Surgery, of any kind, is very hard on the body. Minor surgery with a local anesthetic is the easiest for the body to recovery from, biochemically. General anesthesia can cause side effects for up to a year, including problems with cognition, muscle strength, the GI system and the immune system, not to mention problems associated with the surgery, itself, especially if it involves the musculoskeletal system.
Joint surgery is especially hard on the body. Joint injury always involves other areas of the body. For example, torn ACLs. All the supporting tissue surrounding the involved knee (or any other injured joint) as well as the low back and opposite knee are all involved. Repairing the ACL is only the first step. I'm sure many of you know someone who has had knee's usually a long road back to full recovery, if that even happens.
Age really doesn't matter more than the speed with which someone recovers from surgery. The person still will have problems with leg and low back pain if those areas aren't balanced. Whether it be young athletes or middle-aged women and men (insurance usually won't pay for older adults with this problem), we have seen orthopedic massage therapy help speed people into recovery very quickly in comparison to those I know personally who have not had such therapy. The difference is quite remarkable. And, those who have taken the proper formulations along with the therapy have been quite amazed at their speed and quality of recovery.
Dr. Thomas
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