Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Just Eat Less and Exercise and You’ll Lose Weight"

How often have the “experts” preached that to those  who have been yo-yo dieting their whole lives? People say that and people end up feeling as though they’re losers or just don’t have enough will-power, or worse, have been convinced that they’re simply addicted to food.

Well, guess what? None of the above is an absolute. Those physicians who have bothered to take the time to read their own research will never say those things to you. Instead, they’ll tell you the truth:

You can diet and count calories (or, points) till the cows come home, but if you’re missing one thing, you’ll never be able to lose your belly fat, let alone sustain any fat loss. Why? Because you have to generate the right kind of bacteria in your gut in order to lose fat and keep it off.

When you eat, the bacteria in your colon digests the food. There are, literally hundreds of different kinds of gut bacteria, but for ease of understanding, we’ll divide them into two major categories: Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes. I’ll desginate them B and F.

If you have excessive amounts of F in your gut, no matter how many calories you cut from your diet, you’re going to gain weight over time. F bacteria thrive on simple carbohydrates, you know, all the sugary stuff that most of us eat all the time. Including, pasta, rice, grains, white sugar, white flour, dried fruits and fruit juices as well as soda and so forth. The F bacteria turn those calories into fat that ends up in the buttocks, hips, thighs and abdomen. The B bacteria don’t absorb the simple carbs and pass them out of the body, unused.

The solution is to stop focusing on calories and focus on growing the B bacteria and ridding the body of the excessive F. 

If you want to know how to do that, successfully, you might want to read my next blog.

Dr. Esther 

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