of survival for mankind. To find in many parts of the country and in many individual patients that its function is eroded seriously by chemicals, chemicals that have been introduced into the environment basically in the last 50 years, is bad news indeed."
