Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sometimes, Researchers Just Don't Quite "Get It" When it Comes to Probiotics

I was reading a research article by Dr. Roberts, et. al., that was published in BMC Gastroenterology, in which they did a randomized controlled study regarding the efficacy of probiotics in the management of IBS.  Their two choices were:  a dairy source of probiotics and  non-probiotic dairy products.  These two sources were given to 179 people between the ages of 18 and 65 who experienced IBS symptoms. After 12 weeks on a non-probiotic dairy product or a dairy probiotic twice a day, the people showed no statistically significant improvement in their IBS from either source.

Now, we've been "talking" for over 8 months about all sorts of nutritional topics, the negative effects from eating dairy being one of them.  It amazes me that none of the researchers ever even thought to test the effects of a non-dairy probiotic in their study.  That is the material point GI inflammatory conditions...they are ALL exacerbated, if not caused in part, by dairy...especially cow's dairy sources!

I can tell you that, without exception, every patient who ever came into our office suffering from any of the gut diseases experienced significant relief from eliminating cow's milk dairy sources from their diets. We also had to eliminate other foods from their diet and/or perform adverse reaction to specific foods evaluations, but one of the "big three" offenders is always cow's milk.  So, the idea that probiotics derived from cow's milk is not particularly helpful, in my opinion.  And, as such, should never be used by anyone with any type of inflammatory condition.  I truly hope that someone will take the time to study probiotics that are not cow's milk derived;  I believe that the results of such a study would prove to be much different than those of this study.

No matter how much any of us likes Jamie Lee Curtis, she simply shouldn't be our source if information when it comes to diet and trying to promote gut health.  Unfortunately, cow's milk yogurt actually causes the very problems that her endorsed product claims to eliminate.

There are excellent non-dairy sources of probiotics that are readily available.


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