Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Acid Reflux in Babies....A serious condition

My first infant patient was diagnosed by her pediatrician as having pyloric valve prolapse.  The pyloric valve is a sphincter in the digestive tract.  If this is not developed normally, it can prolapse and allow milk/food to be projectile vomited (along with hydrochloric acid) every time the baby intakes nourishment...it's serious and needs immediate treatment.   Before the mother was willing to subject her baby to surgery, she thought she'd try my care.

Needless to say, this baby was undernourished and I was hesitant, but as I had helped the mother with some serious pain and mobility issues after delivery, she was trusting enough to let me try.  It didn't take too long, but the happy ending was that the baby didn't require surgery and no longer had any problems with keeping down any of the food she ate nor any further acid reflux problems.  We love happy endings.

The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, May, 2009 issue published the results of a study of infants, age 2 weeks to 11 months, with acid reflux who had been given chiropractic care.  Sixty percent of the infants had experienced birth trauma, also.  Damaging or impinging the cervical structures during birth can lead to many and varied symptoms, including digestive, sleep, mechanical and behavior problems.

Chiropractic care was administered to the infants for 2-6 weeks, with ALL of the infants' symptoms being resolved.  I think that's amazing.  How many other studies examining the efficacy of pharmaceutical intervention for a problem have resulted in a 100% cure rate?  None that I can remember.


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