My guess is that if you were to opine about this topic, you would probably think that fat loss is important because of the heart disease, cancer and diabetes that the marketing machine has convinced us that are directly related. In reality, these disease states are the effect, not the cause, of why fat loss is so important.
I know this sounds a bit confusing, so let me explain. Directly related to our fat deposits and metabolic rate is the health of our gut, and, specifically, the health of our large intestine. Over a trillion healthy bacteria should be living in our intestine. I say, "should," because the state of the health of Americans proves this is not the case. Healthy bacteria = Healthy body, period.
Every ad that you see trying to convince you that pharmaceuticals are the panacea to every health problem belies the reality that we really are a nation of the walking sick. In fact, a future topic will expose the fact that one of the most often-prescribed drugs actually is the cause of diabetes and auto-immune disease for many people!
At the foundation of diabetes, auto-immune diseases, depression and obesity is dysbiosis, aka, overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut. That is why this topic is so important. It's not about overweight or over-fat, it's about quality and quantity of life!
I have written a number of blogs directly related to this topic. Before we get into the specifics about fat loss, the latest information concerning good vs. bad bacteria will be our next topic.
Dr. Esther
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