Friday, May 26, 2017

Drink These to get rid of Belly Bloat

This drink will cause you to shed a bit of belly fat each night while you sleep!


1 cucumber

1 small bunch of parsley

1 tsp of freshly grated ginger

½ of a lemon

1/3 cup of water

Put all the ingredients into a blender, blend until liquefied, and then, drink up.

During the day, drinking a glass of water with 1-3 tsp of apple cider vinegar will help your digestion and optimization of blood sugar levels. Additionally, it’s full of probiotics and will help the gut re-populate it’s good bacteria.

Remember, don’t drink more than one tablespoon a day, as too much of a good thing is still, too much!

Dr. Esther 

The above recipe is courtesy of James Ward, author of the book: "The Cruise Control Diet."

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Vegetable that Flattens the Belly

Good bacteria love fiber. However, all fiber is not created equal. Gut microbes prefer a specific type of bacteria called, “fructans.” These particular microbes are found in white onions, raw white onions. There is hope. Another great tasting vegetable offers a much higher concentration of fructans than onions without the bad’s The Jerusalem Artichoke! Just one contains 47 grams of fructans.
Remember,  I wrote about another onion family member that is also good for feeding the good bacteria in a previous blog...Eat This in Your Salad for Fat Loss.

Dr. Esther

Monday, May 22, 2017

Eating This Fat will Help decrease gut Fat

Fish Oils. A recent study published in the journal, Lipid Technology, indicates that fish fats help your healthy gut bacteria to multiply, crowding out the bad bacteria that cause weight gain.

Eating fish high in fat and low in mercury, like smoked mackerel or wild caught salmon, to promote a healthy gut environment.

If eating fish isn't appealing to you, please buy a high quality, mercury-free fish oil and take at least two a day.  I recommend Standard Process cod liver oil.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What to Eat if You’re Craving a Snack before Dinner

A Granny Smith apple. It’s a great source of fiber, has a low GI and is a superfood for good gut bacteria. You will have fewer cravings, better digestion, less bloating and a flatter stomach if you snack with these.

Just please make certain that the apple is organic as you need to eat the skin...that's where all the good bugs live.  If you eat the skin of a conventionally grown apple (or any fruit), you will be eating pesticide residue.  That kills the good bugs on the apple skin and in your gut.

Dr. Esther 

Monday, May 15, 2017

Eat This in Your Salad for Fat Loss

We hear a lot about the importance of probiotics for the gut, but there is something else equally important, prebiotic fiber. Prebiotic fiber is a super-food for your good gut bacteria. Without it, your gut won’t be able to sustain good bacteria growth.

The vegetable that takes fat loss to a new level is: raw leeks. These taste like onions, but are sweeter. If you don’t like the taste of onion, try just a little to see how you like them and then you can increase the amount, gradually.

Adding prebiotic fiber plus probiotic foods (fermented) to the diet will, over time, make a huge difference not only in fat loss, but in your energy levels and your mood.

Eating organic leeks, raw vegies (red, green leaf or spring lettuces, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, cruciferous vegies) and fermented foods gives you a synbiotics diet...a combination of pre- and probiotics. The foods our bodies really want and need for true balance, well-being and health.

You can read more about the importance of a balanced synbiotics diet in the book or pdf. : The Cruise Control Diet by James Wood.

Dr. Esther

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Eating to Increase the "B" Gut Bacteria

In my last post, we discussed the differences in good (B) vs. bad (F)  bacteria.  This is what you need to do to ensure the growth of the good bugs in your gut and its continuing health.

Stop eating simple carbohydrates
Stop drinking all soda
Stop using artificial sweeteners
Stop eating conventionally grown food
Stop using anti-bacterial products and/or medications...unless you're truly ill with a diagnosed bacterial infection

Start eating organically or locally grown food
Start eating freshly fermented foods (no canned or pasteurized)
Start eating pre-biotic foods
Start eating foods high in probiotics

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Just Eat Less and Exercise and You’ll Lose Weight"

How often have the “experts” preached that to those  who have been yo-yo dieting their whole lives? People say that and people end up feeling as though they’re losers or just don’t have enough will-power, or worse, have been convinced that they’re simply addicted to food.

Well, guess what? None of the above is an absolute. Those physicians who have bothered to take the time to read their own research will never say those things to you. Instead, they’ll tell you the truth:

You can diet and count calories (or, points) till the cows come home, but if you’re missing one thing, you’ll never be able to lose your belly fat, let alone sustain any fat loss. Why? Because you have to generate the right kind of bacteria in your gut in order to lose fat and keep it off.

When you eat, the bacteria in your colon digests the food. There are, literally hundreds of different kinds of gut bacteria, but for ease of understanding, we’ll divide them into two major categories: Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes. I’ll desginate them B and F.

