Monday, November 30, 2015

Chiropractic Therapy for Migraines

Of all the problems that our patients come to us with, headaches are the most difficult to help because there are so many causes for them and types of headaches...over one hundred!  Of these, we have found migraines to be the most complex to treat.

There are many different triggers for migraines and just as many different causes.  We have found that there are always both mechanical and emotional components that must be addressed.  If not, the typical outcome is usually less than satisfactory for the patient.

We have to understand that the central nervous system records and memorizes every mechanical, emotional, physiological, biochemical and neurological input that it experiences, daily.  If it didn't, we would never learn how to walk, run, ride a bike, speak and so on.  If the CNS didn't record all experience, we would have to re-learn everything we just learned, everyday.  On the down side, all injury and trauma is also recorded.  As such, the CNS "relearns" the corrupted input of injury and sends messages out to the peripheral nervous system (including our musculoskeletal system) that are also, corrupted or imbalanced.

Our job is to find and identify these imbalanced areas and fix them.  It is no different for the patient suffering from migraines...usually by the time someone develops migraines, many, many systems are imbalanced and need attention.

The good news is that migraines can be successfully treated or managed.  One of our patients used to have migraines 4-5 times a week.  Now, she experiences much more mild headaches once a week or less.  Others have been migraine free unless they eat the food that triggers them.  For those suffering from these incredibly painful headaches, there is relief available.

Dr. Esther & Dr. Thomas

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