Friday, April 5, 2013

What kind of Vitamins Should I Buy?

One of our patients asked me this question, today.  I do have a more in-depth answer on my website, but I thought I'd post part of my answer to her on my blog.

As far as nutrient absorption goes, I look to whether the body is utilizing, not absorbing, a nutrient to determine the parameters of necessity.  We all can and do absorb heavy metals like mercury or lead, for instance.  The determining factor as to whether or not we can utilize a nutrient is the health of our gut,  as the majority of nutrients are absorbed by the small intestines.  If there is an inflammatory process present in any portion of the gut, we not only cannot absorb and utilize nutrients, we will be prone to allergies and gut diseases as a result.

My first approach with patients who are interested in taking supplements, is to give them a complete pro-biotic to restore the health of the entire gut--both small and large intestines.  There are 14 naturally occurring bacteria within the gut and products like yogurt or commercially made pro-biotics are insufficient to meet the needs of reestablishing the normal intestinal flora.  Unless that is done, no amount of supplements, of any kind, will be able to be utilized by the body.  That is why we only carry Innate products; they are whole food, organic, contain all the phytonutrients specific to those supplements and are completely utilized by the body, including their pro-biotics.


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