Tuesday, December 8, 2015

President Jimmy Carter is One of the Fortunate Ones

As I sat watching yet another ad for some medication or another (they all sort of run together for me), I began thinking about what most of us are really doing when we pop those pills into our mouths.

From what I've seen, I believe that many, after xx number of years taking the same medication, don't even register what they are putting into their system.

I am a big fan of taking a specific medication for a specifically indicated malady for a specific amount of time. Certain medications have been proven to save lives, over the years.  (Look what has happened with former President Jimmy Carter.  It's amazing).  But, I have to wonder how many listen to or read about the disclaimers concerning the proven efficacy of many of the advertised pharmaceuticals. "Not shown/proven to decrease the number of heart attacks/strokes/other indicated problems...," let alone some of the horrific side effects listed:  anything from swelling of the tongue to brain cancer to death, and, yet, we are the "pill-poppingist" nation in the world.

What many are missing about the daily, sub-conscious ingestion of the average 12 meds per day, in my opinion, is that, with some exceptions, the physiological imbalances/deterioration that caused the original problem has not ceased.  Going off the medication results in the problem popping back up.  So, what is happening is that the medication is only masking the symptoms, not addressing the cause.

I know that many actually are very contented to simply continuing to take  pills.  I understand that.  What I am hoping that people understand is that their body continues to deteriorate in the absence of symptoms. I encourage you to read the labels that are included with your medications.  Good luck with that; you'll probably need a magnifying glass.

Dr. Esther

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