Thursday, April 6, 2017

How to Determine if Your Metabolism has been Hijacked

1. Do you gain weight easily?
2. Do you have a difficult time taking weight off?
3. Do you lose and re-gain the same or more weight , aka, yo-yo dieting?
4. Do you experience food cravings, especially at night?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, continue with the next questions

Do you experience any of the following symptoms, regularly?

1. bloating
2. cramps
3. gas
4. constipation
5. diarrhea
6. indigestion or acid reflux

If “yes” continue to the next section:

1. Do you often feel tired or sluggish?
2. Do you have difficulty concentrating or experience lapses in memory?
3. Do you experience mood swings?
4. Do you experience recurrent skin rashes?
5. Do you experience joint or muscle pain?
6. Do you get recurring bladder/yeast infections?

Answering “yes” to any of the questions in the first and second set indicates that you probably are dealing with gut dysbiosis...the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut.

Next time, we'll discuss what gut dysbiosis is and what affect that has on our health.

Dr. Esther


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