Friday, July 26, 2013

EMFR Part 2 Or Why We Need to be Concerned

In 2007, the Bioinitiative Working Group released a 650-page report citing more than 2,000 studies detailing the toxic effects of emf's from all sources. Chronic exposure to low-level radiation (like cell phones, wi-fi, blue tooth, I-Pods, computers, etc.) can cause a variety of cancers, impair immunity and contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia, heart disease and other ailments.

Additionally, every single study of brain tumors that looks at 10 or more years of use shows an increased risk of brain cancer. Australia reports an increase in pediatric brain cancers of 21% (children's brains are many times more susceptible to the damages of emfr than adults) in just ONE decade. Studies across Europe and the UK show an increase in brain cancers of 40% in the last twenty years.

Brain cancer has now surpassed leukemia as the number one cancer killer of children. The BioInitiative Report also includes studies showing evidence for exposure to emfr brain tumors, acoustic neuromas (tumors on the auditory nerve which damages hearing) and childhood cancers like leukemia.

A review of 11 long-term epidemiological studies published in the Journal of Surgical Neurology two years ago revealed that using a cell phone for 10 or more years approximately doubles the risk of being diagnosed with a brain tumor on the same side of the head where the cell phone is typically held.

Now, what if you don't use a cell phone; is there still a risk of interrupting the normal functioning of your immune system? The answer is, “Yes!” Over the past decade, we have seen a proliferation of cell phone towers (now, 3G isn't enough, we need 4, 5 and 6G strength signals which are so much more powerful) all over the US. My brother, who visited China, tells me that there is no place in China in which you cannot get a cell phone signal. Wow. Can you imagine the emfr which is bombarding every Chinese person? Additionally, look how many of us use hand-held devices and wi-fi connections for our computers. Look how many of us use computers or i-Phones. And, those thinking that a computer shield is helpful will be disappointed to know that shields do nothing to protect us from emfr emission.

A very simple way to decrease our exposure to emfr is simply to turn off any mobile device and definitely not to sleep in a room containing a computer/router/modem that is on.  Also very helpful is to not go to sleep with the television on or a clock radio near your head or on a nearby nightstand.  I suggest that when considering moving to a new home, one not move within at least a half mile of a transmission tower or substation. When driving, is your connection to a blue tooth or other devices always on?  Again, my suggestion is to turn those off, especially if your children are in the car.  Are the children always playing with their i-Pad or other mobile devices?  That puts them at considerable risk.  I know these devices have made all our lives simpler, at least that's what we think. Perhaps, we need to rethink "convenience" and the price we appear to be paying for it.

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