Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lyme's Disease: One Patient's Story

I begin this with both the facts that my patient has given permission for me to write this story and that it wouldn't have been possible without the protocol that was developed by MediHerb for this problem.

I must also say that I don't treat diseases or conditions, but, instead treat people who are in distress and happen to have been given a particular diagnosis by a medical practitioner.

This is a very unusual patient for a number of reasons.  She encountered her first tick bite and was diagnosed with Lyme's around 20 years ago.  She went through the same medical protocol then that is still prescribed, today.  She's unusual in that she will do just about anything to avoid those types of medications; she's also unusual because she has been bitten, to her recollection, about 8-10 times since her first encounter.

Over the years, she developed numerous symptoms that were rheumatological and neurological in nature as well as a sleep disorder.  My husband had been treating her for problems which developed after a shoulder surgery some years back, and what she said brought her running to us was that she was developing the exact same symptoms in her other shoulder which lead to the original surgery and she just didn't want to go through that, again.

After doing a work-up and discussing the results, we both decided to approach the pain, diminished joint movement, sleeplessness and other symptoms from a completely different angle.  Within 5 days of her beginning the specialized protocol, she called me to let me know that she had slept through the night, for 8 hours, for the past 3 nights...the first time in more years than she could remember.  She also told me that, "It was working," because her shoulder pain in both shoulders had diminished, as well as her back pain and other long-term symptoms....she was ecstatic.

However, it was what she told me this past week that prodded me to write about her situation because of its unusual nature.  I have to say that she is about the most in-tuned-to-her-body patients I have ever had.  So, what she said, next, didn't surprise me, but might surprise others.

She said that she began to feel each of the sites where she was bitten, starting with the latest bite.  After the feeling at each site resolved, another site would begin to react, until a few days ago when the very first bite, over 20 years ago, began to burn and itch for 3 days.  She tried everything to diminish the symptoms, but nothing helped.  Then, she said that she remembered reading a book about true healing and that while an area was healing, the original symptoms were often reproduced.  I told her that that happens when the cells, that had been storing the toxins (sometimes a lifetime full of them), begin healing and part of that healing is getting rid of all the poisons.

The insidious fact about Lyme's is all the biochemical, physiological, neurological and emotional ramifications that it causes usually end up being worse than the original infection and that is what the MediHerb protocol addresses.

It's stories like the one I just related that make me feel as though I am relevant and have something worthwhile to offer....and that makes me smile.

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