Friday, July 31, 2015

Trouble Losing Weight? Calories In vs. Calories Out Isn't the Whole Story Part 1

I'm going to present a three part blog about the subject of weight regulation and weight loss/gain.  There has been a plethora of research dedicated to this subject with little, until now, new information available to us.  Part one will involve a bit of physiological explanation of the subject; part two will center on the neurological rationale for this information; and, part three will highlight the different tools we have to use to address weight loss and health.

Imagine being excited to step on the scale...maybe for the first time in your life, especially since you've tried sooo many different weight loss approaches and have had sooo many failures.  You look and feel younger than you have for years.  You are able to get back into doing activities that you thought you'd never have the energy to do, again.

This scenario isn't a fairy tale, but one that is happening for people whose doctors are addressing the way food is digested and assimilated by modifying the everyday stress response.  The link between daily stress and digestive health has been overlooked for decades.  However, without this understanding, because of the affects of our modern lifestyle, we will miss out on being able to correct, strengthen and repair an "out of sync" digestive system.

The culprit is stress:  the stress we know in the 21st century has thrown a monkey wrench into the body's balancing mechanism.  The system-wide damaging effects of mental/emotional stress are not alleviated by exercise, as are the neurological/physiological effects of physical stress by strenuous activity.  Today's stress rarely requires a physical response and surrounds us from the time we awaken until the time we retire.  This puts into play a mechanism of emotionally-related hormone releases to the detriment of our entire endocrine system....especially the digestive system. 

I'll talk about the neurology of the autonomic nervous system and how it relates to our metabolic/digestion regulation in my next blog.

Dr. Esther

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