Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Misdiagnosed 80% of the Time!

What condition could possibly be misdiagnosed 80% of the time??  Celiac Disease.  That's correct: the vast majority of doctors don't even think to test for the presence of this debilitating condition.

One possible reason for this is that Celiac presents with so many different symptoms--from gas, bloating and belly pain to generalized significant joint pain, rashes, headaches, insomnia and depression.

I've written extensively about how important healthy microbiota are to the health of the immune system.  Celiac disease involves the destruction of these bacteria that can then lead to other auto-immune diseases.

One sure-fire way to see how your body reacts to gluten in wheat, rye and barley is to cut out all foods containing these grains for at least 10 days. Keep a journal to see how many of your symptoms have abated.  You may be surprised at the results.

Many in the various media, perhaps parroting the medical profession, refer to the gluten-free diet as a "fad."  I don't know what purpose that has served except to discourage people from cutting these grains from their diet to see if that's effective in alleviating their symptoms.

Gluten, in my opinion, is not our friend; it usually causes inflammation of the gut and that's never a good thing.  We have so many wonderful GF products at our disposal, today.  And, that's always a good thing.

Dr. Esther

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