Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Importance of Pro-Biotics to Our Health

Yesterday, we talked about the relationship between intestinal health and mental health.  We know that how the digestive tract evolves in the first few years of life influences the health of the brain.  We know that maintaining a healthy intestinal bacterial environment is vital not only to bowel function, autoimmune balance and inflammation causing an antigen response (this mitigates allergic reactions), but to neural function and the normal growth of a child.  What is the best way to ensure intestinal health?

The other day, I was asked if giving a child yogurt would help balance the intestinal tract while taking anti-biotics.  Stonyfield Farms was mentioned.  Now, while this brand is probably the best of the yogurts, as it contains a few strains of bacteria, yogurt is of little help in this instance. Additionally, yogurt contains sugar...the medium in which yeast flourishes, so, that's simply counterproductive.  One needs to take a full spectrum probiotic in order to reestablish and maintain intestinal health.

Their are a few high  quality probiotics on the market that I have seen.  There are, also, a number of very, very expensive ones, too.  I have seen as much as $100.00 per bottle charged for some of these.  That cost is excessive and unnecessary.  We handle a whole food, organic,  full spectrum probiotic (meaning, it contains all 14 strains of normally occurring intestinal flora) for a very reasonable price.

We recommend that everyone take one capsule of a full spectrum probiotic everyday.  I was listening to an interview of a celebrity speaking about how he has never had a cold or flu since taking probiotics.  I was really pleasantly surprised to hear that.  It's a wonderful testament to the importance of good bacteria for overall health.  I have seen the health of so many patients improve dramatically after taking probiotics, regularly.  After reading the research that was the basis of yesterday's blog, I am, now, recommending that any children who have been on even one course of antibiotics, begin taking the i-Flora, as well as adding this to every child's daily supplementation.


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