Monday, April 8, 2013

Depression and Inflammation

I read the following written by a naturopathic doctor:

"The most exciting research in depression now is finding that the immune system is central to nervous system function. And until the inflammatory process that is disrupting neurotransmission is stemmed, depressive patients are swimming against a strong tide. Unfortunately, clinical approaches to depression rarely consider this critical component."

For those of you who read my series on "stress," you'll be able to understand just how and why this is true.  What's so interesting to me is that many of us alternative healthcare providers have known about this vital link between the immune system (mitigated by the adrenals) and the nervous system for quite some time. The adrenals are compromised under stress and systemic inflammation occurs because naturally-occurring steroid hormone production  is compromised. The resulting inflammatory process interferes with neurotransmitter production, a necessity for normal brain function.  This is why many people find little help for their depression from anti-depressive medication; the emphasis is centered upon treating the symptoms and not the cause.

Perhaps, this information may be of interest to any of those you know who are struggling with depression.


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