The answer to the question concerning why we are more susceptible to
viruses and bacterial infections in the Fall is a five letter word:
We consume 160-180 pounds of refined added sugar per person each year in
this country. What happens on the 31st of October? Exactly.
Halloween is the number one candy consuming holiday of the year. Our
children and we already are consuming pounds of "white trash" (any
refined, simple carbohydrate, including white food and flour products
and prepared foods ) every year; now, add to it a night or week of
refined sugar gluttony and you have yourself a recipe for a seriously
weakened immune system--including the adrenals and GI tract.
"The consumption of sugar and other relatively pure carbohydrates has
become so great during recent years that it presents a serious obstacle
to the improved nutrition of the general public."
Any guesses as to the source of that quote? Believe it or not, it was published by the American Medical Association in....1942!
Even small amounts of refined sugar represses the normal functioning of
our adrenals...that means that the production of T-cell lymphocytes
ceases for a time, leaving us susceptible to whatever microbes may be
lurking. Sugar also destroys a significant amount of our "good" intestinal flora, which mitigates about 70% of our immune system.
Tomorrow, I'll write about how to remain healthy during flu season (besides watching those simple carbohydrates).
Dr. Esther
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