Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Foods We are Most Allergic To

The American Association of Pediatrics has complied a list of foods to which we are most allergic.  In past blogs, I have detailed the difference between true allergies and adverse reactions to foods.

The eight foods are:

tree nuts (ex. pine nuts)                wheat
peanuts                                          dairy
corn                                               eggs
soy                                                 shellfish

I believe the problem with the wheat is gluten, the dairy is the size of the protein, with shellfish, the iodine and with eggs...maybe the years of added hormones.   I have seen the greatest negative reactions to nuts, eggs, soy and shellfish.  Typically, people usually have adverse reactions to corn, wheat and dairy, although there are many who are allergic to these foods.

To see how much of an adverse reaction to foods you have, if you know you don't have actual allergies to the foods, remove the food from your diet, one at a time, for 3 weeks.  Then, reintroduce the food into your diet.  If you adversely react, as in headaches, stomach symptoms and the like, this is a food to cut out of your diet. 

Coffee, sugar and beef also can typically cause your body to react adversely.  When trying to cut out sugar or coffee, expect withdrawal symptoms for about 3 days time.  Then, it should get progressively better.


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