Thursday, July 9, 2015

Don't Wash Your Plastic Containers in the Dishwasher!

Researchers conducted an observational study to see what, if any, connection could be found between endocrine-interfering phthalates (aka PBA) in plastics and the worrisome increase in the incidence of juvenile hypertension.  The urine of these children was tested and a direct correlation between the amount of phthalates in their bodies and elevated blood pressure was observed.

I have discussed the use of plastic containers in past blogs,suggesting that they not be used in the microwave or have acidic-containing foods stored in them.  We also need to be cautious as to how the containers are cleaned.  Washing them in the dishwasher, over a period of time, can cause small scratches, breeching the integrity of the containers' protective coating.  This could allow for a more significant leeching of phthalates into any stored or microwaved foods.

The plastics industry steadfastly maintains that plastic containers are safe for storage and heating in microwaves.  Also, this study is the least scientific of all the different types of studies.  However, in my opinion, any observable connection between high levels of a chemical and an associated potential health risk should be carefully considered.

When it comes down to it, if you're going to use a microwave to heat foods, why not simply heat them in a glass container?  The same thing goes for storing foods... why not also store acidic foods in an inert container?  I suggest that one wash plastics by hand, being careful to use only non-abrasive cleaning methods.

Dr. Esther

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