Thursday, April 10, 2014

"Liver" or "Age spots: What are They?

Most of us are familiar with the "inevitable" age/liver spots that have most frequently been attributed to sun damage.  However, during one of our recent continuing education seminars, we learned that these spots may be more about diet than just simple sun damage.

If I may, I wish to digress just a bit to illustrate a point about the source of the damaged skin.
          Some time ago, I was watching a show about the "golden age" of television (the 50's into the very early 60's for those yungins out there) and Julia Child's show was highlighted.  It was in black and white, of course.  What struck me was Julia's hands...the backs were covered in spots.  Doing the math, I estimated that she was in her early 50's at the time.  Those of us who have watched any amount of her shows know her theme: "You can never have enough butter!"  Well, Julia, yes, yes you can.

The research now shows that the liver does, indeed, play an important part in the development of those spots on our face, hands and other parts of the body in concert with the sun.  The reason for this is that the liver is always affected by the ingestion of trans fat, aka saturated fat and hydrogenated fat.  I won't go into the blood chemistry, but even if you don't eat saturated or hydrogenated fats anymore, what you ate in the past can and usually does show up in the skin, in this case, as "age spots."  All that bacon, butter, fried food and fatty meat catches up with us.

Right now, I'm silently thanking my mother for not allowing us much in the way of any of the above-mentioned categories of food.  My hands and face look pretty good, much better than my husband's.  He grew up on a dairy farm...lots of cream, butter and bacon.


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