Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Topic Request From one of my Readers

One of my favorite things to have happen is for my reader/readers to request a topic for discussion.  I really appreciate it when someone takes time out from their busy day to contact me about a concern or question.  This reader requested that I talk about fungus.  I'm guessing that it's not exactly a topic for discussion around the dinner table, but it is something that affects most everyone, sooner or later.

As a normal course of events, viruses, bacteria and fungi live on our skin and other body areas.  This is just a part of living on this planet.  When we are healthy, these microscopic organisms pose little threat to us.  However, as soon as our immune system is stressed, whether physically or emotionally, any or all of these organisms may affect us.

The most frequent cause of fungal infections is the result of a disturbance in the quantity and quality of the normally occurring bacteria in our intestines.  Once a person has taken even one course of an antibiotic, their flora population will be diminished significantly and fungal overgrowth can begin.  We have seen patients present with bowel problems and other associated difficulties from antibiotics.  Anytime you are taking even one course of antibiotics, you absolutely need to take a full spectrum probiotic; I'm sorry, but yogurt just won't help reestablish the necessary intestinal flora population.  If the intestinal environment is not normalized, a person will begin to experience symptoms of a systemic fungal overgrowth:  including nail and skin fungal infections and systemic inflammatory imbalances.

For anyone who has taken antibiotics and is experiencing symptoms from which they cannot seem to get relief, the first step is to normalize their intestinal environment with probiotics, most likely a number of courses of probiotics.  The adrenals, which mediate the immune system, will always be affected by intestinal imbalances and need to be supported, nutritionally.  Adrenal exhaustion is very common and is an underlying cause of chronic fatigue syndrome as well as other systemic chronic imbalances.  All this, from an all-too-frequently prescribed medication that has been introduced to our children as young as a few months old.  The younger the age this is first taken, the greater the effect will be over the ensuing years.  You might be surprised at all of the symptoms/problems that have been attributed to bacterial and fungal overgrowth...headaches, musculoskeletal symptoms, ear infections,  candida infections, hormonal imbalances...the list goes on and on.  I highly recommend probiotics for any children who have been taking antibiotic medication.  I would also ask why these medications are being taken...for what symptoms?  If it's an ear infection, the doctors in Europe are way ahead of their American counterparts on that score.  It has been shown over and over in numerous studies that antibiotics are not necessary in the majority of cases of ear infections. Develop a healthy immune system with specific nutriceuticals and the ear problems will retreat.

For those who are dealing with nail or skin fungal infections, you must begin taking probiotics and use a nutritional support such oil of oregano.  This is very effective, in most cases.  Also, if the toes are affected, my recommendation is to wear only cotton socks as nylon does not allow the skin to breathe.  Even if your dermatologist has prescribed only topical antibiotics or corticosteroids, I would still recommend the use of probiotics.


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