Do any of the following symptoms look familiar?
Cravings for carbs or sugar A shaky feeling between meals
Low Energy Fitful sleep
Moodiness Irritability when hungry
These are all symptoms of an imbalanced blood sugar metabolism as well as a malfunctioning stress response system. Remember, these are the major causes of a person's inability to lose weight, feel energized and be ready to take on the world, everyday.
Standard Process has developed a highly effective 10-Day Blood Sugar Support Program that can help people develop beneficial eating habits and support a healthy blood sugar metabolism.*
Additionally, they have developed a wonderful recipe book that offers hundreds of recipes that support a continued healthy eating lifestyle once the 10-Day program is completed. I'll include one of the recipes in my next blog.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease.
Dr. Esther
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