For this installment, I thought I'd include a generalized list of
"what-I-should-eat-foods," to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer.
1. Anti-inflammatory foods
I listed these on a former blog with the same title. Generally
speaking, the foods contained within the groups listed below are
2. Non-gluten foods
Even for those who do not have IBS,IBD, Celiac, Chron's etc., it's
important that we eat as little gluten as possible. Gluten causes
inflammation of the intestines.
3. Anti-oxidants
These are foods which decrease the amount of hydroxide ions
(oxidants) in our bodies which wreak havoc at the cellular level.
Fruits, especially dark, colored fruits and dark green leafy vegetables
are your best sources. I'm not too impressed with red wine as an
anti-oxidant source because of the inflammatory affects that alcohol can
cause. If you're going to have only 2 ounces a day, then, the red wine
is fine. Dark chocolate (minimum 70% cacao content) is also a
wonderful source....just one to two ounces a day, please.
4. Omega Fatty Acids
Fatty acids are vital to every cellular function in the body. They
are particularly important for healthy brain activity. This ridiculous
idea that we should eat a low fat diet has also played havoc with our
health. There is a tremendous difference between good and bad fats, but
our marketing media have lumped them both into the same category. I
still get upset when hosts of TV shows encourage people to eat Egg
Beaters or just eat egg whites.
Your best sources of the good fats are: egg yolks, nuts (except
peanuts), seeds, hemp seeds (fantastic source), fatty fish and organic
or extra virgin oils. My favorites are: avocado, grape seed, sunflower,
coconut, walnut and olive.
Again, I would remind you to keep your diet ratio at 75% alkaline and 25% acid. Tomorrow, we'll talk about what NOT to eat.
Dr. Esther
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