Friday, September 13, 2013

The "Skinny" on Coconut Oil

It seems as though I have been barraged by e-mails, Linkedin topics and merchants such as VitaCost and Health Tree, to buy, buy, buy the wonder oil, coconut.  One doctor went so far as to publish the latest impressive-looking article about how coconut oil can protect one from heart disease.....until you actually read through the "mights" and "maybe linked to's" sprinkled liberally throughout the piece.   The article states that the use of coconut oil in the diet has dropped in Indonesia and India in the past couple of decades and the incidence of heart disease has risen in India but not in Indonesia. Therefore, the doctor somehow makes a connection between the incidence of heart disease and a drop in the use of coconut oil.  That simply looks like this person is trying to make a point, but the point is illusive, at best.

Over the years, I have had many people come to me asking about coconut oil.  Coconut oil contains no essential fatty acids, like the omega three fatty acids (hemp nuts, sunflower oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil) that have been studied, extensively, and been proven to be heart-protecting fats.  The links between coconut oil and heart health has not been proven, at least in the many articles that I have read. Now, if the question is, "Is coconut oil a good oil for me to use in addition to other oils?" then, certainly, use small amounts of this oil in your diet.  But, if the question is, "Is coconut oil the only oil I need in my diet?" then, my answer is, "No."  Just as it is important to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and grains, it is very important to eat a variety of fats.

I like coconut oil, coconut flour and unsweetened coconut and use these items as part of our non-gluten diet regimen.  If you look at any of the recipes I have on my website, you will see that I use many other oils in my day-to-day cooking and baking.   It's simply important to remember that no one food or supplement or medication is a, "cure-all," for what ails us.  I included information as to the importance of eating a variety of foods and which foods are best for our overall health in a blog that I wrote last week.


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