Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Over 100,000 People Die Every Year From...

Let's back up a bit and go over the leading causes of death in this country:

Heart Attacks, Stroke, Cancer, Diabetes, Car Accidents, Suicides...

So, of the above, cardiovascular disease and cancer are the top two killers in this country.  The third and fourth leading cause of death isn't even mentioned in the above list.  I'll give you a hint:  every man, woman and child in this country average 13 of them a day; more than 4.02 billion of them are written every year. Yes, the fourth leading cause of death in this country is from PROPERLY prescribed and TAKEN medication... over 100,000 per year!!

Now, for those who might question the source of these statistics, it is:  JAMA.  So, that would make it difficult for those who are antagonistic towards alternative medicine to dismiss as biased.

Also, according to JAMA, 50% of all medications are improperly prescribed and more than 50% of patients take their medications, improperly.  When that statistic is taken into consideration, the death rate goes up to the THIRD leading cause of death.  Also, every year about 1.5 million people in this country experience an adverse reaction to medication so significant that it requires hospitalization.

I cannot imagine the hue and cry in this nation if ONE patient died from a visit to the chiropractor, yet, we live in silent acceptance of the deaths of tens of thousands of people every year. Amazing.

My next blog subject will offer a physiological explanation of why flu season usually begins around mid-November in this country.  Any guesses?


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Anibiotic-resistant drugs...What Can We Do?

Recently, there have been more reports about "super-bugs" that are being developed in hospitals.  The thought is that they are being created in the sinks and drains, of all places.  Simply put, the DNA of one bacterium is being transferred to the DNA of  another bacterium...creating a completely new bacterium that happens to be resistant to any of today's medications.

We need to remember that the foundation of all original medication was herbs.  Somehow, even the most "alternative-health" minded people frequently are convinced that they need to take drugs instead of herbs or other phytonutrient formulations in order to get well from the symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection.  In actuality, the correct whole food, organic formulations can be very effective as they support the immune system, nutritionally allowing the body to heal itself without side affects.

Supporting our immune systems with the correct formulations may allow us to avoid bacterial infections and viruses altogether...even in the height of cold and flu season.  One of the other causes of the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is the overuse and/or incorrect use of antibiotics, as in the over prescription of antibiotics for viral infections.  Doctors in Europe haven't prescribed antibiotics for children's ear infections for decades...can we say the same for doctors in this country? 

I recommend one or two formulations that can be taken everyday, especially in the winter months, that can help to keep our immune systems strong as well as help if we succumb to the symptoms of a cold or the flu.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

All About Oil and Cooking

Last week I was watching America's Test Kitchen.  In that episode, Chris was giving the results of their tests on olive oil.  I was particularly interested as I have been telling patients for years that the best source of olive oil was Spain, as it contains the greatest concentration of proanthocyanidins (the good nutrients in oils) in the world.  Sure enough, after all the testing that was done, his conclusion was the the olive oil from Spain was the best.  It's also the most expensive...around $38.00 per liter.  The reason for the cost is the quality of the oil.  Other olive oils don't contain the same quality of phytochemicals, even if the label says, "extra virgin."

What many don't know is that there is no defined quality control by the FDA as to what parameters constitute the extra virgin label.  As such, what Chris and his researchers found out is that the less expensive imported oils are in reality of lessor quality...my guess is that Italy keeps its higher quality olive oil for itself and ships us the leftovers.

Additionally, I agree with Chris in that one should not use olive oil in cooking...get a vegetable oil or high heat oil for those purposes.  The benefits of olive oil are optimally obtained in its raw or unheated state.  Avocado oil takes heating better than most other oils.  But, the rule when cooking is only cook oils in moderate heat.  Also, if you want to cook meat in oil, don't put the oil into the hot pan, but put it on the meat and then cook it on a moderate heat setting.

I encourage any of you who appreciates the benefits of olive oil not to cook with it but use it liberally on salads and cooked vegetables after they have been taken off the heat. Substitute oil for butter whenever you can.  It's truly worth the extra cost, especially since you don't need to use  much of the high quality olive oil.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Some Facts about Chocolate and Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

I was reading a blog written by a self-described "chocoholic."  This person wanted to curb her dependence on chocolate and found that by eating organic, unsweetened chocolate nibs, she was able to do so.  The nibs are pure cacao and are very high in magnesium...something that helps relieve premenstrual symptoms.  Of course, one could simply take extra whole food supplements that are high in magnesium, too.

Here is the information the chocoholic found:

Here are 3 facts about Chocolate that might surprise you:
  • When scientists measured brain activity in people eating chocolate they found that there was increased blood flow to the areas of the brain that are also activated when cocaine is taken!
  • Chocolate contains the same 'happy chemicals' found in some recreational drugs such as ecstasy!
  • It contains a neurotransmitter that affects the brain in the same way as the active ingredient in Cannabis
Some chocolate ingredients about which little is understood can directly effect the neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • Chocolate contains trypotophan which the brain uses to make seratonin which is a neurotransmitter that can produce feelings of elation
  • It also contains phenylethylamine. High levels of this neurotransmitter can stimulate the pleasure centres in the brain; normally, peak levels are reached during orgasm.
But chocolate also contains things that may be beneficial to us.
  • It contains magnesium and low levels of which in the female body can cause a woman to experience pre-menstrual tension which would explain the craving that women can get for chocolate before their periods. Nice to know that it isn't all in the mind huh?
  • Chocolate also contains IRON
  • It contains theobromine which helps to relax smooth muscle in the lungs
  • Chocolate contains flavanoids (these are also the ingredients in red wine) that help to prevent clotting and thin the blood.
Of course, if you are experiencing severe premenstrual symptoms, the problem may not be as simple as just adding magnesium to the diet.  Frequently, insufficient testosterone production can be a foundational problem and both the digestive tract and adrenals must be addressed as well as specific formulations to correct any nutritional deficiencies.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Do You Suffer From Hypertension?