If you have excessive amounts of F in your gut, no matter how many calories you cut from your diet, you’re going to gain weight over time. F bacteria thrive on simple carbohydrates, you know, all the sugary stuff that most of us eat all the time. Including, pasta, rice, grains, white sugar, white flour, dried fruits and fruit juices as well as soda and so forth. The F bacteria turn those calories into fat that ends up in the buttocks, hips, thighs and abdomen. The B bacteria don’t absorb the simple carbs and pass them out of the body, unused.

The solution is to stop focusing on calories and focus on growing the B bacteria and ridding the body of the excessive F. 

If you want to know how to do that, successfully, you might want to read my next blog.

Dr. Esther 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Blueberries...a Wonderful Source of..


Yes, blueberries are not only high in anti-oxidants, they are a
terrific source of good bacteria. We know that research has proven that the right germs/bacteria/microbes/probiotics in the correct amount can help take us from fat, sick and bloated to lean, fit and healthy.

It’s best to eat organically grown blueberries (and, all fruit and veggies, actually) because they’re safe to eat lightly rinsed. Conventionally grown produce unfortunately carries pesticides and herbicides that can’t be totally eliminated by washing. And, when you try washing away the chemicals, you also wash away the good bacteria. Lightly rinsing organic fruit ensures the naturally-occurring probiotics remain without the worry of ingesting any harmful chemical residue.

If you’re looking for a healthy, tasty treat that can help eliminate unwanted body fat, look no farther. Don’t be afraid to eat them by the handful...anti-oxidant, probiotic and fiber all in one fruit, what could be better? 

Dr. Esther 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Question From a Reader About Fascia

I had a question about a product called the, "Fascia Blaster."  The reader said that she wasn't aware that, "...fascia was even a thing."  Since fascia is one of the  most important methods of nerve information transmission in the body, I thought it was important to talk about.

This particular device is advertised to get rid of cellulite, trigger points, muscle aches and help to realign the vertebrae.  I can tell you that devices claiming to do these have been around for decades. If they worked....well, you finish the sentence.

However, fascia is extremely important.  It is the tissue that surrounds all our muscles that gives them shape, helps their function and is the method of nerve information transmission from the lower motor neurons...the nerves that serve our musculoskeletal system.  It is highly sensitive to hormonal imbalances, muscular trauma and inflammation.

You've heard of fibromyalgia and fasciaitis.  Those conditions occur when imbalances in the body (especially inflammation of the gut) send incorrect signals to the muscles.  We can tell when someone has an inflammatory diet because the fascia surrounding the thighs become inflamed and painful.  If not addressed, this condition continues to affect the fascia of other muscles.  Thus, fibromyalgia becomes chronic.  If you have this condition and expect medication to fix the problem, I'm afraid you might not be satisfied with the result.

The function of your fascia is a direct result of the health of your microbiota.  Please read my blog postings of the past few weeks to understand this relationship.

Dr. Esther

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Do You Suffer With Heartburn? Be Careful!

Many people deal with heartburn, occasionally. It’s considered no big deal and they reach for the antacid. If advertising is any indication, those drugs are used by millions and counting. The problem is, it is a very big deal.

Heartburn is caused by the bacterium, H. pylori, as well as insufficient hydrochloric acid content in the stomach, not excessive acid as the ads indicate. Antacids kill the good bacteria, allowing for H. pylori overgrowth. The result? Bad bug overgrowth= fat deposits around our middle. Lowered stomach acid (higher pH) prohibits our body from utilizing calcium which eventually leads to osteoporosis and osteopenia. So, you get fatter with each passing year and you end up with brittle bones.

A 2-year randomized trial study was conducted in which the subjects were divided into two groups. One was given lifestyle advice to treat their heartburn and the other was given antacids. The result? 70% of the antacids group gained an average of 8 pounds. The other group’s weight remained the same.

Imagine. Gaining all that weight just from taking antacids! It’s difficult enough to maintain, let alone lose, weight as one ages without having a medication sabotage all your efforts.

Heartburn is painful and may eventually lead to erosion of the esophagus or worse, cancer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a safe and effective treatment for heartburn? There is. And, it centers around a change in diet and an effective probiotic. You’ve tried changing your diet and it hasn’t helped? I am fairly certain you haven’t tried the particular diet I’m talking about, nor the probiotic I recommend.

Dr. Esther

Monday, May 1, 2017

You Can Eat Pasta if You do This....

Research shows that:

Cooked and cooled pasta and potatoes, either eaten cold or re-heated, forms resistant starch. This type of starch results in a 50% decrease in carbohydrate and calorie content because the body doesn’t digest and assimilate this type of starch. Additionally, this resistant starch is a food source for good gut microbes and decreases yeast and toxin formation in the gut.

Even if you eat GF pasta, it will hold up just fine with the cooking and cooling and then reheating cycle.

Just remember, if you're eating white potatoes or pasta, you still need to be careful not to eat too's still simple carbohydrates!

Dr. Esther