Tuesday, February 25, 2014

This is How Our Children are Diagnosed with ADD

A new study links the diagnosis of ADHD and how long a woman took Acetaminophen or other NSAIDs during her pregnancy.  Almost 30% of the children diagnosed with this condition were born to mothers who took this OTC while carrying their baby.  It was also noted that the longer this medication was taken, the more severe the ADD was in the child.

I have to say that this penchant in our country to take a medication for every ache and pain or symptom is going to come back to haunt us.  In fact, I believe it already has.  Imagine, think how a person would feel finding out that a seemingly innocuous over-the-counter medication has caused a life-long disability in their child. We rely on medical doctors and the FDA to tell us which drugs are safe and which are not...unfortunately, often times these groups are clueless as to the long term affects of "harmless" medications. Also, unfortunately, we often become little more than guinea pigs in this merry-go-round of marketing pressure to take pills in order to have a "happy" life.

While there are no definitive studies concerning cause and effect where autism is concerned, it is my opinion that we will eventually see a similar connection between the overuse of over-the-counter medication and this disability as we do between ADHD and anti-inflammatory meds.

I truly wonder what it will take for us to pull back from this over-medication brinkmanship.


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