One of the most pervasive problems we face in this country is cardiovascular disease and too high blood pressure is often at the foundation of this disease.  Of course, the response is to get the blood pressure to a more manageable number by hypertensive medications.

Many years ago, the AMA researched the efficacy of hypertensive medication with some interesting results....50% of the people studied showed no difference in blood pressure whether they took medication or not. Not surprisingly, when one looks at the results of studies done by the pharmaceutical industry, those show different numbers....an increased efficacy of the effects of medication on systolic and diastolic readings.

Getting to the root issues of why one's blood pressure is elevated is another approach.  My guess is that most of you don't know the important role that proper amounts of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, a balanced liver, gallbladder and adrenals, essential fatty acids and calcium in the diet and the importance of formulations that aid in the elimination of excess fluids all play in the proper functioning of our vessels.... and, thus, our blood pressure.

When proper nutritional support is offered for the common underlying causes of the existing nutritional deficiencies, the results are frequently quite astonishing. 


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Too Little Salt Can be Harmful, Too

This month's issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reports findings that indicate too little sodium consumption can be just as harmful to our health as too much sodium.

Sodium is an essential chemical necessary for electrolyte balance in our cells....too much and we risk cardiovascular disease and stroke,  too little and we increase that risk for heart-related diseases and/or death.

The researchers suggest the optimal daily intake be between 3 and 6 grams a day.  Now, this includes foods with naturally occurring sodium as well as added sodium.  I always suggest pink or Himalayan salt as they contain additional minerals necessary for proper assimilation and utilization of sodium.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

For Those who Take Antactids...

People typically take antacids because they get frequent heart burn.  An entire pharmaceutical firm's gross earnings are based around the need for the "purple pill."  However, those who experience frequent heart burn might be surprised at it's true cause:  too little acid and insufficient enzymes in the stomach.

The antacid approach offers the wrong solution as it is the wrong biochemistry.  Antacids neutralize one of the single most important of our bodily secretions:  hydrochloric acid.  Additionally, pepsin, a proteolytic enzyme (protein digesting) is necessary for proper digestion. 

Heartburn is an indication that there is insufficient acid production as well as insufficient enzyme production in the stomach.  As a result, the protein that is eaten actually putrifies in the stomach,  causing indigestion, malabsorbtion of nutrients, heartburn, gas and, frequently, flatulence.  A proper stomach acid environment is vital for our body being able to break down and utilize calcium.  Pernicious anemia ( a potentially fatal form of anemia) can also result from a stomach that is chronically low in hydrochloric acid (hypo or achlorhydria).

Guyton, the definitive expert on physiology ( and a really, really smart "guy"), says, in the text book, "Guyton's Physiology":

    "A substance called intrinsic factor, essential for absorption of vitamin B-12, is secreted....along with HCl.  Therefore, when the acid producing cells of the stomach are destroyed (as in chronic gastritis)....the person...develops pernicious anemia..."

Heartburn is not something to be ignored.  It indicates potentially serious and even possibly life-threatening problems, the underlying causes of which need to be identified.  Fortunately, there are formulations that are available to support the body, nutritionally.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Simple Fruit Cobbler

Here's my new favorite summer dessert that's not only yummy, but also very nutritious.  I like blueberry cobbler, made from wild grown and not cultivated blueberries.  While the cultivated ones are delicious and contain anti-oxidants, the wild grown ones contain twice the amount.  You can buy them in the frozen food section, so they are already cleaned and stemmed...you have to love that:  convenience with a super-food!

I use a 12 inch, oven-safe, non-stick pan (see last week's blog for specifics).


20 ounces of wild-grown blueberries OR----
6 cups of sliced peaches WITH 8 ounces of wild-grown blueberries   (I like the combination of peaches/nectarines with the blueberries)
3/4 cup of coconut palm sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 Tbsp. non-gluten flour

Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl, until incorporated.   Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.


In a large bowl, combine 2 cups of Pamela's Baking Mix or Non-gluten flour with 1/2 cup coconut sugar, 1/4 tsp. pink salt, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, cut in 6 Tbsp. of cold butter and combine until the consistency of the flour is like coarse sand.  As an unusual touch, if you want, add 1/2 cup grated goat's cheddar cheese and then add about 1/4 or so cups of almond milk.  Mix this just until combined, making certain that the biscuit mix isn't too moist...err on the dry side.

Place the fruit mixture into the non-stick pan and drop the biscuit mixture by spoonsful over the fruit.  I like to try to keep the biscuit mixture about the same thickness so it bakes, evenly.  Bake for 40-45 minutes, until the top is golden brown and completely done.

I suggest you place a large cookie or baking sheet under the pan in case there's a spill over.  Let the cobbler cool before serving.  This should feed at least 6 people.  This dessert is high in phytonutrients, anti-oxidants and low in sugar.  It doesn't get much better than than...enjoy!
