Monday, April 22, 2013

Are You Drinking Enough Water, or Are You Dehydrated?

The past few weeks, I have read a number of articles concerning just how much water one needs to drink to stay hydrated.  These articles contained conflicting opinions.  When one gets right down to it, I think it's more important to see if we are drinking a sufficient amount of water each day by, "reading our body."  Here are some things you can check to see if your body is actually "thirsty."

1.  Are you thirsty?
     If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated....your body is crying for water!

2.  Do you awaken each morning with a dry or sticky mouth?

3.  Is your skin cracked or dry? (That can also indicate insufficient oil in the diet)

4.  Is your urine a dark yellow color?  (It should be very light yellow)
     Dark urine indicates concentrated urine.  That means that the kidneys are working overtime as well as being potentially problematic for the blood.  Stickiness or clumping of the red blood cells can occur with dehydration and can lead to some very serious illnesses.

5.  When you make a fist and pick up the skin around your knuckles, does the skin bounce right back?

6.  Do you snore?
     I know this sounds odd, but, if there are no other physical problems, frequently, we snore because our mouths are dry from dehydration and not the other way around.

If you have any of these symptoms, especially if you have more than one, you are dehydrated.  How much water one needs to drink may vary, somewhat, but a good rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 your weight in ounces.  120 pounds=60 ounces of water per day.  (If you are very active, you will most likely need more water than that.)  If you are following that rule and are still noticing some of the above mentioned symptoms, you may need more water OR you may be drinking too much water at one time.  We should be drinking small amounts of water throughout the day, totaling the optimum amount of ounces at day's end.


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