Friday, September 6, 2013

Causes of Breast Cancer

I was reading an article about breast cancer.  On the website, you could find the statement that environmental factors have been found to be associated with only 7-9% of the cases of breast cancer. As I continued to read, I began to get the idea that this health care professional was a bit more interested in selling their "formula" for breast health than giving women concrete scientific data.

There is an excellent book on the subject of breast cancer that I have recommended in past blogs, but I believe that it's a good idea to give you the title and author, again.  Dr. Jane Plant, a British scientist, wrote this book in response to her personal journey with repeated bouts of breast cancer and remission.  It is an easy read but full of important information.  "Your Life In Your Hands," was written over a decade ago but is still very much relevant to today.

The website to which I referred in my opening paragraph talks about the importance of hormone balance, eating an organic diet, decreasing stress, taking specific supplements and many more topics.  All these points are valid when talking about breast or any other type of cancer, when you get down to it.  However, there is one important point that most everyone, doctors and laymen alike, fail to talk about in terms of a major contributing factor to the cause of breast's not the environment or stress or lack of supplements or imbalance female's a genetically modified hormone that we have been ingesting since the 90's...rBGH.  Sources:  all non-organic dairy, all non-organic beef and any other animal that the government has allowed to be injected.

For any of you who have a concern about breast cancer, please read this book.  It just might save your life or the life of someone you love.


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