Let's face it, women spend billions of dollars every year on cosmetics and other products to look their best. What many of us don't realize is that our face reveals much about how our body is actually functioning, no matter how much make-up or skin care product we use. Let's look at some of the ore important indicators.
The face warns of upcoming issues, sometimes years in advance of their arrival. This is a good thing if one knows what these indicators mean.
Coloring of the face is a very important harbinger of things to come. Most people know about yellow skin and its connection to jaundice. However, excessive sweets and sugar can also cause orange or yellow skin. Pale or white, transparent cheeks show a weakness in the endocrine system, stomach, lungs, inactive liver or anemia. Red blotches or blood vessels showing through at the temples or cheeks may indicate weakness in the cardiovascular system.
Deep facial lines are indicators of various organ dysfunction, according to their location. Any of you watching "Blue Bloods," can see this example in the face of one of the actors. And, no, those lines aren't there just because of age.
Acne is often thought to be a normal part of adolescence. While it's typical, it's definitely not normal. Acne is merely a symptom of toxicity in the bowel, causing excessive impurities in the blood as well as a particular vitamin deficiency that is accentuated by the rapid growth and hormonal changes due to adolescence.
Black moles between the nose and lips are markers for high levels of acid and toxins in the body. If those moles become darker, this indicates a possible risk for a specific serious disease.
These are only some of the things we can tell about a person through visual inspection. The chin, ears, eyes and lips all can tell stories of their own.
Dr. Esther
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