I don't know the MD's name, but one has written a diet book entitled, "The Caveman Diet." Really. We should all eat the way the Neanderthals ate: raw vegetables and grains and red meat. Does anyone else see the pitfalls, here? The vegetables and fruits are super, but I wouldn't recommend raw vegetables (except juiced, and, we have learned, kale) to many modern people because of the intestinal inflammation that many people have, most without knowing it. But, the most ridiculous part of this diet recommendation is the eating of red meat because ancient man ate red meat.
All animals thousands of years ago were wild and never subjected to the ravages that mass production causes, both upon the animals and us. It is true that wild animal muscle contains high amounts of fatty acids that are protective to our cardiovascular system....farm raised animals do not. Those of you who have been my patient know that I only recommend eating wild caught salmon for this very reason. Farm raised salmon contain very little of the omega fatty acids that their wild counterparts contain and, as such, should not be eaten with the expectation of those health benefits. What was the average life expectancy of ancient man? If you were lucky, about 30-35 years. Death by wild animal, savage environment or disease took these people well before atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke had the time to develop.
If you'd like to read, what I consider to be, the definitive book about diet and health, that would be: Health at Every Size, by Linda Bacon, PhD. This is a remarkable book, written by a renowned scientist, containing over 400 references substantiating her research and conclusions.
In my opinion, the caveman and his diet need to be allowed to, "rest in peace," not emulated.
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