Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baking bread and Chicken Soup

I've posted the title of a wonderful book for those of you who like to bake your own bread and want to switch to non-gluten bread.  You can find it under the "more information" tab.  I think you'll really enjoy the recipes.

Speaking of recipes, I've posted my personal chicken and vegetable soup recipe that is fabulous.  My five year old grandson looked at it skeptically, but after a little coaxing, he tried it and loved it!  He also gives a two thumbs up for the dessert biscuits he helped me make this past weekend.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pumpkin Pudding crunch

I was able to fix my problem on the website, so now all one has to do is click on the "recipes" tab and all my yummy recipes will pop up on the one page.
I added another new one, title above.  It's non-gluten, non-dairy, non saturated fats and low glycemic index.  I know it sounds like it'll taste like cardboard, but, trust me, it's delicious!
Tomorrow, I'll be posting about cooking with qinoa pasta...all my little tricks to make the quinoa grain taste good, too.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Fabulous dessert biscuits

Yesterday afternoon, while we were watching the Redskins/Seahawks game, my husband said that he had had a dream about my dessert biscuits.  Well, of course I went out into the kitchen and made him a batch right away.  It's a wonderful way to "keep em happy."

I posted the recipe for the biscuits, with additional variations, on my website.  Also, I included a great recipe for cast iron skillet cornbread.

We have eaten only non-gluten and non-dairy for about 4 years.  I have to say, the best thing about it is that my husband no longer has sinus problems.  All his life he hadn't been able to breath well, especially at night.  Now, he's fine and loves the new way of eating.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Non-Gluten and Celiac disease

I received an email about the relationship between gluten and Celiac. Celiac, IBS and Chron's all involve the inflammation of the small intestine.  They are complex in origin and cause.  Gluten certainly is one offending element but not the only one.

There are a number of factors that contribute to these conditions and all have to be considered.  That being said, I'll be including entrees as well as desserts on our website that are geared toward gluten, dairy and sugar sensitive people.

My chocolate cake recipe is fabulous and a real crowd pleaser.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Some advice about non-gluten cooking

In many cases, your local grocery store will not carry the items I recommend in my recipes.  If that's the case, Amazon.com and nuts.com are wonderful sources of these items.  Your local health food store might also carry these items.

Let me know if you have any questions about the ingredients or where to find them.


Getting started with non-gluten cooking and baking

So many patients, over the years, have requested recipes from me that are healthy, good-for-you and really, really tasty.  I've decided to start posting the best-ever and most requested by my children, grandchildren and friends.

I love to cook and bake, so I hope this will be as fun for you as it has been and continues to be for me.  You can go to my web page and access my ideas and recipes, anytime.  My recipe for carrot cake is not only non-gluten but also non-dairy and, for my diabetic friends, low glycemic index.  I know that it sounds as though it'll taste like straw, but Surprise!  it has been declared as the, "best tasting-ever," carrot cake by most who have tried it.  Oh, it's also made with only organic ingredients.

Here's the link:  http://fixdhealthcare.com>

Dr. E.