Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Over 100,000 People Die Every Year From...

Let's back up a bit and go over the leading causes of death in this country:

Heart Attacks, Stroke, Cancer, Diabetes, Car Accidents, Suicides...

So, of the above, cardiovascular disease and cancer are the top two killers in this country.  The third and fourth leading cause of death isn't even mentioned in the above list.  I'll give you a hint:  every man, woman and child in this country average 13 of them a day; more than 4.02 billion of them are written every year. Yes, the fourth leading cause of death in this country is from PROPERLY prescribed and TAKEN medication... over 100,000 per year!!

Now, for those who might question the source of these statistics, it is:  JAMA.  So, that would make it difficult for those who are antagonistic towards alternative medicine to dismiss as biased.

Also, according to JAMA, 50% of all medications are improperly prescribed and more than 50% of patients take their medications, improperly.  When that statistic is taken into consideration, the death rate goes up to the THIRD leading cause of death.  Also, every year about 1.5 million people in this country experience an adverse reaction to medication so significant that it requires hospitalization.

I cannot imagine the hue and cry in this nation if ONE patient died from a visit to the chiropractor, yet, we live in silent acceptance of the deaths of tens of thousands of people every year. Amazing.

My next blog subject will offer a physiological explanation of why flu season usually begins around mid-November in this country.  Any guesses?


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