Monday, May 15, 2017

Eat This in Your Salad for Fat Loss

We hear a lot about the importance of probiotics for the gut, but there is something else equally important, prebiotic fiber. Prebiotic fiber is a super-food for your good gut bacteria. Without it, your gut won’t be able to sustain good bacteria growth.

The vegetable that takes fat loss to a new level is: raw leeks. These taste like onions, but are sweeter. If you don’t like the taste of onion, try just a little to see how you like them and then you can increase the amount, gradually.

Adding prebiotic fiber plus probiotic foods (fermented) to the diet will, over time, make a huge difference not only in fat loss, but in your energy levels and your mood.

Eating organic leeks, raw vegies (red, green leaf or spring lettuces, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, cruciferous vegies) and fermented foods gives you a synbiotics diet...a combination of pre- and probiotics. The foods our bodies really want and need for true balance, well-being and health.

You can read more about the importance of a balanced synbiotics diet in the book or pdf. : The Cruise Control Diet by James Wood.

Dr. Esther

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