Monday, January 6, 2014

Functional Medicine: A new way to view primary health care

What exactly is, "functional medicine?"  It is a relatively new approach to the concept of health and wellness.  It is a way for your provider to offer some predictive advice as to where you might be in one, five or ten years from now, before health problems develop.

It is not a replacement for conventional or alternative medicine, but offers a bridge between the two "worlds," and can be applied to both acute and chronic conditions.  Think of functional medicine as, "personalized lifestyle medicine."

Using this approach, we do not focus on diagnosis.  So many patients come to us with a specific diagnosis that we find has little to do with method of treatment.  Thus, functional medicine is focused on identifying functional impairments on a spectrum (or scale) of health.  Once we see how different systems are functioning, we then work with our patients to identify which foods, supplements and lifestyle strategies to implement to actively promote a better place on that spectrum or scale.  If pharmaceutical or surgical intervention is seen as an option, patients are referred for appropriate care. In our practice, most of the patients who come to us have already been seen by other practitioners, allowing us to, "get to the heart of the matter," more quickly, knowing there are no hidden underlying complicating conditions.

Functional medicine is a real option for those wanting to take charge of their health.


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