Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Yummy Recipe for Body Purification

Most alternative wellness therapy doctors believe in the importance of a gentle and thorough purification program.  Below, find a simple purification-friendly shake that is full of carotenoids, fiber, potassium and Vit. A.

1/2 cup of coconut milk
1/4 cup of water
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup canned pumpkin

2 rounded scoops SP Complete
2 rounded scoops WheyPro Complete (or another organic protein)

Blend until smooth...if you'd like it to be thicker, use ice cubes instead of plain water

Standard Process offers a 186 page detailed recipe and instruction book for those wishing to go through their 21-Day Purification Program. 

You might recognize the name, "Keri Walsh Jennings."  For those who love the summer Olympics, you might remember that she is a three-time gold medalist.  This is what she says about the program:

"I love how I feel every time after I do the 21-Day purification program from Standard Process.  The program jump-starts my drive to keep making healthy choices because feeling fit, healthy and mindful makes all the difference."


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tics, ADHD, Emotional Problems? Try This for Adults & Children

"Today, almost one in five children in school is on drugs for brain and emotional problems:  ADD, ADHD, tics."  What happens to these children as they become adults?  According to statistics, 66% become adult ADD sufferers as well as a considerable number suffer from anxiety, depression and other brain dysfunctions. Additionally, more children are presenting with tic symptoms such as eye rolling, stiffness/rigidity of muscles affecting normal movement, fitful sleep, nervousness/anxiety, eating only a couple of different foods and poor social skills to their pediatricians.  Often, these children are diagnosed with "inherited neuropsychiatric" dysfunction or disease.

Please, before starting children on a course of medication therapy, at least consider functional nutritional therapy, first.  Many times, children (and adults) presenting with any combination of the above symptoms are truly nutritionally starved.

Dr. Bruce West, founder of Health Alert/Immune Systems, Inc., reported about a case in which a young boy presented with all of the above-mentioned tic symptoms after having seen a neurologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, another chiropractor, naturopath, acupuncturist and the family physician.  All the diagnoses were alike (Tourette's Syndrome) as were all the treatments and all were useless.

This is an excellent example of how all nutritional supplements are NOT equal as well as not all nutritional approaches are equal.  There is symptomatic supplement therapy and there is, what I call, functional nutritional therapy which targets specific formulations designed to return the body to normalized function.

Once this child was introduced to functional nutritional therapy:  the correct calcium formulation, as well as a food-based targeted mind-relaxing form of vitamin B complex, multiple organic minerals to feed the brain and purified water, within a year, he was "normal" and was rapidly becoming a good student in school.

In reality, the diagnosis was correct, he did present with neuropsychiatric problems....malfunctioning of his brain and nervous system.  However, in this case, all his symptoms were caused by dietary and nutritional deficiencies and dehydration!

If anyone you know suffers from tics, Tourette's, muscle spasms, ADD, ADHD, insomnia, bizarre dietary compulsions and/or anti-social behavior, please make certain that this person at least fulfills the nutritional requirements before starting a life-long regime of medication.  Many times, medications can be of help, but they may not offer the whole answer to someone's suffering.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Glycemic Index of Food

I had a question about the GI of Pamela's Baking mix the other day.  There is no requirement by the FDA for any food manufacturer to list the GI of its products.
However, you only need to search for "GI of food" in order to obtain the sugar index of a particular food.

In this case, remember that flour, whether or not it contains gluten, has a very high GI...ranging from about 60 -80 GI. Flour comes under the "white trash" food category and should be used, sparingly, especially by anyone with type 2 diabetes.  The GI of bread, like white sugar, is 100.

Dr. Hersh

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Antioxidant Supplements: Helpful or Toxic?

Most everyone has heard of antioxidants and how important they are to our health.  What most don't know is that the public has been sold a bill of goods, similar to the goods that they have been sold about saturated fats (see Jan 14 blog).

The public has been told that oxygen is destroying their bodies--the free radicals of oxygen is causing our bodies to "rust, bloom with tumors and burn up."  The only hope was to take synthetic antioxidants...they would "mop up free radials," were "anti-cancer, anti-heart disease and anti-arthritis."  The problem is, it's simply not true.

The truth is that Americans appear to be starving for oxygen at every level.  As for the free radicals that are causing aging, sickness and death, without them we would all actually die...and, quickly!

Free radicals, also known as protective prooxidants, are critical to our good health.  They are involved in all our detoxification pathways--the method our body eliminates and destroys toxins and other nasty stuff.  They play a key role in our immune strength and are anti-tumor and anti-cancer.  They protect us from infections and are involved in the healing of all wound.  Without protective prooxidants, we would quickly become lethargic, extremely tired and then totally exhausted.  Finally, prooxidants are key to cellular signaling...this is the way our body's cells communicate with one another.

