The function of the parasympathetic part of the ANS is the opposite of the sympathetic. This branch is responsible for repair, restoration, relaxation and body maintenance. It supports the digestive system by stimulating the secretion of saliva and digestive enzymes. This enables food to easily travel through the entire digestive system, allowing for regular and strong smooth muscle contraction in the intestines (i.e. regular and comfortable bowel movements), and for the proper function of all sphincters (small specialized muscles).
When the neurological input is working well, beneficial bacteria are able to grow and are supported by a balanced intestinal environment. Immune tissues in the digestive tract protect it from infection and inflammation. This is why we say that 70-80% of the immune system is in the digestive tract. If the body is in a constant state of sympathetic dominance, it's pretty easy to see why the immune system isn't working well and why the entire digestive tract is in a state of chaos.
The enteric branch of the ANS will be the next blog topic. I realize that all of this neurology might be dry to some, but, trust me, when we get finished you'll never wonder why dropping unwanted weight is so difficult, again.
Dr. Esther
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