Thursday, June 19, 2014

A New Paradigm....Functional Medicine

Back in 1991, the AMA sued two doctors (PhD's), Jeffrey and Susan Bland, for making claims that a person could lose weight by changing the metabolism.  Also, they claimed that by changing a person's diet, that person's gastrointestinal, inflammatory and immune problems, fatigue, food allergies and mercury poisoning could be affected or eliminated. 

You might be interested to know that the medical association lost and the Bland's won the suit.  In fact, if you watch Dr. Oz or The Doctors or even the Steve Harvey show, you'll hear all about how diet and dysfunction are interrelated...seems as though once the medical association loses, they absorb the information and pass it along as their own....just one person's opinion.

The Institute of Functional Medicine was born in 1991.  If you google it, you'll even be able to find medical doctors who are now certified in Functional Medicine.

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the health care needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, Functional Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional Medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

I had never heard of the term, "Functional Medicine," before a year or so ago.  What I find ironically interesting is that we have been practicing using this philosophy and approach to patient care for over two decades.  That's why we offer treatment that encompasses both a neuro-mechanical and physiological, functional  approach.  Maybe, great minds do think alike.


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