"Today, almost one in five children in school is on drugs for brain and emotional problems: ADD, ADHD, tics." What happens to these children as they become adults? According to statistics, 66% become adult ADD sufferers as well as a considerable number suffer from anxiety, depression and other brain dysfunctions. Additionally, more children are presenting with tic symptoms such as eye rolling, stiffness/rigidity of muscles affecting normal movement, fitful sleep, nervousness/anxiety, eating only a couple of different foods and poor social skills to their pediatricians. Often, these children are diagnosed with "inherited neuropsychiatric" dysfunction or disease.
Please, before starting children on a course of medication therapy, at least consider functional nutritional therapy, first. Many times, children (and adults) presenting with any combination of the above symptoms are truly nutritionally starved.
Dr. Bruce West, founder of Health Alert/Immune Systems, Inc., reported about a case in which a young boy presented with all of the above-mentioned tic symptoms after having seen a neurologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, another chiropractor, naturopath, acupuncturist and the family physician. All the diagnoses were alike (Tourette's Syndrome) as were all the treatments and all were useless.
This is an excellent example of how all nutritional supplements are NOT equal as well as not all nutritional approaches are equal. There is symptomatic supplement therapy and there is, what I call, functional nutritional therapy which targets specific formulations designed to return the body to normalized function.
Once this child was introduced to functional nutritional therapy: the correct calcium formulation, as well as a food-based targeted mind-relaxing form of vitamin B complex, multiple organic minerals to feed the brain and purified water, within a year, he was "normal" and was rapidly becoming a good student in school.
In reality, the diagnosis was correct, he did present with neuropsychiatric problems....malfunctioning of his brain and nervous system. However, in this case, all his symptoms were caused by dietary and nutritional deficiencies and dehydration!
If anyone you know suffers from tics, Tourette's, muscle spasms, ADD, ADHD, insomnia, bizarre dietary compulsions and/or anti-social behavior, please make certain that this person at least fulfills the nutritional requirements before starting a life-long regime of medication. Many times, medications can be of help, but they may not offer the whole answer to someone's suffering.
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