Thursday, November 5, 2015

Be Cautious When Allowing your Children to Use Cell Phones

Earlier this year 190 independent scientists representing 39 countries (including the United States) appealed to global health organization to strengthen cellphone guidelines and ensure the public be "fully informed about the potential health risks from electromagnetic energy." These scientists, who have collectively authored more than 2,000 papers on the topic, add to a growing number of prominent experts and government agencies around the world who are holding up a caution sign for consumers — particularly when it comes to kids.

"Children are not little adults," Dr. Gisela Mercada-Deane, chair of radiology at the American Academy of Pediatrics, said. "The amount of radio frequency that children will be exposed by the time they are our age [an adult] is exponential to the amount of radiation, radio frequencies that we ourselves are being exposed to in a lifetime."

Here is a reprint of a blog I wrote a couple of years ago on this very topic:

In 2007, the Bioinitiative Working Group released a 650-page report citing more than 2,000 studies detailing the toxic effects of emf's from all sources. Chronic exposure to low-level radiation (like cell phones, wi-fi, blue tooth, I-Pods, computers, etc.) can cause a variety of cancers, impair immunity and contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia, heart disease and other ailments.

Additionally, every single study of brain tumors that looks at 10 or more years of use shows an increased risk of brain cancer. Australia reports an increase in pediatric brain cancers of 21% (children's brains are many times more susceptible to the damages of emfr than adults) in just ONE decade. Studies across Europe and the UK show an increase in brain cancers of 40% in the last twenty years.

Brain cancer has now surpassed leukemia as the number one cancer killer of children. The BioInitiative Report also includes studies showing evidence for exposure to emfr brain tumors, acoustic neuromas (tumors on the auditory nerve which damages hearing) and childhood cancers like leukemia.

A review of 11 long-term epidemiological studies published in the Journal of Surgical Neurology two years ago revealed that using a cell phone for 10 or more years approximately doubles the risk of being diagnosed with a brain tumor on the same side of the head where the cell phone is typically held. 
My next blog will go into more detail about the dangers of electromagnetic field radiation than the above-quoted article.
Dr. Esther 

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