Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Childhood Disabilities Caused by Our New Technology

I was listening to a news piece about the increasing numbers of our young people who are suffering from back and neck pain....from the hours they are spending, hunched over their electronic communication devices, "talking."  We need to remember that the muscle fatigue caused by hours in a static position is only one of the results of this activity.  These children are also being exposed to countless hours of electromagnetic field radiation emissions.  Since it takes a considerable amount of time for the effects of these emissions to be felt, ( I refer you to my blog entitled, "And the Children Shall Lead Us")  I truly am much more concerned about the potential of permanent cellular damage than by back and neck aches.  It is interesting that the back pain gets so much more attention than the cellular affects.  We tend to focus on the immediate and ignore the long term consequences.

Another e-world problem that dentists are seeing is micro-fracturing of teeth caused by grinding.  Apparently, as the youngsters are texting, they are clenching their jaws and grinding their teeth.  The stress of life always shows itself in some form or another.  This is more potentially serious than the report indicates.  We see so many patients with complaints of chronic pain and even disability that are directly related to TMJ dysfunction that is traceable to jaw clenching and hyperflexion/extension injuries (whiplash).  Grinding of the teeth over a long period of time will lead to the same musculoskeletal/neuromuscluar dysfunctions as presented by patients with whiplash injuries.  If left untreated, this dysfunction will significantly impact one's quality of life; we see this all too frequently.

Isn't it amazing how significant the unintended consequences of our technology can be for all of us?


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