All that is necessary in order to obtain the necessary antioxidants is to eat whole, fresh, organic and raw foods and use whole-food supplements, which naturally contain real antioxidants.  Dispose of any super potent, crystalline pure, chemical, synthetic or isolated antioxidants.

Professor Randolph M. Howes, MD has written a book about this subject, titled: "Antioxidants Linked to Deadly Unintended Consequences."  How often do we deal with  the "unintended consequences" of well-meaning but woefully inept medical nutritional information?


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Great Heart Secret

In a previous blog, I wrote that the heart is the most responsive organ in our body to proper nutritional therapy...whether or not any imbalances currently exist.  The key word is proper nutritional therapy.  Improper nutritional therapy comprises all the "latest/glitzy" heart products and high-potency vitamins bieng pushed by marketers, today.  What then, is proper nutritional therapy?

It would be necessary to consume the following on a daily basis in order to offer proper nutritional therapy to the heart:  gallons of raw wheat germ and its oxygen sparing phospholipids, heart extract, tillandsia, liver and adrenal extract, calcium lactate (from fermented vegetables, NOT milk), nutritional yeast, allantoin, bran, carrot root, lecithin, yam, vitamin F, kelp, alfalfa, a high vitamin-B nutritional yeast and much more.  If you have plaque in your arteries (most do over the age of 40), you would also need to consume vitamin K2 from butter oil as well as vitamins A and D from cod liver oil.  If you had problems with your blood sugar that was affecting your heart, you would also need high chromium yeast, buckwheat leaf juice and pancreas extract.

All these raw ingredients would need to be grown organically, processed without heat or chemicals, tested for safety and effectiveness, processed into supplements that, upon final analysis, maintained all their active phytochemicals and mixed in the right combinations to affect the type of change necessary for the various forms of heart problems.

Fortunately, the company that I work with (which has been in business for almost a century) offers food-based formulations that contain all the necessary bio-active nutrients that supply the proper nutritional therapy for healing an imbalanced cardiovascular system. 


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Allergy Season is Almost Here!

The good news is that winter is almost over.  The bad news is that as a result of a very hard and snowy winter, allergists predict this Spring will be especially difficult for pollen-induced symptom sufferers.

What are some of the things that can help alleviate the nasty symptoms?

1.  Buying a room (or whole house) filtration system that contains a HEPA filter and, make certain to clean it, frequently.

2.  If you have a basement that is unfinished, attempt to keep the humidity down below 50%, as anything higher than that encourages mold and mildew growth.  You can buy a hygrometer to test humidity levels.

3.  Wash your hair after you come home from work or being outside all day.  Going to bed with freshly washed hair gets rid of the day's accumulated irritants and pollen...the same thing goes for the timing of your shower or bath.

4.  Understand that a balanced gastrointestinal tract is vital for a healthy immune system.  Inflammatory changes in the gut can be responsible for many of the allergies/adverse reactions from which people suffer.  It's important to be taking the correct formulations that will help re-balance the immune system, including the gut, adrenals, spleen and thymus. 

It's very likely that if allergy sufferers follow the above guidelines, they'll be able to enjoy all the lovely flowers and flowering trees this year.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Remodeling? Beware of this Product!

Last night, 60 Minutes reported on the dangers of laminate flooring sold by Lumber Liquidators.  The reason....out-gassing of formaldehyde (a neuro-toxin).

Back when the Congress was still able to get a few significant bills passed in 2010, a bill was signed into law adopting the very strict state of California standard for formaldehyde emissions from building products .... accepted as a national standard and effective as of 2015.  Those standards are labeled as, "CARB-2" on all shipping boxes.

Any laminate flooring that does not carry that endorsement cannot be sold, this year. However, it appears that Lumber Liquidators, which has all its flooring made in China, is in non-compliance with the present law.  The president of the company was interviewed by Anderson Cooper.  He made a number of excuses and dodges when it came to answering some pointed questions concerning the actions of his company.  It will be interesting to see what happens going forward.

Formaldehyde is a chemical that is used in the glue and laminate products and a certain level is allowable by the federal government.  The amount of this chemical found in the laminate flooring products in question was so high that the company doing the analysis thought that its equipment was broken, at first; it wasn't.  This chemical can out-gas for the life of the laminate...just like it can in vinyl wallpaper and numerous other products.  It is a toxin to our nervous systems.

When we were dissecting cadavers that were preserved in formaldehyde in chiropractic school, those who didn't wear gloves noted a numbness developing in their fingers...they quickly changed their tune about how "harmless" the chemical was. 

Formaldehyde is much more dangerous for young children than adults because of the immaturity of children's nervous systems.  However, exposure over a long period of time can lead to immune system compromise, liver problems and brain dysfunction symptomatology in both children and adults:  foggy thinking, memory problems, cognition difficulties, behavioral problems and many more.