The most important and richest source of visual diagnostic information is the tongue. Entire books have been written about it.
The surface of the tongue is divided into areas that correspond to the organs. Changes to a specific area indicates the presence of diabetes. Heart, lungs, stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, urinary bladder and large intestine health can all be evaluated from changes to the corresponding areas.
The colors of the tongue body and coating also contribute to the clinical picture. Excessive redness, paleness, purple and blue-tinged colorations are all significant indicators to their corresponding organs.
Other indicators such as consistency and shape, puffiness, teeth marks along the edges, coating colors and abnormal movements of the tongue all give the informed clinician volumes of information about the health of the body.
One interesting thing to look for in people is the licking of the lips. Notice that many times when someone has engaged in strenuous exercise, they repeatedly run their tongue over their lips. What does that mean? They are dehydrated.
What's so important about reading the tongue is that the changes can be taking place before the onset of actual dysfunction, allowing for a correction and return of balance to the body.
Dr. Esther
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