Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One-third of our Population Take this Medication

If you are in your sixth decade, the chances that you are taking statins for high cholesterol levels is one in three.  The possible side effects are, in my opinion, significant:  muscle pain or severe damage, liver damage, digestive problems, skin rashes, and, my favorite, an increase in your blood sugar levels and a worsening of your type 2 diabetes.

It really is important to have a dialogue with your medical doctor when considering being put on statin drugs.  Is this based on your total cholesterol levels (which is not indicative of the need for medication) or your LDL levels, your VLDL levels and your HDL-2 levels?  Is medication the first thing your doctor suggests?  Is this the first time you have had your cholesterol levels checked or is your high reading based on a "normal" reading baseline that was taken in the past?  What are your other, non-medication, choices?

Did you know that high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar levels and gut imbalances are inter-related?  You may be able to avoid medications with the proper nutriceutical formulations, dietary and lifestyle changes and avoid the side effects that "forever usage" of a medication frequently cause. A physiological/nutritional work-up, like the one that we offer, can help to identify and correct the areas of dysfunction that are causing these imbalances.

The choice is fairly simple:  rely on a medication to "correct" high cholesterol levels (which, over time, becomes less effective) or try to nutritionally support the body to be able to heal itself.

Many of us complain about the high cost of health care...I think what we're really complaining about is the high cost of sickness care.  If we want to see that changed, we have the choice to try the nutrirional route to health care.


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