Monday, August 19, 2013

Do you Have IBD? Here are Some Ideas That may Help

IBD or inflammatory bowel disease used to be known as IBS.  I guess the medical community decided that "inflammatory" was more descriptive than "irritable."  A rose by any other name, although there is little that is sweet about this problem.

Those suffering from this condition frequently suffer from chronic fatigue.  This is hardly surprising because this occurs when the body is unable to assimilate and utilize foods, an affect of inflammation.   We have discussed many of the problems that can result when the intestines are inflamed or unable to produce sufficient amounts of necessary bacteria in a number of previous blogs.

In this month's Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine, researchers studied thiamine (B1) and its possible benefits for those with IBD who are suffering with chronic fatigue.  This was a very small study, only 16 people, but it appears that the positive effects of this vitamin were statistically significant. It certainly makes sense that any B vitamins would be of help because this classification of vitamins helps to calm nerves.  I'm not sure why only B1 was chosen as there is no food in nature that contains only one of the B vitamins without any other accompanying phytonutrients.  Also, we can be certain that the source of this vitamin is both fractionalized and laboratory-produced.  That being said, it is still of interest to me just how vitamin deficient many people must have been in this study to produce such a positive result from one course of 600-1500 mg. per day.

For those with this condition that have sought our help, we have been extremely successful in reducing the symptoms by changing their diet, adding probiotic and other nutrient supplementation and using cold laser. Certain food groups have been identified as major irritants, and once removed completely from the diet, people have found incredible relief.  We would occasionally add back the offending foods to the diet and, virtually without exception, the symptoms would return.  I'm not certain just how much relief one would get taking only one vitamin, but at least this study is a step in the right direction.

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