Monday, April 24, 2017

Bad News for Artificial Sweetener Users...They'll Make you Fat

What if you were counting on certain foods to aid your fat loss and they were actually making you fat? Would you stop eating them?

According to numerous studies, the latest one recently published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, people who eat foods containing aspartame had higher blood sugar values than those who eat regular white sugar!

Higher blood sugar= increased insulin release from the pancreas= more fat depositing in the belly!!

These artificial sweeteners are added to all types of foods, including those labeled as “health foods.” They are like kryptonite for healthy bacteria in the gut. They, literally, wipe out all the good kinds, allowing the overgrowth of bad bacteria...the kind that make us fat and keep us that way. These artificial sweeteners also cause us to crave more fat-producing foods, i.e. simple carbohydrates.

My advice, forget ALL artificial sweeteners and, if you must have something sweet, eat the real thing...sugar, but make it coconut sugar. Of course, coconut sugar is a wonderful sweetener with a glycemic index of only 35. It has been shown to have no significant impact on blood sugar values and can be used, in moderation, by diabetics.

Be sure to read the labels of any pre-packaged foods you buy...they are usually loaded with salt, bad sugars and artificial sweeteners to make up for the reduced fat content. The good fats are our friends. Artificial sweeteners are our enemies.

Dr. Esther

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